After Xu Fei thought about it, he didn't have any clue, so he went to several stores and bought several maps.

Generally speaking, the more expensive the map, the more detailed the records in all aspects, and the wider the scope of the in-depth Diling Cave.

Cheap maps only have some terrain. As for some dangerous places in the caves and places where ferocious monsters are haunted, there are no records.

You get what you pay for.

And some people found Xu Fei preparing to enter the Earth Spirit Cave alone.

His expression couldn't help but move.

Some people even chased after him directly.

"Wait a minute, fellow Taoist. I see you are unfamiliar with this fellow, must this be your first time to the Diling Cave?" said a middle-aged man with a red-nosed dog beside him.

Seeing the middle-aged man speak, the others said nothing more.

Xu Fei turned his head and looked at the man, then at the thin dog beside him.

Thin dogs are slender and slender, making them better hunting and alert dogs.

Its vigilance is only slightly less than that of the golden-eyed eagle.

It's just that the terrain in the Diling Cave is complicated, so the suitability of the thin dog exceeds that of the golden-eyed eagle.

And the cultivation level of this thin dog is not weak, it can hold more than 7,000 pots.

It stands to reason that one should be born spiritually early.

He just looked confused, like an ordinary dog.

Apparently, its owner used a special breeding method to drain its wisdom.

After all, monsters give birth to wisdom, and it is good to become a monster, but wisdom also means the possibility of betrayal.

It is not new for monks to lose their lives due to betrayal by their beast masters.

"Fellow Taoist has a keen eye," Xu Fei said.

"Hehe, it's not like he has any insight. He just spent a lot of time hanging out in this cave." The middle-aged man said.

"I wonder why my friend called me?" Xu Fei said.

"Hey, there are a lot of dangers in this cave. I saw that my fellow Taoist was alone. It was inevitable that he would lose the care of his companions. Our team happens to be short of someone. I wonder what the friendship is like?" said the middle-aged man.

They actually invited Xu Fei to join their team.

Xu Fei heard this and looked at the people around the middle-aged man.

"These few are not my partners, they are just old people who have been hanging out in the caves for a long time." The middle-aged man quickly explained when he saw this.

Several other people either responded or remained silent.

It seems quite harmonious.

Xu Fei thought for a moment, then cupped his fists and saluted.

"Thank you for the invitation, fellow Taoist, but I just plan to go to the cave alone to have a look and gain experience." Xu Fei said.

After a few more words, Xu Fei entered the Earth Spirit Cave alone.

I saw Xu Fei entering the cave alone.

The middle-aged man exchanged glances with the others, but they just dispersed.

After entering the cave, Xu Fei rubbed his fingers and created a flame floating beside him.

Monks can see in the dark, but the dark environment has an impact on their vision. Therefore, generally speaking, when monks enter dark places such as crypts, they will find ways to provide lighting.

Xu Fei's use of the fire method to provide light is also the most common.

Others also use spiritual lamps, or even simply use torches, and so on.

Following the gently sloping tunnel and entering the cave for more than a hundred feet, Xu Fei raised his left hand and looked at the corner of his sleeve.

He has been secretly tricked by a middle-aged man.

Colorless and odorless mist fell on the corners of his sleeves.

Although even the monks couldn't smell the smell of this thing, the thin dog following the middle-aged man could smell it.

Xu Fei looked behind him again, but didn't notice the middle-aged man chasing after him.

It is speculated that the tracking distance of this colorless and odorless powder mist may be very long.

The other party didn't worry about losing him.

After thinking about it, Xu Fei took the puppet out of the storage bag and put the coat on the puppet.

He is invisible on the side.

Let’s see what tricks the middle-aged man is up to.

But this wait lasted four days.

Xu Fei has gone deep into the Earth Spirit Cave.

The middle-aged man and his party finally caught up.

The middle-aged man is not alone, he is accompanied by four companions.

And there was another person following and supporting him from a distance.

He looked experienced.

"Fellow Taoist, we are really destined." The middle-aged man said with a smile when he saw the figure in front of him.

Xu Fei, who was hiding on one side, couldn't help but be speechless when he saw the other party's malicious look.

Brother, do you talk too much?

But after thinking about it, Xu Fei restrained his breath, bypassed the middle-aged man and his group, and walked back.

Be prepared to deal with the person behind first.

When the middle-aged man saw that 'Xu Fei' was not talking to him, his expression showed disdain.

They have already caught up with them, and they still plan to resist with silence. They are really ignorant.

After all, you just want to ask for mercy and please him, and maybe he will let him go if he becomes soft-hearted.

But now he just wants to break the limbs of the pretty boy in front of him and 'torture' him again!

Thinking of this, the middle-aged man looked abnormal and excited.

The middle-aged man's companions didn't even need any communication, they simply dispersed and blocked 'Xu Fei' from the front and back.

Very tacit understanding.

But the thin, red-nosed dog beside the middle-aged man looked a little uneasy.

But the middle-aged man had fallen into delusion and ignored the reminder of the beast.

"I advise you not to resist, and obediently hand over all your valuables. Don't worry, we are only looking for wealth, not life." The middle-aged man advised.

Although not many people would believe what he said, there were always some innocent guys who were inexperienced in the world and chose to obediently offer their own things to save them some trouble.

It's a pity that all the middle-aged man's words were in vain.

‘Xu Fei’ remained indifferent.

This made the middle-aged man and his party a little annoyed.

Now they are Daozu, and the other party is Yumei.

But how dare he ignore them?

It's so disrespectful.

Immediately, someone flew forward.

But after this person got within three feet of 'Xu Fei', the action mode set by Xu Fei for the puppet finally started.

The puppet directly raised his hand and punched the opponent hard.

This person has cultivated more than 10,000 pots, which is considered to be a high-level skill.

But due to the puppet's sudden and swift movements, it was unable to fight back.

He was directly punched in the head by the puppet.

‘Bang~’ a muffled sound.

This man's head exploded like a watermelon.

Red and white, like a goddess scattering flowers.

The sudden change made others stunned.

what's the situation? !

However, after discovering the dull and stiff expression of 'Xu Fei', these people were not idiots after all.

"Puppet?" someone couldn't help but exclaimed.

At this time, Xu Fei had returned with a person in his hand.

Looking at Xu Fei coming back from behind, he saw his companion in his hand.

How could the middle-aged man not know that their group was in trouble today.

"Friend, we admit defeat today. I wonder how you can spare us?" The middle-aged man quickly begged for mercy.

I have to say that this person is really capable of bending and stretching.

But if Xu Fei wanted to spare them, he wouldn't first deal with the person behind them.

"Why do fellow Taoists ask this question?" Xu Fei said. (End of chapter)

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