Without stopping at the outskirts of Daze, Xu Fei continued to march deeper into the swamp using the escape light.

Since he was named Han Li, Xu Fei's apparent cultivation level was adjusted to more than 10,000 pots.

That is to say, the threshold for exploring Daze has just been met.

After all, although this place is not dangerous everywhere, it is by no means safe.

There is even a big demon with tens of thousands of pots of mana occupying the place.

Especially one of them, a humanoid snake demon with a cultivation level of nearly 100,000 pots, is the best.

However, this humanoid monster is acquainted with many seniors from the nine major sects, and is proficient in the art of cultivating elixirs.

Therefore, the nine major sects did not clean them up.

Moreover, monks traveling to Daze can find a safe place to rest if they come near the snake forest where this humanoid snake demon lives.

Over time, outside the Snake Forest, it became a place where humans and demons could barely coexist in harmony.

Xu Fei was thoughtful.

After walking for a while, we found a dry and flat place to land.

Take out a simple tent from the storage bag.

It was packed up quickly and it was enough to live in for the night.

Although monks can use earth magic, wood magic, etc. to create a residence for rest, the residence created by magic will not only have some impact on the monk's own perception, but may even be used by some with ulterior motives. Spells are taken advantage of by monks who use some tricks.

In other words, you may be sleeping soundly in a place you think is safe, but you may never wake up again.

Therefore, monks who live in spell-producing residences are either very confident in their own strength, or they are careless.

Xu Fei is not very confident in his own strength, but he is not careless either.

So I brought my tent with me.

After packing the tent, Xu Fei found some dry branches and leaves and came back.

Spells can cook food, but using firewood such as branches and leaves can make the food more smokey.

Xu Fei naturally doesn't mind a little trouble.

Soon, the sun sets.

Xu Fei's meal is almost ready.

A simple eight dishes and two soups, half meat and half vegetables.

But just as Xu Fei was preparing to eat, he couldn't help but look up at the sky on his left.

I saw six figures one after another, falling not far from Xu Fei.

"Haha, fellow Taoist, we are destined to meet each other. Do you mind if we spend the night here?" said a woman among the six people.

This woman was in her twenties, dressed in dark red clothes, with two foot-long daggers on her waist, inserted into sheaths made of animal skins.

Looks quite capable.

After Xu Fei briefly looked at the woman, he focused on a figure on her left.

Because in Xu Fei's perception, this is a humanoid puppet.

There are physical cultivation, legal cultivation, spiritual cultivation, etc. here, and naturally there are also skills such as beast control and puppet control.

However, just as the magic weapon is limited by materials and has an upper limit for power, the puppet technique also has an upper limit.

And if he obtains precious spiritual materials, Xu Fei is more inclined to refine magic weapons instead of puppets.

So I don’t pay much attention to it.

But this did not prevent Xu Fei from roughly judging that the puppet in front of him was almost at the level of an average 30,000-pot cultivator.

This may sound average.

But this puppet alone is almost enough to ensure the safety of the team in front of him.

After all, high-level masters such as Master Du Lao and Zhan Mo are already among the top few among thousands of monks.

But Xu Fei frowned immediately.

Because he realized that this puppet 'eats meat'.

In other words, what drives this puppet is flesh and blood, not spiritual stones.

"This place is not mine. Fellow Taoists, please help yourself." Xu Fei said.

The woman chuckled and said: "My brother is so polite, it makes my sister's heart warm~"

Xu Fei was a little speechless when he saw the woman pretending to be close to her, so he simply stopped talking and started eating dinner.

The woman was annoyed, but she did not continue to pester.

Xu Fei had dinner, washed briefly, and went into the tent to rest.

This caused the five-person team to exchange glances with each other.

After the five people had dinner, they each returned to their respective tents.

The surrounding area quickly became quiet

But at the beginning of midnight.

The woman walked out of her tent and approached Xu Fei.

When the woman entered her tent, Xu Fei happened to look at her.

The woman didn't panic at all.

"My brother is so good-looking, my sister is very happy to see him. I wonder if my brother can help some sisters?" said the woman Yan Shimeixing.

Xu Fei frowned when he heard this, secretly regretting why he had an 'unremarkable' appearance.

The woman didn't care about anything else and just started to take off her clothes.

In a blink of an eye, it was all naked.

The woman's appearance is not beautiful, and the skin on her body is not delicate and white.

It was wheat-colored, and there were many wounds.

But it was this wild body that gave Xu Fei a lot of freshness.

There was simply no rejection.

The romantic affair ended.

The woman was lying in Xu Fei's arms, her expression full of reluctance.

"Brother, my sister really can't let you go," the woman said.

Xu Fei chuckled and said, "Then stop."

But after hearing Xu Fei's words, the woman's expression changed drastically.

The sneaky movements suddenly accelerated.

A short blade suddenly appeared in the left hand that was resting on Xu Fei's body, stabbing Xu Fei's back fiercely.

Watch the purple light flash on its edge.

Apparently the poison has been quenched.

But the woman's movements suddenly stopped.

But it wasn't her who had changed her mind.

But her body couldn't move.

Immediately, strands of golden liquid swept over the woman's body, wrapping her in it.

"Ah~~~" The woman screamed much more horribly than before.

And the same situation also happened to the woman's four other companions and a puppet outside Xu Fei's tent.

In the blink of an eye, the woman and her team were wiped out.

The puppet lost control and began to shake violently. Judging from the situation, it was obvious that it was preparing to explode.

Obviously, the women and the others are quite ruthless, and if something unexpected happens, they are not willing to let anyone get this good puppet.

However, this puppet was over eight feet tall, thick in build, and made entirely of iron wood.

But it quickly calmed down from the constant shaking and imminent self-destruction.

At the same time, quietly, a green bud grew out of its head.

A spell that uses the power of gold to activate water-like gold and iron to wrap the enemy.

It is a very common and common gold burial method.

But there are not many monks who can imprison about 30,000 pots of puppets and immobilize them.

What's more, at the same time, Xu Fei also activated Mu Xing's magic to disintegrate some of the internal structures of the puppet and prevent it from self-destructing.

After a while, the watery gold and iron on the bodies of the women's team slowly receded.

Only the woman has one life left.

"What's your name?" Xu Fei said.

After all, Xu Fei still wanted to know the other person's name after having close contact with him.

"Brother, no, senior, spare my life, spare my life, they forced me to do this..." The woman begged for mercy with a horrified expression.

At this time, she didn't know that she had kicked the iron plate.

Xu Fei sighed softly.

Although he knew that it was not safe when traveling in the wild, he did not expect that he would be treated as prey just after arriving in Daze. (End of chapter)

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