I heard that Xu Fei was eyeing Tianlongmu, who he had been caring for for many years.

King Shengxiang immediately mobilized the demon power.

It looks quite ready to go.

Xu Fei, however, had no intention of confronting the spider demon and took the initiative to retreat to show that he was not hostile.

Spider Demon Shengxiang King saw Xu Fei retreating and making no move to mobilize his magic power, so he probably understood what the other party meant.

The high probability is that they want to exchange.

After understanding this, King Shengxiang thought about it and restrained his demon power slightly.

Xu Fei did not approach again.

"I wonder what Fellow Taoist Shengxiang wants?" Xu Fei said.

The practice of the demon race is similar to that of the human race. They absorb the inspiration from the world and absorb it to strengthen their own cultivation.

However, due to the different races of the demon clan, there are various demon powers with different attributes.

The spider demon in front of him has more demonic power than King Xiang, and is faintly poisonous.

It can almost be regarded as having its own poison.

Not aggressive.

"Then I wonder if you know the significance of this Tianlong tree to our demon clan?" King Shengxiang stared at Xu Fei with his single-footed eye, and said with a motivating mouth.

"If the demon clan can refine the Heavenly Dragon Wood that produces celestial phenomena, it is possible to obtain a trace of dragon blood." Xu Fei said.

As time goes by, the seemingly inconspicuous Tianlongmu may develop strange phenomena.

It can gather inspiration and manifest a scene of flying dragons around it.

This is also the reason why the Tianlong Wood Club has this name.

Although it does not actually give birth to a dragon species, the Tianlong wood that can transform the scene of a dragon flying around is no longer comparable to ordinary spiritual materials.

But it's at the top of the list.

There is even a chance of refining a top-level magic weapon.

If Xu Fei can get one, he can refine a top-notch magic weapon.

Then his strength may be more than doubled.

However, Xu Fei once again carefully observed the spiritual seed Tianlongmu that had grown for more than seven thousand years for a moment, but he was not optimistic that it could break through its own shackles.

After all, not to mention other things, the foundation aspect alone is not enough to support this Tianlong tree to obtain the spirituality of transforming into a dragon shadow.

Of course, if you insist on saying that this Tianlong tree is absolutely impossible to evolve, Xu Fei doesn't dare to make a decision.

This is like the thousands of babies born every year in the Linglong Immortal Sect.

Theoretically, every baby has a chance of becoming the head of the Linglong Immortal Sect in the future.

But in reality this probability is quite low.

Because Linglong Immortal Sect governs a territory of 130,000 miles and a population of 7 million.

More than one hundred million babies are born every year!

The current head of the Linglong Immortal Sect, Juan Yi, took over in the year 6100 of the Zhuang Era, and it is now the year 1326 of the Xuan Era.

One century lasts twelve thousand years.

In other words, it must stand out from the more than seven thousand years since the leader Juan Yi took over, plus the younger generation in the previous years.

Only then can he take over the position of the Immortal Sect’s leader.

How slim.

Distracting thoughts flashed through my mind.

Xu Fei was not sure whether the spider demon chose to say this in order to increase the value of Tianlong Wood, or whether it really had the hope that Tianlong Wood could evolve.

"Since fellow Taoist knows the importance of this Heavenly Dragon Wood to the demon clan like us, why do you think you can come up with conditions that make my heart beat?" King Spider Demon Shengxiang said.

Xu Fei heard this and felt that he had been tricked by this spider demon.

This made Xu Fei's etiquette towards this spider demon suddenly drop by three points.

But if we can exchange, it's better than fighting.

What's more, this spider demon Shengxiang King has been waiting for Tianlong Wood for a long time and has done a lot of tricks on Tianlong Wood.

If Xu Fei acted rashly, it would even damage the spirituality of Tianlongmu.

This is also the reason why Xu Fei had to negotiate with the spider demon guarding Tianlongmu first to try to exchange.

"If fellow Taoists have any requests, it's okay to ask." Xu Fei said.

Be prepared to listen to the other party's price first.

"If my fellow Taoist has a wooden spiritual object or a dragon's true blood, I might consider exchanging it." Spider Demon said.

Hearing these words, Xu Fei was sure that the spider demon was indeed playing tricks on him.

After all, if Xu Fei had enough wooden spiritual objects to exchange for Tianlong wood, why would he need Tianlong wood?

As for the true blood of the dragon species, this monster has a really big appetite and is not afraid of overwhelming it to death.

"My Taoist asking price is too high, I don't have that kind of collection," Xu Fei said.

Looking at Tianlongmu again, Xu Fei bowed his hands and said, "Then I'll say goodbye."

After saying that, Xu Fei was ready to leave.

Unfortunately, the next moment, the surroundings were suddenly filled with green poisonous fog.

Block Xu Fei's path.

"Fellow Taoist, why are you leaving in such a hurry? There are very few people coming here, so please stay with me for a while!" said the spider demon.

Although when he first met Xu Fei, the spider demon felt that Xu Fei was very threatening, but later Xu Fei's soft attitude made the spider demon think that the other person was nothing more than that.

What's more, this person knows that there is information about Tianlongmu here.

How could you give up so easily?

Maybe some helpers will come later.

Although it could directly take Tianlongmu and leave at that time, it would not be beautiful after all.

The spider demon Shengxiang King also plans to watch over the growth of the Tianlong tree for a while to increase its spirituality.

So involuntarily, this spider demon had murderous intentions.

Xu Fei was not surprised when he saw this.

The other party didn't have any sincerity in his offer, and he knew that there was Tianlong wood here.

How could you let him go?

The deliberate move to leave just now was just to find a reason for himself to take action.

If the spider demon lets him go, although Xu Fei is unlikely to give up the Tianlong tree, whether he finds a companion to come with him or obtains the Tianlong tree through other methods, he will spare this demon's life.

But now there is no need to worry about this.

Xu Fei saw the spider demon using its demonic power, and turned over his hand to take out Qianli Yunyan, which was warmed in the acupoints in his body!

When refining Shili Yunyan and Baili Yunyan, Xu Fei used star mist stone to refine both because he obtained the refining method from Master Lu.

But when it comes to the Qianli Yunyan, if you use the Star Mist Stone again, the final magic weapon will be several feet high.

Materials are particularly expensive.

And after receiving part of the Wanli Yunyan refining method from Peak Master Du Lao.

Xu Fei understood that he had gone into a misunderstanding.

The use of star mist stone as the main material was abandoned.

After some additions, it was finally successful.

Obtained a magic weapon that can be called a "thousand miles" level.

The shape of this thousand-mile cloud is like a bamboo tube about three inches thick and about the length of a ruler, with both ends empty and unsealed.

At this moment, Xu Fei held it in his hand and poured his magic power into it.

Suddenly, billowing clouds of smoke came out from both ends.

And after this mist arises, it connects with the spirit and earth energy to produce more clouds and mist.

In the blink of an eye, it spread thousands of miles!

The name of Qianli Yunyan is worthy of its name.

The spider demon was shocked when he realized that Xu Fei raised his hand with such a ferocious cloud and smoke magic weapon.

It's just that it's too late to regret it now.

With the habit of living in the wild, Xu Fei's humble attitude was regarded as weakness and could be bullied.

Spider Demon Sheng Xiang Wang made a wrong judgment.

The next moment, the scattered clouds and smoke gradually condensed.

It interacts with the poisonous green mist triggered by the spider demon.

Each wisp of cloud smoke can dissipate two or three wisps of poisonous mist.

While a pot of Xu Fei's magic power can activate three thousand wisps of cloud smoke, a pot of Spider Demon Shengxiang King's magic power can only activate less than a thousand wisps of poisonous mist.

And this was Xu Fei's initiative.

If you include the clouds and smoke that stimulate the development, the accompanying clouds and smoke that connect the inspiration and the earth's energy.

Even though the power of this part of the accompanying cloud smoke is not as powerful as that obtained by direct stimulation, it still has five or six effects.

The non-spider demon is better than Xiang Wang in urging the poisonous mist to be released. (End of chapter)

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