With the last scream.

The cave where a massacre had just taken place became quiet again.

Xu Fei looked at the thin red-nosed dog that was half-breathed after being beaten by the puppet, and withdrew his gaze.

Then he collected the belongings of these people.

Their things are quite messy.

Obviously not owned by one person.

There are even a lot of women’s items.

After a simple classification, Xu Fei's eyes revealed a hint of coldness.

This group of cultivators killed at least ten monks.

A worthy death.

But it also brought Xu Fei an income of almost 150,000 spirit stones.

As Xu Fei moved away from a certain distance, several flames suddenly erupted from the bodies of these people.

Burn them to ashes in an instant.

Naturally, Xu Fei would not ignore the necessary traces of destruction of the body after killing someone.

Especially when these people were focusing on themselves, there were several other groups of people at the entrance of the cave who knew about it.

After solving these problems, Xu Fei headed towards the bottom of the Diling Cave.

From time to time, I saw rivers on the road, flowing toward the ground with noisy sounds.

But I don’t know what is going on underneath the Diling Cave.

The water that flows all year round has not yet filled it up.

Almost ten days later, Xu Fei arrived at a location more than 20,000 feet below the Diling Cave.

This is also the bottom area of ​​several sets of maps Xu Fei purchased.

After exceeding this area, it will no longer be displayed on the map.

There may be other detailed maps, as well as information about conditions deeper underground.

But after Xu Fei thought about it, he decided to go explore a little first.

It's not that Xu Feituo is too big.

But with his current cultivation level, if he doesn't even dare to explore the intermediate map, then he would be a little too cautious.

Taking the puppet with him, Xu Fei followed a river for more than three thousand feet.

Then he looked towards a passage.

There are many living creatures in that direction.

After thinking for a while, Xu Fei approached.

After a while, Xu Fei saw the living creatures.

Many-winged bat.

This kind of bat is born with two pairs of wings, and every five hundred years or so, it can develop an extra pair of wings.

It is said that the multi-winged bat has the most wings, with a total of forty-seven pairs of wings.

Then he died of old age.

After all, compared to a human monk whose magic power is equivalent to one year of life, multi-winged bats are far inferior.

Even the most outstanding spiritual species among them will have their lifespan greatly reduced if they do not transform into humanoid demons.

This is also the fundamental reason why many monsters abandon their original form and transform into human form.

Who doesn’t want to live longer.

Xu Fei carefully concealed his energy and moved towards the depths of the multi-winged bat cave.

Eight pairs of wings.

Thirteen pairs of wings.

Nineteen pairs of wings.

Finally, Xu Fei discovered a multi-winged bat with twenty-six pairs of wings.

This made Xu Fei's eyes light up.

The membrane wings of multi-winged bats are a type of elixir.

Although the value is not amazing, it is still a gain.

But just when Xu Fei made his move, the multi-winged bat that Xu Fei was eyeing looked around uneasily and became alert.

Xu Fei couldn't help but be surprised.

Very alert bat.

However, the opponent's vigilance was of no avail.

Xu Fei released his puppet to block the bats from one direction, then turned into light and approached the multi-winged bat with twenty-six pairs of wings.

After getting close, Xu Fei pointed like a knife.

Without waiting for the old bat to react, he cut off most of its membrane wings and stored them in the storage bag.

Xu Fei then returned to the puppet and left quickly with the puppet.

"Chichi~chichi~~chichichi~~~" Just when the disciples and grandsons of the multi-winged bat were about to chase Xu Fei, they heard the multi-winged bat whose wings were cut off by Xu Fei calling his descendants to return.

Apparently he is quite intelligent.

They knew that Xu Fei was not someone their clan could offend.

And the other party didn't kill them all.

After its membrane wings are cut off, it can still grow back after several years.

At best, he will be a little weak during this period.

Xu Fei left the bat cave and looked back.

Although he didn't understand animal language, after the chirping sound, the multi-winged bats returned one after another.

He also knew that the old bat, which had lived for more than 10,000 years, did not want to pursue the matter of his wings being cut off.

This also made Xu Fei feel somewhat guilty.

After all, the other bat was staying safely in its nest, but he suddenly came to the door and cut off the old bat's wings.

After thinking for a while, Xu Fei took out two bottles of elixir suitable for old bats and sent them into the bat cave with his magic power.

The old bat, who had most of his wings cut off, didn't expect that the other party would actually send him compensation.

The claws grasp a white porcelain bottle the size of a fist.

Uncork the bottle.

A fragrant smell spread out.

Let Lao Bat immediately know how extraordinary these elixirs are.

"Chichichichichi~~~" The old bat chirped again.

It spread far outside the cave.

I don't know whether to forgive Xu Fei or what to say.

Xu Fei naturally didn't understand and didn't stop for much.

Continue to move deeper into the Earth Spirit Cave.

Along the way, I picked and collected the elixirs that caught my eye.

It’s just that every spiritual creature must be guarded.

So Xu Fei had a lot of struggles along the way.

Xu Fei picked some elixirs and spiritual materials from some demon clansmen without thinking too much about them.

Such flights often provide compensation.

But if they are the kind of group that fights to the death, Xu Fei doesn't mind teaching them to be good.

This sounds cruel.

Xu Fei acted like a robber.

He arbitrarily snatched things belonging to other demon clans.

It's just that these spiritual objects and elixirs are basically naturally raised by the earth, and are not owned by these demon clans.

Therefore, these demon clans can be regarded as occupying by force.

But now it's up to Xu Fei, a stronger person, to grab it.

And even if Xu Fei never fished from the lake, he always took some mature and good elixirs and spiritual materials and left.

But the harvest in one month was almost 100,000 spirit stones.

Although it is not as efficient as obtaining income directly from Jie Xiu, it is still quite good.

It's no wonder that Du Laofeng proposed to take five million spirit stones as reward.

After you have achieved good cultivation, it is actually very simple to earn spiritual stones.

Just a calculation, Xu Fei spent nearly a month on the road going deep into the Diling Cave, and another month of busy searching and collecting.

It took two months before I had the official income of 100,000 coins.

It doesn't seem like a lot.

Moreover, two months of underground life inevitably made Xu Fei feel a little depressed.

This is mainly because Xu Fei rarely lived underground in the past.

So after thinking about it, Xu Fei didn't embarrass himself and headed towards the ground.

Compared with when we came down, it only took more than ten days to go back because the road was a little familiar.

However, Xu Fei also got lost several times during this period, which was quite embarrassing.

Fortunately, in the end, breaking mountains and rocks was not used, and this was the last resort to escape.

Back on the ground, Xu Fei looked around, found a quiet inn, asked for a small courtyard, and rested for two days.

After thinking about it, I decided to go to Diling Cave again.

But the harvest must be dealt with first.

After all, Xu Fei's storage bags already contained a lot of things.

If you don't clear it out, you won't be able to bring back much harvest if you go to the underground spirit cave again. (End of chapter)

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