Xu Fei thought for a moment and decided to go with the other party to see what was going on.

Take a ride on a dragon-shaped flying boat controlled by a female official.

Soon, the two arrived near the snake forest.

The snake forest is a bamboo forest.

The bamboos are quite tall, usually about forty feet tall.

The horizon is beyond sight.

"Dear guest, please." The female officer drove the small shrimp boat to the bamboo forest, bowed and led the way.

Follow the stone-paved path among the bamboo forests.

Xu Fei moved towards the depths of the bamboo forest.

As he moved forward, Xu Fei discovered many snakes in the bamboo forest from time to time.

The big ones are three to five feet long, and the small ones are as thick as chopsticks.

Obviously, this snake gentleman cares about the friendship of his own clan and has raised so many snakes of various types.

"Dear guests, don't worry. These snakes are kept by gentlemen and will not hurt anyone." The female officer explained.

Xu Fei nodded after hearing this.

Walked for almost a quarter of an hour.

Finally I saw a bamboo house in front of me.

The first floor is elevated, and the second floor is the house.

More than ten rooms.

Some are big and some are small.

There are several maids guarding the door.

"Sister Wei, this is Doctor Han, the gentleman you want to see." The female officer who led the way said to the maid guarding the door.

The gatekeeper maid glanced at Xu Fei, then nodded a little arrogantly.

"When you meet a gentleman, you must be polite." The maid named Wei said.

Xu Fei was slightly speechless.

The ostentation of this snake gentleman is really quite big.

But after all, it was someone else's territory, so I nodded my head in a good-natured manner.

After other maids entered the bamboo house to report, the maid surnamed Wei led Xu Fei into the bamboo house.

Came to a quiet room.

The snake gentleman with white hair, white clothes and red eyes is tuning the piano in a quiet room.

"Gentleman, Doctor Han is here." The maid surnamed Wei bowed and said.

Snake Gentleman turned his head when he heard this, with a gentle smile on his face.

"Doctor Han, please sit down," Snake Gentleman said.

Seeing the other party, even though Xu Fei had an 'unremarkable' face, he still felt a little sour in his heart.

Because this snake demon turned out to be very charming and elegant.

Xu Fei couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

If he had this appearance in his previous life.

Even a rich woman, not one with white skin, good looks, a long waist and thin legs, can never expect to get a bargain.

When Xu Fei heard Snake Gentleman giving up his seat, Xu Fei was not polite and went straight to sit on a bamboo chair nearby.

This made the maid named Wei frown.

This person is so rude, he didn't even thank you for giving me a seat.

However, the other party was a guest invited by the gentleman, so the maid surnamed Wei just bowed and then withdrew.

Soon other maids brought tea and snacks.

After Snake Junzi asked Xu Fei to sit down, he still played with the guqin in front of him.

Xu Fei didn't care either.

Eating snacks and drinking tea.

This time he took action to treat the injured people in Snake City. Although Xu Fei did not fully demonstrate his knowledge, he also showed his extraordinary medical skills.

Xu Fei rescued more than a hundred injured people who would have been seriously injured and died for ordinary doctors.

Probably because of this, Gentleman Snake was summoned today.

After almost another moment, Snake Junzi finally tuned the guqin in front of him.

"Doctor Laohan, you have been waiting for a long time." Mr. Snake said.

Xu Fei looked at Snake Gentleman and then at the guqin in front of him.

I thought this snake demon was going to play a song after tuning the piano.

Is this the result?


Snake Gentleman was keenly aware of the dissatisfaction of 'Doctor Han'.

I was a little surprised.

Its cultivation level is nearly 100,000 pots.

The other party revealed that his cultivation level was no more than 10,000 pots.

Even if it is reported that the other party has a puppet with a cultivation level of more than 30,000 pots.

But it can be easily broken in front of it, and it is not enough to be relied upon by the other party.

So this 'Doctor Han' is either a fool, or he has no confidence.

"I wonder which sage Dr. Han studied under?" Snake Gentleman asked.

"A gift from my master." Xu Fei said. Since the name is Han Li, it should be appropriate to use the name of Xiang Zhili, an old senior.

A gift to Xiangzhi?

Snake Gentleman couldn't help but think for a moment when he heard this name.

But he didn't think about which great master he was.

But the surname is Xiang?

Which Xiangjia is it?

But I haven't heard of the family tradition that the Xiang family has exquisite medical skills.

So the ‘Doctor Han’ in front of me should be a pseudonym?

Thinking of this, Snake Gentleman was thoughtful.

Although he only has a cultivation level of more than 10,000 pots, he is calm and composed in front of it.

Excellent medical skills.

Suspected pseudonym.

The combination of various factors made Snake Junzi couldn't help but think of the recently famous Linglong Immortal Sect.

Of course it was not the leader of Juan Yi who struck like thunder and killed demons such as the Demon of Desire and Sacrifice.

It was the younger monk named Xu Fei who had fought with the demon before.

Previously, this Xu Fei had refined blood to slay demons.

At that time, Snake Gentleman paid attention to it.

This is also the secret why Snake Gentleman has been able to live a stable life until now without any high-level talents looking for trouble.

I am very concerned about some outstanding people in the nine major sects.

If you have the opportunity, make friends with them, and if you give them some kindness and guidance, it will be even better.

Of course, if there is no chance, then show a leisurely and carefree style.

Giving the other party a good impression can also reduce a lot of trouble.

After all, when some monks who 'eliminate demons and protect the Tao' come to visit, they first interrogate the other person's origin, and then show off their friendship with the other person's sect.

Basically it solves the problem.

It is with this hand that Snake Gentleman can always stay safe and sound.

Deeply understand the essence of the four-character mantra of "human feelings and worldly wisdom".

Therefore, it has been speculated that the 'Doctor Han' in front of him may be the pseudonym of Xu Fei from the Linglong Immortal Sect.

Snake Gentleman's attitude immediately improved a bit.

"Thank you, Doctor Han, for helping the people of Snake City." Mr. Snake said with sincerity.

Xu Fei didn't know that the other party had guessed his identity based on just some clues.

Although Snake Gentleman is not sure yet, his agility is enough to surprise people.

"A gentleman's reward is just a small effort." Xu Fei said politely.

After all, he just took action at the right time, and he also has such medical skills.

And Xu Fei never thought about the benefits he would gain from treating some injured patients.

"Doctor Han Huai Jin holds Yu, but Snake City cannot let Dr. Han's busy work go in vain." Snake Gentleman said this and deliberately paused to observe the performance of 'Doctor Han'.

But Xu Fei remained calm and composed.

He didn't care about the possible rewards for Snake Gentleman at all.

This made Mr. Snake even more certain that the 'Doctor Han' in front of him had a great origin.

Even if it wasn't that 'Xu Fei', I'm afraid he wouldn't be an ordinary monk.

So after thinking for a moment, Snake Junzi took out a jade box from the gold storage bag at his waist.

It was activated by magic power and landed on the bamboo tea table next to Xu Fei.

Xu Fei raised his eyebrows, looked at the jade box on the coffee table, and then at Snake Junzi.

"Doctor Han, let's take a look and see if you are satisfied or not." Snake Junzi said.

After Xu Fei thought about it, he didn't have stage fright.

Open the jade box.

But inside the jade box, there was something that looked like a dried plant rhizome.

At the same time, it was accompanied by a faint fishy smell.

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