Look at the thing in front of you, smell the faint fishy smell, and feel the aura it exudes.

Xu Fei was slightly surprised.

Because if he saw it right, what he saw in front of him turned out to be the rhizome of a snake plant that was thousands of years old, or even two thousand years old.

Snake rush, the whole body is a treasure.

Its leaves have nourishing effect.

The rhizome is more potent.

And after suitable refining, it has an excellent repair effect on some old wounds and hidden wounds.

What's more, this dried snake rhizome is suspected to have medicinal effects of two thousand years.

Worth a fortune.

When you meet someone in urgent need, it's not impossible to sell... for eight thousand or ten thousand spirit stones.

Even at the usual market price, there are still several thousand spirit stones.

So he just took action to save some ordinary people in Snake City. This snake gentleman actually gave away thousands of spiritual stones so generously?

Tsk tsk~

It's really luxurious.

Xu Fei couldn't help but sigh.

"This is just the right time for me to meet you. I would never dare to accept such a precious gift from a gentleman." Xu Fei said.

Because this Snake Gentleman used the precious elixir of millennium snake rush, Xu Fei's attitude was no longer as casual as before.

After all, this man could give such a huge gift just because he helped ordinary people.

Apparently he is very kind to people and loves things.

That alone deserves his respect.

I have to say that Xu Fei was also honest and didn't see through the Snake Gentleman's behavior.

But Xu Fei was not the only one who failed to see through what the other party was doing.

So far, few people in the nine major sects have seen the snake gentleman's behavior.

But if this snake demon can keep doing this, then it doesn't matter whether it is good at speculating or if it is truly a 'worldly master'.

Seeing that Xu Fei actually refused after recognizing the value of snake rush.

Snake Gentleman was even more certain that the 'Doctor Han' in front of him had an unusual identity.

So it is even more impossible to take back the gift.

After all, a gift has to be given to be valuable.

The annual income of his Snake City is astonishing, and its continued stability depends on its all-around and sophisticated people.

But after all, there is a layer of camouflage of an ‘outside world expert’.

Therefore, we should not be so frivolous when speaking and doing things.

"Doctor Han, you saved the people of Snake City. You have done a great favor to Snake City and to me. I only give you this medicinal herb in return. It is already a little lacking. Please don't give in anymore." Snake Gentleman said.

In order to persuade Xu Fei to accept the snake rush, Snake Junzi even called the snake rush rhizome, which has been used for two thousand years, as a medicinal herb.

In addition, it can be seen that Xu Fei's attitude is a bit more serious because of his 'performance'.

Only a snake gentleman can be so ‘sincere’.

If Xu Fei felt that his family was rich because of this snake, he was greedy.

The snake gentleman doesn't mind letting the other party learn a lesson.

After all, only kindness and power can last long.

If there is only kindness, then no matter how loyal the dog is, he will rebel as time goes by.

It can only be said that Xu Fei and Snake Junzi are not on the same level at all.

Xu Fei is just a monk, worrying about his cultivation and his own magic weapon.

But Snake Gentleman is a ‘city lord’, or ‘kingdom lord’.

The scale of Snake City is not small, it can be called Snake Country.

We had a few more brief conversations.

Xu Fei said goodbye and left.

After watching Xu Fei leave, Snake Junzi looked thoughtful.

"Gentleman, why do you value this person so much?" the maid surnamed Wei said.

Snake Gentleman glanced at the maid.

Because she had been with him for a long time, this girl also developed a arrogant and coquettish temperament.

"Nv Xia, from now on you will be responsible for managing the trivial matters in the Snake Forest." Snake Junzi said calmly.

Then he turned around and returned to the bamboo house.

Only the maids were left standing there looking at each other.

And Xia Nu was the maid who led Xu Fei.

Xu Fei returns to Snake City.

After walking around in a circle, I thought that after arriving in Snake City, I encountered the collapse of a high-rise building.

Rescued many injured patients.

There is no place to live at all.

After thinking about it, he simply returned to the medical clinic.

The doctors in the medical clinic looked overjoyed when they saw Xu Fei returning.

During the past few days, they treated the injured with Xu Fei and learned many exquisite medical skills.

I feel that my medical skills have improved a lot.

But it is a pity that the other party was summoned by the gentleman.

I guess there won’t be many opportunities to meet in the future.

But he didn't expect Xu Fei to come back again.

Xu Fei did not pay attention to these trivial matters and re-diagnosed and treated the injured patients he treated.

Several conditions have changed.

It is inevitable to change the disposition.

After a lot of work, I exchanged medical skills with several doctors who were treating the injured together.

Xu Fei left the hospital and found a place to stay.

Spend a few days in Snake City.

Xu Fei left.

Although there are many bargains to be found in Snake City, with Xu Fei's attainments and eyesight in refining weapons and medicine, he can occasionally find some spiritual materials and elixirs whose value has been misjudged by the owner of the goods.

Make a business of buying low and selling high.

Tens of thousands of spiritual stones a month should feel easy.

It's just that if Xu Fei wants to earn spiritual stones, the business of tens of thousands of spiritual stones is not in his eyes.

After all, if Xu Fei wanted to take action, it would be as good as Peak Master Du's Four Seas Gourd.

"Leaved?" Snake Gentleman couldn't help but be a little surprised when he heard his subordinates reported that 'Doctor Han' had left Snake City.

Originally, it planned to ask the other party to come again in a few days.

While making good friends, you can find out more information to determine the hidden identity of the other party.

But he didn’t expect that ‘Doctor Han’ only came to Snake City by chance.

"What has he done these days?" Snake Gentleman asked his subordinates.

Immediately, someone sent me the records of Xu’s flight journey over the past few days.

The records contain detailed records of Xu Fei's whereabouts in Snake City these days.

Even some of the conversations were verbatim.

Therefore, Snake Gentlemen can all know who did what in Snake City, which is not an exaggeration.

Xu Fei left Snake City, and after thinking about it, he went to a gathering place of inspiration in Daze.

The nine major sects spent a lot of time setting up formations to gather spiritual intelligence, extracting some of the spiritual intelligence from the territories under their control and gathering them into the sects.

Heaven and earth will naturally form places where ideas can easily gather.

People can't help but marvel at the wonder of heaven and earth.

The place chosen by Xu Fei was a place called the Earth Spirit Cave.

And from the name, you can tell that this is a crypt.

There are many holes inside, which are intricate and bottomless.

But because of this, people discover rare spiritual materials and elixirs from time to time.

So it's still worth a visit.

It took more than half a day.

Xu Fei came to the entrance of Diling Cave.

To Xu Fei's expectation, the entrance to the cave was very lively.

And this is only one of the more than ten entrances to the Diling Cave.

If there are so many people in every cave, doesn't it mean that there are millions of people around the Diling Cave alone?

This made Xu Fei couldn't help but sigh. Although the outer realm was not as prosperous as the nine major sects, the actual population of monks, ordinary people, monsters, and sect cultivators was not large.

And then proceed to the entrance of the cave.

However, Xu Fei also saw many grocery stores selling maps in the caves, and warehouses buying various elixirs and spiritual materials.

Others include gambling halls, flower houses, restaurants, etc.

Although it is a bit messy and makes people feel a little chaotic, in fact, the place at the entrance is almost the same as a town. (End of chapter)

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