The first is the formation.

The formation is all-encompassing.

There are more than 8,000 formations, if not ten thousand, that Xu Fei learned in the various collections of Yangwu Taoist Hall.

However, there are only a few powerful formations that can help Xu Fei fight against the demon.

The five-color and five-spirit formation is one of them.

This formation can help Xu Fei gather the inspiration and energy of heaven and earth.

It is almost equivalent to temporarily improving one's cultivation level.

Xu Fei was able to fight the war demon for so long, and the five-color formation was indispensable.

Even if the Five Color Formation was pushed too far by Xu Fei in the end, the Five Elements Formation foundation as the eye of the formation collapsed.

But the power of the Five Color Formation cannot be underestimated.

After all, when Xu Fei only relied on his own cultivation to fight against the war demon, even if Xu Fei consumed a lot of factors, he could only block the three five-foot fists of the war demon with the help of the magic shield. .

But with the help of the Five Color Formation, Xu Fei was only at a disadvantage in the fight with the War Demon.

It is not easy to defeat.

Of course Xu Fei also knew that when he was fighting against the demon, the opponent most likely did not use all his strength and only showed his boxing style combat skills.

The strength of a war demon cannot be judged based on its previous performance.

It still needs a higher rating.

But now Xu Fei can't even defeat Zhan Mo with the strength he showed at that time. Thinking too much is undoubtedly a waste of emotions.

Only by ensuring that he can defeat the war demon who only uses fist style can Xu Fei continue to think about the future.

Therefore, looking for spiritual objects that are more suitable for the five-color array eyes is undoubtedly a good choice to enhance oneself.

The other is a flying sword.

Sword cultivators have always been known for their ability to compete with others.

Of course, this is also the reason why the 'sword' is special among countless kinds of weapons.

In ancient times, there was a magical weapon that was unparalleled in the world.

Its shape is that of a 'sword'.

Double edge, short handle, tip, etc.

And what is formed by its shape is the ‘sword’.

Therefore, when one reaches the deepest level of sword cultivation, one can borrow a trace of the power of the ancestral sword.

Xu Fei always regarded it as a legend, but as he practiced flying swordsmanship, it gradually increased.

After improving all the way on the path of sword cultivation, I gradually became somewhat dubious about this statement.

After all, a flying sword and a flying knife are refined in the same way.

The power of the flying sword will be greater.

Moreover, using the Flying Sword Technique to control other magical weapons does not have the power of the Flying Sword.

But let’s put these legends aside.

If Xu Fei had a high-quality flying sword, he would have the upper hand when fighting against the war demon.

As for the green sword that he spent a lot of money to refine, because Xu Fei was too strict with it, it lost the pure nature of the flying sword.

Moreover, the spiritual materials used to refine the Green Sword are not of the highest quality.

The power was therefore limited and was not enough to support Xu Fei's battle with the demon.

Therefore, Xu Fei thought about refining a true 'flying sword'.

As for the talisman...

How to say that.

The talisman is basically a final make-up for those who cannot achieve success in physical cultivation, legal cultivation, sword cultivation, formations, etc.

Can use.

It can also have a certain protective effect.

But if you want to use it in a battle with a master at the level of a war demon, don't just think about it.

Even through skill fusion, Xu Fei's attainments in the talisman were extremely extraordinary.

However, it is impossible to exceed the limit of 'spiritual materials' and create a talisman with more power than the spell cast by 20,000 pots of mana.

While thinking, Xu Fei thought of learning the boxing style combat skills from fighting demons.

This method is quite impressive and can change the shortcomings of body lineage monks who cannot reach far.

And the power is pretty good.

It’s just that the requirements are a bit too high.

Even though Xu Fei was under the "guidance" of the war demon, he could only manage to produce a "boxing style" through his body cultivation and spells.

After all, in the hands of the war demon, the boxing style is the boxing style.

Using his body's energy to cultivate his energy, his fists are as powerful as those of a dragon.

And Xu Fei still needs to use some auxiliary spells to supplement it in order for the fist style to take shape.

In short, there are still many gaps.

I spent a few days having fun on Yuze Island to relieve my impatience.

Xu Fei returns to Linglong Immortal Sect.

But he didn't stay much longer.

After just staying at home for a few days and arranging some trivial matters, he left the Immortal Sect again and headed to the outside world.

Xu Fei plans to practice while searching for rare spiritual seeds.

Master Du Laofeng has been practicing for tens of thousands of years and has traveled a lot, but he has only harvested the level of Ten Thousand Years Gourd only a few times.

This shows that rare spiritual seeds of this level are rare.

You have to spend a lot of time, or you may succeed.

And this also made Xu Fei particularly envious of Han Tianzun's little green bottle.

If he could have Han Tianzun's little green bottle, he would be able to produce not only ten thousand year spiritual seeds, but also one hundred thousand or one million year old spiritual seeds.

The top-level magic weapon will be refined by then.

Which kind of shrimp stick is War Demon?

Xu Fei soon stopped his plan and accelerated his escape.

And while flying away, Xu Fei changed his appearance.

Still using the name Li Feiyu?

But last time Xu Fei caused big trouble in the outer realm with Peak Master Du in the name of Li Feiyu.

It is inevitable that it will not be known.

So after Xu Fei thought about it, he changed into an 'ordinary' appearance.

As for the name, let’s just name it Han Li again.

After thinking about this, Xu Fei saw a large foreign city in the distance.

After thinking for a while, he slowed down his escaping light, landed outside the big city, and entered the city along with the people entering and leaving the city.

This city is about 20,000 miles away from the Purple Domain of Linglong Immortal Sect.

Therefore, it is the main distribution center for most of the Immortal Sect disciples, as well as the casual cultivators under the Immortal Sect's rule, to go to the outside world.

Very lively, but also a mixed bag.

In addition to human monks, there are also many demon clans, ghost cultivators, etc.

Xu Fei even discovered two demon cultivators who had hidden their auras.

After some observation, I found out that one of them had no evil deeds, but the other one followed the monks who settled in the city from time to time and went to the outside world, devouring them and boosting their cultivation.

Kill them easily.

But I also got some gains.

A simple estimate of the value is that there are almost tens of thousands of spirit stones.

After inquiring about some information in this city, I also learned about the general situation in the outer domain.

Xu Fei did not continue to stay in this city.

The body transformed into an escape light and flew towards Daze in the northwest direction.

This is where the leader of Hua Tianxiu Peak of Tianyun Peak said before that he wanted to visit.

A huge swamp that spreads for hundreds of thousands of miles.

Due to the complex terrain and wide scope, there may be opportunities that have not been discovered by previous people.

It is one of the areas that many monks with a cultivation level of more than 10,000 pots are keen on traveling and searching.

Although Xu Fei has no idea of ​​finding precious spiritual seeds in Daze, what if it happens?

Moreover, areas like Daze that monks are familiar with are safer than some undeveloped areas.

As Xu Fei's first independent travel in the outer world, it is naturally more appropriate.

Traveling through the Outlands.

Almost half a day later, Xu Fei saw a swamp with puddles connected to the puddles and scattered woods in the distance.

Apparently Daze has arrived.

It is spring now and everything is growing.

Some trees have revealed new leaves, while others are still dry.

I don’t know if I didn’t get through the winter or if it wasn’t the right time. (End of chapter)

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