Cultivation Of Immortality: My Branching And Spreading System

Chapter 406: It’s not easy to practice casually

But these things can be put aside for a while.

After all, Xu Fei has been abstinent for a long time.

Everyone has their own way of relieving stress.

Some people use fishing to relieve the stress they accumulate in daily life, while some people use food, chess, writing, reading, etc.

Xu Fei, on the other hand, is a womanizer.

On the one hand, it is because of the characteristics of plug-ins, and on the other hand, Xu Fei also likes to spread branches and leaves.

Arriving at the entrance of Diling Cave, there is the largest flower house.

Xu Fei asked for several servants.

Although the cost will be higher than that of ordinary service staff, Xu Fei has never liked to be like-minded with others.

Xu Fei might not care about this when he occasionally met a nice woman before.

But with the improvement of his cultivation and status, if she is not a pure woman, no matter how outstanding she is, Xu Fei will basically not be tempted by her.

And after being happy, Xu Fei spent another sum of money to redeem the lives of these poor people.

Then another group of shepherds were replaced.

After doing this several times, Xu Fei became very calm and calm.

It was already the third day after I came out of the flower building.

Xu Fei came to a shop where he purchased various elixirs and spiritual materials.

Being welcomed into the quiet room by the store manager, Xu Fei took out some spiritual materials for sale.

"The customer's things are all good." The store manager said with a smile.

Then he began to examine the spiritual materials in front of him one by one.

After a while, the shop manager said: "I can give you 480 spiritual stones for these spiritual materials."

Hearing this quotation, Xu Fei, who was drinking tea to soothe his throat, couldn't help but look surprised.

Because the other party's price is only one-fifteenth of the value of these spiritual materials? !

If it was only 70%, or even half, then Xu Fei would actually be able to accept it.

After all, it is convenient to sell here.

But this one-fifteenth bid is too much.

"Then I'll go to another house and have a look." Xu Fei said as he put away the spiritual materials.

When Xu Fei said this, the smiling steward turned cold.

"Guests can come as they please. Our price at Zhenbaofang is absolutely fair," the steward said.

Although Xu Fei could feel the threat in the other party's tone, it was impossible for him to sell his gains at a low price.

After just visiting a few more shops, Xu Fei couldn't help but be speechless.

Because the price of the Treasure Shop, which was already deceiving enough, turned out to be the highest.

But how could Xu Fei sell something worth nearly ten thousand spirit stones at a loss?

So after thinking about it, Xu Fei simply decided to return to the sect and make further calculations.

Although going back and forth will waste some time, Xu Fei is not so stupid to sell the harvest at a low price here.

But after Xu Fei left the entrance of Diling Cave for a distance, his expression couldn't help but move.

Someone is following from behind.

In a flash of thought, Xu Fei had almost figured out the matter.

Obviously, the shops at the entrance of Diling Cave are not a good route.

If you don't sell your harvest to them after searching for treasures in Diling Cave, they will bite you like vicious dogs.

Unless he shows enough strength to make them afraid.

Thinking of this, Xu Fei couldn't help but shake his head and smile bitterly.

It’s not easy to practice casually.

He finally stood out from thousands of ordinary monks and possessed a certain level of cultivation.

Thinking about going to the outer lands to earn spiritual stones.

But he still has to be exploited.

After Xu Fei thought for a while, he quietly released the puppet and hid aside.

After using it several times, Xu Fei changed his mind about the use of puppets.

This thing is still very convenient.

So after returning to the sect this time, he decided to refine several puppets with different uses.

In addition, the puppet's 'big head' that was stolen from others can also be refined.

Make it more effective.

Because Xu Fei didn't speed up his escape.

After leaving the Diling Cave for almost thousands of miles, 'Xu Fei' was overtaken by a group of people who had followed him from the settlement at the entrance of the Diling Cave.

And was tightly surrounded from top to bottom, left and right.

Xu Fei, who had already used the thousands of miles of clouds to disperse the mist, looked at the people gathered around him.

Seven in total.

Two have a cultivation level of more than 20,000 pots, three have a cultivation level of more than 10,000 pots, and two have a cultivation level of nearly 10,000 pots.

The first two are highly skilled in cultivation.

Even within the nine major sects, he is not considered a weak opponent.

"Hey fellow Taoist, we are just asking for money. As long as you hand over this harvest, how about we just leave?" said a young woman at the head.

Although this is redundant, it is not necessarily useless.

After all, if the other party is timid and fearful, believes this, and hands over the harvest, then they won't need to take action later.

Worry about damaging the opponent's storage bag and causing losses if a fight breaks out.

The woman's appearance was not ugly, but the ferocity in her expression ruined her temperament.

The big head does not have the ability to speak, so when faced with the other party's persecution, it just remains silent.

Especially wearing a large hooded cloak, covering many faces.

Therefore, this group of robbery cultivators did not see that Da Tou was a puppet.

The woman's face darkened when she saw that the other party refused to eat and drank as a penalty.

He winked at the men behind him.

Immediately, a monk with ten thousand pots and a monk with nearly ten thousand pots came forward.

Prepare to besiege Datou.

During this time, Xu Fei traveled in the Diling Cave and encountered many monsters.

But the number of times they encountered calamity cultivators was not that many.

And with Xu Fei's current strength, he can basically kill instantly with one move.

There is indeed no detailed understanding of the spells and specific strengths of other monks.

This time is an opportunity.

So Xu Fei held off taking action and only watched what the big head would do.

I saw two monks approaching slowly.

Then one of the monks took out a steel fork, and the other monk took out a wooden staff.

The monk who took out the steel fork activated the mana to infuse the steel fork.

The three spikes of the steel fork suddenly emitted light arrows flashing with dazzling golden light.

In the blink of an eye, it fell on the big head of the puppet.

Punch small holes in the bulk of the clothes.

Another monk who took out a wooden staff waved the wooden staff to send out green mist, which rolled towards the big head.

Xu Fei was almost dozens of miles away, and he couldn't tell the origin for a while.

However, it does not fall outside the category of wood poisoning method.

This made Xu Fei blink his eyes.

Because to him, these spells in front of him are nothing more than playing house.

Datou did not get Xu Fei's permission, so he did not fight back.

Floating blankly thousands of meters in the air, he was attacked by light arrows and poisonous mist.

After a while, several people realized that something was wrong.

Especially when the clothes of the puppet's big head were eroded by the poisonous mist, revealing its true form.

Although his appearance and stature were adjusted to some extent by Xu Fei, and he was quite similar to the Han Li he incarnated, he was not a living person after all.

So several people quickly concluded that what was in front of them turned out to be a puppet.

This made several people very angry.

The leading woman's left hand emits a golden light and cuts off the head, wanting to cut off the head in half to vent her anger.

But this golden light fell on Datou, leaving only a shallow mark.

The woman couldn't help but be startled when she saw this, and realized that something seemed to be wrong.

But the next moment, the big head moved. (End of chapter)

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