This made Xu Fei unable to conceal his surprise.

A fist wind made him retreat several miles?

Until this moment Xu Fei had to admit that he was really no match for War Demon.

If he was just an ordinary high-gong person with 200,000 pots of mana, then Xu Fei would be able to remain undefeated even if he lost by relying on his formations and various means.

But in front of this war demon who has rich fighting experience and violent fighting methods.

Xu Fei could only admit that he couldn't beat the opponent.

Even the body veins, magical veins, flying swords, formations, talismans, and various other magical weapons are all used, and they are used with all their strength.

Xu Fei also didn't have the confidence to defeat Zhan Mo.

But the discouragement only lasted for a moment.

Xu Fei regained his spirits.

There is someone ahead who he cannot win, so he must surpass the mountain in front of him!

After eight hundred years of practice, Xu Fei's mind was no longer as easy to give up as it used to be.

Even if he is not as determined as some who are particularly determined, he will not be discouraged when encountering an opponent he cannot win.

The next moment, the war demon's full force bombardment of fist wind came in pursuit again.

Xu Fei regrouped and mobilized the inspiration gathered by the five-color array to bless himself.

He also punches like a dragon.

However, Xu Fei knew that his fist style could not defeat the war demon's offensive.

Therefore, the left fist was thrown directly without any hesitation, while the right fist was retracted and struck again.

In the blink of an eye, twenty-four dragon-shaped fists seemed to be connected head to tail.

Go straight towards the fists sent by the war demon.

In fact, there have always been many legal and spiritual practitioners who despise the vulgarity of physical cultivation.

Because the physical training makes him fight like an ordinary martial artist.

Even if the destructive power is far greater, it cannot change the situation of punches and kicks.

I just don't know if they will have such thoughts when facing the fighting spirit of the demon.

"Boom~" "Boom~~"

After sixteen loud noises in a row, Xu Fei's fist wind finally defeated the fist wind sent by the war demon.

Although the remaining fists rushed towards the war demon, they were scattered by the war demon with a wave of his hand.

Then there was another five-foot fist wind.

Although War Demon does not only have the skill of punching, it is limited by what he said before, and this kind of head-on fighting is also liked by War Demon.

That's why there has been no change.

And Xu Fei is also stubborn.

After learning the boxing style combat skills from the war demon, he directly used them to fight the war demon.

Even though it cost several times as much as the battle demon, he still had no intention of changing the way he dealt with it.

In short, the aggressive meets the stubborn.

However, as time went by, the fight between the two sides, which was exciting at the beginning, gradually became boring.

After all, although the punches are powerful and ferocious, they are no longer fresh after seeing them too many times.

But this is not a problem at all for the two people in the battle.

Whether it's fresh or old.


The war demon vented the pent-up fighting spirit in his heart.

Xu Fei worked hard to master and improve this combat technique from the punches he produced.

Even to the point of fighting demons.

Relying on the Five Colors and Five Spirits Formation, Xu Fei's current mana can be vaguely regarded as close to that of a war demon.

It only feels like 50,000 or 60,000 pots.

However, the difference in the power of the fists released by the two is more than ten times.

The distance between this undoubtedly requires Xu Fei to ponder a lot.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Fei and Zhan Mo attacked each other with thousands of punches.

Of course, it is based on the fighting style of the war demon.

After all, if you include Xu Fei's punches, there are more than 30,000 punches.


There was a soft sound in the distance.

As a five-color formation eye, the metal ball was carefully refined by Xu Fei, but the blue water ball inside collapsed due to Xu Fei's excessive stimulation.

As the water-element ball collapsed, other golden-yellow gold-element balls, green wood-element balls, earth-yellow earth-element balls, and red fire-element balls collapsed one after another.

Although the Five Colors and Five Spirits Formation can help Xu Fei gather the spiritual energy and energy of the heaven and earth, which can be regarded as almost doubling his mana, if pushed too hard, the pressure on the base of the formation will be great.

Even though Xu Fei had carefully selected and refined spiritual materials, he still couldn't help but destroy him like this.

As the Five Elements Ball collapsed.

War Demon was keenly aware of Xu Fei's sudden decrease in mana, and stopped pursuing him.

However, the remaining five-foot fists that struck Xu Fei three times in succession were enough to make him drink a pot.

After all, with the blessing of the Five Color Formation, Xu Fei had a hard time dealing with these ferocious fist styles.

Without the blessing of the Five Color Formation at this moment, it would be even more troublesome for him to resolve it.

Fortunately, Xu Fei had expected this.

Activate the magic shield to block it in front of you.


Xu Fei was knocked back more than forty miles by the first five-foot fist wind.


The second punch hit again, knocking Xu Fei back more than thirty miles again.


The third punch struck again, and Xu Fei was knocked back more than twenty miles.

However, he finally blocked the three fists of the war demon.

But Xu Fei looked at his shield with some distress.

I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort to repair it when I go back this time.

But losing is losing.

Xu Fei returned to the battlefield and bowed his hands.

"Junior admit defeat." Xu Fei said.

"Hahaha! You are good." War Demon said.

Then without any nonsense, he took the other demon cultivators and left directly.

Make sure Zhan Mo and others leave.

Only then did Xu Fei let go of his persistence, unable to maintain his flight and suddenly falling downwards.

Master Du Laofeng was surprised when he saw this and waved to catch Xu Fei.

After a brief inspection, he found out that Xu Fei had just lost his strength, and he was relieved.

After all, if Xu Fei was seriously injured because of Du's incident, he would not be able to feel at ease.

"Thank you Peak Master Du for your help. It's just that I have failed to fulfill my trust." Xu Fei said in embarrassment.

As the words fell, Xu Fei's arms couldn't help but begin to tremble.

To activate tens of thousands of fist styles, although there was a five-color array to help, the consumption on Xu Fei was extraordinary.

Even this moment turned out to be the most embarrassing time for Xu Fei after practicing.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter." Peak Master Du said.

Although Xu Fei ran to fight the demon on his own initiative, Xu Fei's performance afterwards did not fall short of the Linglong Immortal Sect's reputation.

What is particularly commendable is that Xu Fei has been practicing for less than a thousand years.

It’s hard to imagine what kind of growth it will have in the future.

Not to mention other things, Linglong Immortal Sect will collect some ‘geniuses’ every year.

He has achieved great accomplishments over the past few decades.

It’s just that these ‘geniuses’ often find it difficult to sustain themselves.

After all, cultivation in this world is not based solely on talent.

Perseverance, opportunity, luck and other conditions are equally important.

Everyone returned to Tianya City.

Rest for two days in Tianya City, waiting for Xu Fei to recover a little.

Everyone from the Linglong Immortal Sect, plus Xu Fei and Qiao Niang’s family, returned to the Immortal Sect together.

And after entering the fairy gate realm.

"I still have some trivial matters, so I'll take my leave first." Yan Xuanmei, the master of Tianxuan Peak, said.

The meniscus lens stick that he had been holding was put away by him.

"Junior sister, I have to thank you for this trip." Peak Master Du said quickly.

"Senior brother, you're welcome." After saying this, Yan Xuanmei glanced at Xu Fei, nodded and saluted, and left.

"Tsk, tsk, Elder Xu's future is limitless. I'm afraid there will be an additional junior brother among us in a few years." Chang Zhen, the master of Tianding Peak who was like a prince, joked.

Xu Fei quickly bowed, but it was hard to talk to him.

After all, it's inappropriate to say ridiculous things, but it would be frivolous to admit that he will become a peak master in the future.

Simply don't say much. (End of chapter)

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