Hearing Xu Fei's sigh, the woman who had almost collapsed suddenly became quiet.

"My name is Yan Hong." The woman said softly.

Like a lover's sweet words.

"My name is Han Li." Xu Fei said but showed no mercy and cast a spell to make the woman die painlessly.

Collected storage bags from several people.

Xu Fei's harvest turned out to be quite a lot, including more than 100,000 spirit stones.

Of course, Xu Fei made his estimate based on the selling price of Tianwu Pavilion.

If you go to sell it, you will most likely get a discount.

After simply classifying several people's belongings and putting them into his own storage bags, Xu Fei planned to sell these empty storage bags when he has time in the future.

Then come to the puppet.

Because some key points were destroyed by Xu Fei, the puppet had no reaction to Xu Fei's arrival.

After Xu Fei thought for a while, he took out some spiritual materials and began to repair the puppet.

In addition, Xu Fei was quite unhappy with the way this puppet had consumed flesh and blood, so he spent some extra effort to transform its internal structure.

Then the power of this puppet increased instead of decreasing.

At present, it is almost equivalent to thirty-seven or thirty-eight thousand pot cultivators.

But because Xu Fei no longer uses ‘flesh and blood’ to move this puppet.

This puppet consumes more than a hundred spiritual stones a day just for normal activities.

But when Xu Fei extravagantly put a piece of high-quality high-grade spiritual stone weighing three kilograms, seven taels and four yen into its core, the puppet's daily consumption was only supplied by the spiritual power independently drawn from the high-grade spiritual stone.

Of course, after the use of high-quality spiritual stones begins, their quality will be affected by the spiritual inspiration, and will gradually decrease and suffer losses.

Therefore, even if the above-grade spiritual stones activate the puppet, it will not be possible once and for all.

Otherwise, Yan Hong and his party would not be able to drive this puppet with ‘flesh and blood’.

It's been roughly refurbished.

This original flesh and blood puppet has become a new puppet.

Act according to Xu Fei's thoughts that penetrate into his core.

Of course, it also has a certain degree of autonomy.

After all, this puppet has been used by Yan Hong and others for a long time and has received certain guidance.

In addition, some puppets made of special materials can even become sane after being used for a long time.

It's just that Xu Fei has never seen such a puppet with its own mind.

And I haven’t heard of any of the nine major sects owning it.

It took more than half a day to process the things obtained from Yan Hong's team, mainly puppets.

Xu Fei took the puppet and continued deep into Daze.

Although Xu Fei only showed a cultivation level of more than 10,000 pots, he was followed by a puppet with a cultivation level of more than 30,000 pots.

I didn't encounter any trouble for a while.

Soon, Snake City was in sight.

Compared with some cities in the nine major sects, Snake City looks a bit messy and shabby.

But it was more than a little lively.

There are many types of monsters, humans, and cultivators.

As long as you abide by the rules of Snake City, you can settle, trade, etc. here.

Xu Fei had also heard rumors that many monks accidentally bought rare spiritual materials and magic weapons at extremely low prices in Snake City.

As for authenticity, it is a matter of opinion.

Following the monks and ordinary people entering and leaving Snake City, Xu Fei entered Snake City.


Just as Xu Fei was looking around, a tall building in the distance suddenly collapsed.

Xu Fei couldn't help but be surprised.

Some monks were seen excitedly heading towards the collapsed tall building, while others stayed away.

Each one is different.

After Xu Fei thought for a while, he found a restaurant and ordered some food and drinks.

After roughly understanding the prices in Snake City, he took out a few pieces of silver and handed it to the waiter.

"Excuse me, was that tall building that collapsed just now?" Xu Fei said.

"Guest, are you talking about the tall building that collapsed just now? It was a famous elixir shop in our Snake City. As for why it collapsed, I'm sorry that I haven't heard yet." This man has some animal hair on his neck, but he has no cultivation level. The demon waiter explained while happily stuffing the reward into his sleeve.

Xu Fei was not dissatisfied when he heard this.

After all, the tall building had just collapsed.

It is normal that the situation has not spread for a while.

But just when Xu Fei was about to eat and drink, he saw a dragon-shaped flying boat about five or six feet long flying from the distance.

Its shape is vivid, and when viewed from below, it looks like there is really a giant dragon dancing in the sky.

"Tsk, tsk, this is Snake Gentleman's dragon boat! I didn't expect that this time it actually alarmed this person!" the waiter said in surprise.

Xu Fei asked the somewhat eye-catching figure standing aside to sit down, while looking up at the dragon boat.

I quickly determined that this so-called dragon boat was just a small shrimp boat, but with a few more shapes and colors.

And when the dragon boat flew near the collapsed tall building, a 'man' in white flew down from the dragon boat.

His head is covered with long white hair.

On the wrist of his right hand is a three- to five-foot white rope that emits a white glow.

There is no trace of demon clan characteristics on his body.

But his eyes were blood red, as if they were congested.

I don’t know if it’s because of his condition or because of injuries.

After Xu Fei thought for a while, he settled the accounts for the food and drinks, and then headed towards the direction of the collapsed tall building.

When he got closer, Xu Fei couldn't help but frown.

Because the scene was miserable.

The collapsed high-rise building probably had more than 100 floors.

Even though the bottom dozens of floors collapsed first and then the whole thing collapsed, it still affected a large area around it.

Fortunately for the monks, most of them were able to escape.

But ordinary people are miserable.

A building with dozens of floors fell from the sky.

A large number of buildings were directly crushed.

Death and injury pillow book.

After Xu Fei thought for a while, he simply stepped forward to help bandage and treat the injured.

After all, although Xu Fei was not a good person, he still couldn't bear to see so many people injured and wailing in pain.

Some monks who were also rescuing the injured saw that Xu Fei was here to help, so they sent the injured over one after another.

At the same time, many people also sent various wound medicines, bandages, etc.

Xu Fei was even busier.

And being so busy, he first treated the injured at the scene until midnight.

Then he went to a medical center where many injured people were placed and treated many injured patients.

It was a busy four days.

Xu Fei finally felt at ease.

This left Xu Fei speechless.

He went out to travel in search of rare spiritual materials.

Why did he become a doctor?

However, Xu Fei did not have such a cold heart to ignore the pain of the injured, especially when most of them were ordinary people who had suffered unreasonable disasters.

"Doctor Han, I want to see you." After Xu Fei stopped busy, a woman wearing a snake-shaped hairpin came over and said.

Xu Fei couldn't help but be surprised when he heard this.

"This is the female officer in front of you, gentleman." A nearby doctor who was cooperating with Xu Fei to treat the injured knew that Xu Fei had just come to Snake City from outside and explained quickly.

The snake gentleman and gentleman are all names for the humanoid snake demon with advanced cultivation.

Xu Fei was even more surprised.

What did this guy do to see him?

Could it be that he saw through his cultivation?

Not likely.

"Don't worry, Doctor Han. This gentleman knows that you have helped treat the injuries of the injured people in the city. He is deeply aware of your righteousness and is ready to give you some reward." The female official wearing a snake-shaped hairpin also explained. (End of chapter)

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