After all, if it weren't for Xu Fei's Heavenly Star Combat Technique, which has become extremely powerful in all aspects such as strengthening, protecting and blessing himself.

Just the force from this part was enough to seriously injure Xu Fei.

But despite this, Xu Fei was also greatly affected.

The movement of mana is not so smooth.

I did some simple activities to calm down the restlessness in my body.

Xu Fei looked at War Demon.

The opponent never moved an inch from beginning to end.

So even though he said it was a normal fight before, War Demon still insisted on the restrictions he had given himself.

This left Xu Fei speechless.

It seems that his strength is not taken seriously at all.

So far, Xu Fei has mastered a total of techniques that can be counted as combat effectiveness: the Heavenly Star Combat Technique based on body-line cultivation, various spells based on legal-line cultivation, and the flying sword technique, formations, and talismans based on divine vein cultivation.

As for other magical weapons such as Wanli Yunyan, they also have certain power.

Before refining blood to slay demons, Xu Fei tried out formations and spells.

At this moment, the battle against the war demon is using the Heavenly Star method of warfare.

Even though Xu Fei didn't want to admit it, he basically couldn't defeat the war demon based on his physical skills alone.

After all, judging by the current performance of the war demon, the mana it possesses may even be as high as 200,000 pots.

Almost three times that of Xu Fei.

Xu Fei's fight with him was like a child versus an adult.

In an instant, Xu Fei abandoned all the distracting thoughts in his mind.

Take out a metal ball the size of a skull in five colors: gold, green, khaki, blue, and red.

With a turn of his left hand, the five-colored iron balls each found a direction and flew out.

After flying for almost five miles, the five-color iron ball fell to the ground, gathering inspiration and earth energy, and then urged it to Xu Fei for his use.

This is just the simplest five-color and five-spirit formation.

After Xu Fei's improvement, the speed of gathering spiritual intelligence has been greatly accelerated.

And can be used directly.

After all, there is a huge gap between his cultivation level and that of the War Demon.

You must find a way to make up for it before you can really continue fighting with the opponent.

Seeing Xu Fei setting up the formation, War Demon's eyes moved slightly.

As a great demon who has practiced for many years, he is naturally no stranger to formations.

The Demon of Desire had to watch Xu Fei's movements a few times before he realized that the four or two formations that trapped him were.

I don't quite recognize the Thousand Jin Formation among the Four Liang Formations.

But Zhan Mo just watched from a distance and directly saw the formation that Xu Fei had set up in Tianya City.

He turned around and activated his thunder method, breaking Xu Fei's four or two formations.

To free the demon of desire and sacrifice.

Therefore, it is natural to see that the current five-color and five-spirit formation is not ordinary.

But this made War Demon look forward to it even more.

Although the battle with Xu Fei, if the intensity continues to increase, the increased mana from his evil fighting skills will approach the limit of what he can currently control.

But in his excitement, how could the war demon pay so much attention to it.

Let’s have a good fight first!

After a while, Xu Fei leveled and straightened the five-color array and was able to master its use.

"Senior, please wait." Xu Fei bowed his hands and said.

The war demon grinned, showing some pale teeth.

"I hope you won't disappoint me." Zhan Mo said.

Because he was fond of fighting and had no future in cultivation, and by chance, he got a set of quite suitable magic skills, so he simply became a demon cultivator.

As time goes by, he finally becomes one of the few great achievements in this world.

Without relying on magical weapons, those who can rival him based solely on strength are no longer within a palm's reach.

As for Xu Fei getting help from the formation, War Demon didn't care.

After all, the guy in front of him was far inferior to him in cultivation. Without any assistance, he would be defeated in just a few moves.

"Probably not." Xu Fei said, activating his magic power and affecting the earth energy and spiritual intelligence gathered from the five-color array.

Then go straight to the war demon again.

When he was still half a mile away, Xu Fei suddenly punched.

A fist flew out.

This is what Xu Fei learned from the boxing style combat technique used by the war demon just now.

However, compared to Zhan Mo's dragon-shaped fist style, which has horns and tails and can borrow his true form, Xu Fei's fist style is just a white mist-like force.

Moreover, the white mist that makes up the boxing style is uneven in intensity.

It seems to fall apart at the first touch.

But when War Demon saw that Xu Fei had secretly learned his tricks, not only was he not angry, but he looked even more excited.

This guy might really give him a good fight.

However, facing Xu Fei's provocation, Zhan Mo naturally responded with a red dragon-shaped fist.

After smashing Xu Fei's white fog fist wind, he rushed towards Xu Fei.

Xu Fei was not disappointed when he saw this. He paused his forward momentum and punched with both fists.

White fog fist winds were blasted out by him.

Integrating thousands of battle techniques, Xu Fei's physical training is by no means ordinary.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to 'copy' Zhan Mo's boxing style combat skills so quickly.

It's just that compared to Zhan Mo, Xu Fei's mastery of boxing style combat skills is much worse.

It took a total of seventeen white mist fist winds to wear away the crimson fist wind of the war demon.

However, after firing seventeen white mist fist styles, Xu Fei gained a deeper understanding of the fist style combat skills.

The white mist that made up the fist style became uniform at the sight.

And there are signs of gradually becoming one.

And at that time, it was when Xu Fei truly learned this trick from Zhan Mo.

Everyone watching the battle saw that Xu Fei had learned the fighting skills of Zhan Mo.

Everyone was surprised.

The Demon of Desire looked uneasy.

This person's understanding is too strong.

Master Du Laofeng and others are also different.

Peak Master Du Lao even had a thought in his mind that Xu Fei might be able to defeat the war demon.

Although it spins up and disappears, it is no longer completely impossible after all.

Seeing that Xu Fei was not familiar with the boxing style, Zhan Mo didn't even mind giving him moves.

The punches were fired one after another, allowing Xu Fei to kill him one after another.

Be familiar with the technique of boxing style.

This made Xu Fei's heart move.

Because this is already a gift of passing on the art.

So do you want to continue fighting?

But after thinking about it, Xu Fei simply ignored everything else and just fought with the demon.

Finally, after blasting out tens of thousands of fist winds, Xu Fei's next fist blast was already integrated and emitting white light.

The reason why it is white light is because Xu Fei uses the inspiration of heaven and earth, plus the energy of earth, to combine his own magic power.

If the magic power of the golden vein is used, its brilliance will be golden.

When using earth vein mana, it will be a thick earthy yellow color.

Next, it will be easier to borrow the true form.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Fei punched out a fist that was like a white light flashing from a real dragon.

After all, Xu Fei is much better than Zhan Mo in terms of borrowing the true form.

Mastering nature is faster.

However, although Xu Fei's body cultivation is not bad, it is still far behind the fighting demon. The skills of punching style are still mixed with some magic skills.

This dragon-like fist style is not produced entirely based on body and pulse cultivation.

"Hahahaha!" War Demon laughed heartily when he discovered that Xu Fei's boxing fighting skills surpassed his own.

As for Xu Fei borrowing other skills to imitate his moves, Zhan Mo didn't care.

However, he finally stopped holding back and let out the raging fighting spirit in his heart.

Punch wildly!

"Roar~~" A red dragon-shaped fist that was more than five feet long flew out.

Although Zhan Mo's magic borrowing skills are not as good as Xu Fei's, his cultivation level is higher.

Along with the fist wind, the sound of dragon roar can be heard endlessly.

Facing the war demon's bold offensive, Xu Fei had to retreat.

Half a mile, one mile, three miles.

Finally, it stopped five miles away from the war demon, and Xu Fei was able to block the opponent's attack. (End of chapter)

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