In the blink of an eye.

The huge amount of poisonous mist triggered by the spider demon Shengxiang King was consumed and compressed by the cloud smoke triggered by Xu Fei, and could only stay within a dozen feet around King Shengxiang.

In the first round of the fight, Xu Fei won completely.

The male and female tribulation cultivators in the distance looked at the approaching poisonous mist with great fear in their hearts.

The powerful spirituality contained in the poisonous mist is thrilling.

I really can’t imagine what it would be like to be in it.

But he didn't expect that just a moment later, when the clouds of smoke dispersed, most of the poisonous mist was eliminated, and the rest shrank to the side of the spider demon.

The ups and downs between life and death made the two of them look stiff, not knowing whether to be happy or sad.

However, the spider demon Shengxiang King has survived in the wild for a long time, and has been devoured more than once by opponents stronger than it.

Therefore, the current disadvantage is not enough to make the spider demon feel guilty and discouraged.

On the contrary, it becomes more vicious.

Even though this spider demon can speak human words and is very intelligent, in the final analysis, it still does not fall outside the category of demon clan.

Strong in animal nature, cruel, violent, bloodthirsty and irritable.

I saw that the spider demon Shengxiang King originally had a dark carapace, gradually turned red, and then turned into a dark green color.

The scope of the poisonous mist suddenly increased greatly.

When it is dissipating the clouds and mist, it even makes bursts of "呲呲~" sounds.

Large tracts of clouds and fog were consumed by the poisonous mist.

Xu Fei raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

As long as he holds Qianli Yunyan, he is not afraid of consumption.

At least enemies at the level of Spider Demon Shengxiang King can't defeat him.

And even if the clouds and mist were wiped away by large tracts, Xu Fei did not expend any additional mana except protecting the Tianlong Wood.

This is because the clouds and smoke triggered by the magical instrument Qianli Yunyan have the special characteristics of connecting with the spiritual power and transforming the earth's energy to accompany the clouds and smoke.

I just used five thousand pots of magic power to create a large cloud of smoke.

As long as the Spider Demon doesn't fight against King Xiang, Xu Fei basically doesn't need to pay any more attention to him.

This is just a cloud of smoke.

If it is a top-quality magical weapon like Wanli Yunyan, it may even be a top-level magic weapon. Who knows how powerful it is?

Xu Fei still has free time to daydream.

After almost a quarter of an hour, the movements of Spider Demon Shengxiang King's drum to activate the poisonous mist gradually weakened until they stopped.

And its size has also shrunk by one point.

From the original more than two feet, it became about two feet.

And the dark green carapace also returned to its normal color.

As it exerted its demon-driving power, the poisonous mist that expanded in scope was compressed back again.

The eleven pairs of trembling steps could hardly support the huge body and looked very tired.

Obviously, the poisonous fog just consumed a lot of money.

"If fellow Taoist can give me the Tianlong Wood, then I can let fellow Taoist go." Xu Fei said.

Although he is now protecting Tianlong Mu, it is not easy to deal with the spider demon's methods against Tianlong Mu.

If one is not careful, the spirituality of Tianlong Wood may not fall from a top-grade spiritual material to a fine-grade one.

That would be a waste of time.

Even if the spider demon is crushed to ashes, it will not help.

After hearing Xu Fei's words, Spider Demon Shengxiang King fell silent.

How could it have thought that even with all its strength, it could not defeat the other party's casual blow.

As a wild monster, King Shengxiang not only activates the poisonous mist of his talent, but also uses his strong body to attack fiercely.

Something went wrong in its previous training, and it even lost the ability to spray spider silk.

"Is what fellow Taoist said true?" King Shengxiang said.

He seemed a little excited.

Xu Fei was a little surprised, he didn't expect that he could persuade this demon.

"Don't worry, fellow Taoist," Xu Fei said.

As long as this spider demon can remove Tianlong Mu's tricks, it doesn't matter if Xu Fei lets him go.

It's a pity that Spider Demon Shengxiang King failed Xu Fei's good intentions in the end.

Taking advantage of Xu Fei's opportunity to relax a little, he suddenly burst out with demon power again, rushed into the Tianlong Wood, bit the Tianlong Wood, pulled it out, and wanted to rush back to the lair.

By chance, the spider demon Shengxiang King opened its lair to the Earth Spirit Cave.

And as long as it can enter the Earth Spirit Cave, it will naturally have many ways to escape the pursuit of the powerful monk in front of it.

In front of you?

King Shengxiang couldn't help but be stunned when he thought about this.

Then I just felt my vision drop.

When King Shengxiang wanted to see what happened, he found that he couldn't feel his body.

At this time, King Shengxiang couldn't help but realize, had its head been chopped off?

Xu Fei took back the green sword with a wave of his hand.

Although he spent a lot of spiritual stones and effort on this sword, it was not at the level of a top-grade magic weapon.

If you used it when fighting against the war demon before.

When Xu Fei's own magic power is insufficient to compete with the war demon, and he cares about one thing at the expense of the other, he is afraid that he will be destroyed by the war demon in the blink of an eye, or even captured.

Therefore, Xu Fei did not use the green sword to directly fight the war demon before.

But when Xu Fei's cultivation level is not weaker than his opponent's, and his magic power can take into account Qingjian.

The green sword can be said to be invincible.

The sword came out and cut off the head of the spider demon Shengxiang King in an instant.

In fact, if this spider demon fights Xu Fei again instead of thinking about pulling out the Tianlong wood and escaping.

Then Xu Fei couldn't kill him so easily.

It can only be said that one step is wrong and every step is wrong.

Xu Fei stretched out his fingers and flicked the green sword.

Clean up any trace of the spider demon's aura stained by the green sword.

Then he put the green sword into his body.

As a green sword that combines multiple functions such as a weapon, a magic sword, a flying sword, and even an array eye, although its effectiveness in all aspects cannot be said to be top-notch, it is not bad at all.

It can have 80% of the power of the sword that Xu Fei refined by focusing on a certain aspect.

The spider demon Shengxiang King, who was almost the first soul killed by Qingjian's sword, knew this very well.

After all, King Shengxiang didn't even notice, and his head was chopped off.

After waiting for a moment to confirm that the spider demon was completely dead, Xu Fei came to King Shengxiang's head as big as a millstone, bent down and took out the Tianlong wood contained in his mouth.

Xu Fei opened his mouth to persuade the spider demon to hand over the Tianlong Wood and let it live.

But it was also a push.

It is speculated that the spider demon is reluctant to take care of Tianlongmu for a long time.

After all, if the spider demon pulled out the Tianlong wood by himself, then the methods it used on the Tianlong wood would naturally not be effective.

Therefore, as long as it feels that something cannot be done, the spider demon will most likely forcefully pull out the Tianlongmu and then escape.

Therefore, after this coercion, whether the spider demon handed over the Tianlong tree or forcibly pulled out the Tianlong tree and escaped, Xu Fei would basically get a intact Tianlong tree.

And the subsequent development of the situation also came true.

Xu Fei held the Tianlong Wood in his hand, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

Because this small tree, which is more than four feet long and as thick as a thumb, actually weighs over a thousand kilograms!

Then he looked at the tree pit where the Tianlong tree was pulled out.

Xu Fei went over and collected some roots of the Tianlong tree.

Then take back the big head of the puppet and leave directly.

As for the male and female robbery cultivators who robbed and killed Xu Fei, Xu Fei indeed did not do it himself.

After all, when the Spider Demon Shengxiang King desperately incited the poisonous mist just now, although Xu Fei did some resistance for the two of them, he did not block them all.

After all, the two of them were tainted with a trace of poisonous mist.

At this moment, even the corpse bones had turned into sewage and fell to the ground, eroding large black marks. (End of chapter)

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