The big head was originally a puppet that consumed flesh and blood.

Not many features.

Even if Xu Fei made some modifications to make it consume spiritual energy and use high-grade spiritual stones that can independently absorb spiritual energy as energy, it did not add any means.

So it’s just a simple matter of pumping your fists and feet.

But it is equivalent to more than 30,000 monks with a pot cultivation level.

Therefore, the team of robber cultivators who were chasing after them were beaten to death by the big head in the blink of an eye.

Moreover, the monks who died at the hands of Datou were quite miserable.

Basically it explodes into blood mist.

The bones are hard to recover.

Especially after a while, three more people died under Big Tou's fists, legs and feet.

Only the man and the woman with the highest cultivation level were left, and the two calamity cultivators were almost crazy.

As people of Zhenbao Pavilion, they can get good rewards if they usually do some dirty work for Zhenbao Pavilion.

But today I finally hit the wall.

The female cultivator of the two looked around, but still did not see Xu Fei.

"Senior, have mercy on me!" He quickly begged for mercy.

"As long as senior spares me, I can do anything you want!" After a moment, the female cultivator saw no movement, and she hurriedly begged for mercy.

After all, the two of them were becoming more and more embarrassed under Big Tou's simple fist and kick attacks.

He is about to follow in the footsteps of his companions.

But Xu Fei ignored it.

Seeing how skillfully this group of people surrounded the big head, I am afraid that many monks have been killed by them.

How could Xu Fei be soft-hearted.

"Senior! I am willing to trade a clue to a precious spiritual material for my life!" The female cultivator quickly raised her voice again.

Xu Fei's heart moved when he heard the clues about the precious spiritual materials.

His current cultivation level is far lower than that of War Demon.

Therefore, when fighting with them, it is inevitable that the magic weapon cannot be taken care of.

Therefore, a very high-quality magic weapon is needed to use it in the battle with the war demon, so as not to collapse in an instant.

But a clever woman cannot make a meal without rice.

Without rare and good spiritual materials, Xu Fei would not be able to refine the best magic weapon.

This time, instead of practicing leisurely and having fun in the sect, I went out to travel.

Just for the precious spiritual materials.

But he didn't expect that by chance, there would be a clue.

Although the other party might have said this in order to survive, Xu Fei still showed up after thinking about it.

Seeing Xu Fei appear, the female cultivator looked overjoyed.

He quickly took out a map.

Xu Fei used his magic power to take it over.

After looking briefly for a while, I found out that it was a remote place in Osawa.

"Senior, this is a seven-thousand-year-old Tianlong tree that I accidentally discovered." The female cultivator said quickly.

Xu Fei raised his eyebrows when he heard the name of Tianlong Wood.

Although the golden spiritual material is the best for refining the flying sword, the wooden spiritual material is not unusable.

The Jinyuan Divine Tree that was previously unique to the Jinyuan Sword Sect was an excellent spiritual material for refining flying swords.

If Xu Fei can get an old branch and refine it into a flying sword, and if it is properly warmed and maintained, his strength can be increased by more than 30%!

Although this Tianlong Tree is not as magical as the Golden Source Sacred Tree, it is also different.

Especially the seven thousand year old spiritual seed.

After Xu Fei thought for a while, he simply used his magic power to roll up the two of them.

He activated the water method at will to wash away the blood and flesh on the bulk of his body, and then collected the storage bags of the dead people.

Directly control the escape light and head towards the mark on the female cultivator's map.

Watching Xu Fei leave without saying a word.

In particular, the speed at which Xu Fei escaped was astonishing.

The female cultivator was inevitably worried.

"Senior, that Tianlong tree is guarded by a big spider demon. It is very vicious." The female cultivator reminded.

"Do you know how much pot cultivation he has?" Xu Fei said.

"This... I don't know, junior, but I think it's at least around 100,000 pots." The female cultivator said with an uneasy look.

I was very worried that Xu Fei would kill the donkey.

Xu Fei glanced at the female cultivator and ignored her.

After more than half a day, Xu Fei arrived at the place where the female cultivator said.

Following the other party's instructions, Xu Fei quickly saw the Tianlong tree, which was inconspicuous among thousands of trees.

This tree is more than four feet high.

About the thickness of a thumb.

The branches and leaves are not abundant.

It looks like a bunch of wild trees on the roadside, inconspicuous.

Even if Xu Fei flew from above, he wouldn't be able to notice how special this thing was.

After all, many of the spiritual beings in the world have their own differences.

But with the guidance of the female cultivator, Xu Fei paid close attention.

Soon I discovered the specialness of this Tianlong wood.

The inspiration is contained but not revealed.

It grew and condensed, grew and condensed again, so after thousands of years, it was still only more than four feet tall.


And although the female cultivator is not a good person, her eyesight is quite good.

The tree in front of me is really a celestial dragon tree that dates back to the early 7000s!

With the flying sword he refined, although Xu Fei's strength is not as exaggerated as a 30% increase, there should still be 10% or 20%.

This made Xu Fei's eyes light up.

Commanding the big head to guard the two robbery cultivators, Xu Fei fell down.

But halfway through, a huge spider, up to two feet wide, jumped out of the hole on the side.

Really channeling.

Eleven pairs of thick, hairy feet moved rapidly.

This makes this spider demon in its true form very fast and agile.

After Xu Fei thought for a while, he stopped temporarily.

The spider demon noticed that Xu Fei had stopped, and the six huge claw limbs in its mouth couldn't help but move.

The single eye above his mouth looked closely at Xu Fei.

Very alert.

After all, the monk in front of him put a lot of pressure on it.

Although this spider demon is a wild demon and does not have any serious inheritance, its wonderful senses developed through years of living in the wild are enough for it to distinguish the strength of its opponents.

Now there are two choices before Xu Fei.

One, kill this spider demon directly.

There is a lot of blood evil energy surrounding this spider monster, and although there are not many human elements in it, it is not without it.

Apparently a monk had died recently from the mouth of this spider demon.

Two, exchange.

The cultivation level of this spider demon is not as exaggerated as the 100,000 pots mentioned by the female robbery cultivator, but it is still around 80,000 pots.

Similar to Xu Fei.

If you act rashly, you may not be able to get into trouble.

After all, Xu Fei has too little combat experience.

Even though he had fought fiercely against the war demons before, he had also fought many monsters during these times, but it was still not enough.

Xu Fei also had no idea what methods and talents the spider demon in front of him had.

The spider demon did not act rashly.

Xu Fei didn't take action either.

The two sides are in a stalemate.

After a moment, Xu Fei bowed his hands and said, "I, Han Li, have met fellow Taoist."

This demon is not a master of beasts. To be able to cultivate like this, his wisdom must be quite impressive.

Most likely, he can speak human words.

Sure enough, after seeing Xu Fei's polite salute, the two pedipalps next to the spider demon's mouthparts saluted like a human being's hand.

"I am better than King Xiang." Spider Demon said.

Its voice is dull.

But according to his own admission, this spider demon turned out to be female.

"I've met fellow Taoist Shengxiang." Xu Fei bowed his hands again.

Then he turned to look in the direction of Tianlongmu.

"To be honest with you, fellow Taoist, I have taken a liking to this Tianlong tree protected by fellow Taoist." Xu Fei said.

This spider demon is quite intelligent, and Xu Fei is not a cunning person, so he can't think of any way to deceive him.

Just say it directly. (End of chapter)

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