It was only an hour after Xu Fei's figure left.

Xu Fei suddenly appeared from the side again.

When fighting against King Shengxiang, there was quite a lot of movement.

Clouds and mist that spread thousands of miles and reached a height of a hundred feet gathered together.

It is inevitable to attract attention.

If someone comes to spy on him, it would be troublesome for Xu Fei to accidentally plot against him.

That's why he laid out a suspicious formation, used wooden techniques to activate his clones, and left with the big head of the puppet.

Xu Fei randomly named the puppet that he got from the female robbery cultivator.

But now the more I scream, the smoother it becomes.

Xu Fei simply called it Big Head.

As for the puppets we will make in the future, will they have two or three heads?

Seems pretty good too.

I looked around and found nothing wrong.

Xu Fei's attempt to raise suspicions seems to be a waste of effort.

But no one knew, so Xu Fei didn't have any embarrassment.

Xu Fei came to the body of the spider demon Shengxiang King.

Its head, which was the size of a millstone, was cut off by the green sword without even causing the spider demon to feel any pain.

Xu Fei took out a sharp short blade from his storage bag.

Under the control of mana, the carapace of this spider demon was peeled off.

As for other flesh and blood, Xu Fei did not take any more.

Although this spider monster is over two feet in size and can only eat a few dozen kilograms of flesh and blood, this is not the reason why Xu Fei dislikes it.

After all, this demon can speak human words, so it's okay to take the carapace and refine armor and other magic weapons.

Xu Fei would still be a little concerned about eating its flesh.

The spider demon carapace has been packed away.

Xu Fei looked at the spider demon's lair not far away.

After thinking about it, he urged the big head of the puppet to walk into the lair to explore.

However, Xu Fei's spiritual thoughts attached to Datou didn't find anything useful.

After exploring for a while, Xu Fei discovered that the lair was very deep.

Continuing deeper, Xu Fei realized that this lair was actually connected to the Earth Spirit Cave.

Xu Fei was even more surprised.

After thinking about it, Xu Fei did not stay here any longer. He put away his head and turned into light and left.

He left Dazezhong in the afternoon, and in the early morning, Xu Fei returned to Linglong Immortal Sect.

Xu Fei has been away for two months, which still makes his family miss him a lot.

When we come back this time, we have a lot of fun and socializing.

A few days later, Xu Fei calmed down.

Come to the quiet room and take out the Tianlong wood.

Because it was roughly pulled out by the spider demon.

Tianlongmu can no longer survive.

So after Xu Fei thought about it, he simply started cleaning the branches, leaves, roots, etc. of the Tianlong tree.

Soon I got a stick about four feet tall.

The thickest part is no more than two fingers, and the thinnest part at the top is only as thick as a chopstick.

But it is such a small wooden stick. After weighing it, it weighs a full eight hundred and thirty-six kilograms and seven taels.

It can only be said that it is indeed a spiritual seed that has grown for thousands of years.

Preliminary treatment of Denon wood.

Xu Fei put the Tianlong wooden stick on the table, and his thoughts kept turning in his mind.

He was thinking about what type of magical weapon he could refine the Tianlong Wood into.

Among them, Feijian is a good choice.

Although the first choice for refining flying swords is the golden spiritual material, top-level spiritual materials such as Tianlong wood are also suitable.

Especially Tianlong wood because it contains the spirituality of dragon species.

It will be helpful when the sword energy takes the form of a dragon.

But Xu Fei was in a dilemma as to whether to refine a flying sword with extremely fast speed, or a flying sword that could break through solids or break spells.

Although the green sword is too perfect and lacks power, it is really easy to use.

And Xu Fei's method does not rely solely on a flying sword.

Therefore, logically speaking, it is undoubtedly more appropriate to refine an all-purpose flying sword in the style of a green sword.

Wouldn't it be a waste just to do this?

Tianlong wood contains dragon spirituality. Although it is not very strong, it can be further stimulated after refining.

When the time comes, Xu Fei's sword will merge with the refined flying sword. The magic power will activate the sword energy, and the sword energy will directly borrow the dragon seed.

Powerful and powerful.

After thinking about it, Xu Fei made a decision.

So he refined the flying sword from Tianlong wood, and it was a flying sword that stimulated the sword energy.

As soon as he thought of it, Xu Fei went to Patriarch Youwei and asked him for several flying sword refining methods that fit his needs.

Then start tempering Tianlongmu.

This wooden body is a spiritual seed that has grown for more than seven thousand years.

After the sun rises and the moon sets, it is subject to wind, frost, rain and snow.

Nature, spirituality, etc. are only under the ten thousand year gourd that Xu Fei has seen before and obtained by Peak Master Du Lao.

The more he practiced, the more Xu Fei couldn't put it down.

In the blink of an eye, eight years passed.

On this day, Xu Fei tempered the Tianlong Wood again and picked it up to check.

A smile couldn't help but appear on his face.

After eight years of hard work, I finally perfected this wood!

The next step is naturally to hone the auxiliary spiritual materials.

These aspects are much faster.

It only took Xu Fei more than three months.

Then Xu Fei came to Patriarch Youwei.

Although Xu Fei purchased many refining rooms over the years, none of them were as good as the refining room of His Highness Red Highness, who was the Patriarch.

After all, the ancestor's refining room requires at least one million spiritual stones to maintain every year.

Especially because there is also high-grade goblin fire available in the ancestor's weapon refining room.

So when it comes to top-quality spiritual materials, Xu Fei will naturally not be thin-skinned or embarrassed.

When you need to ask for help, you have to ask for help.

What's more, what I'm looking for is my elders, who are not shabby.

Patriarch Yu Wei heard that Xu Fei wanted to borrow his weapon refining room.

Not surprisingly.

However, after thinking about it, Patriarch Youwei agreed.

After all, this junior helped him refine magic weapons before.

With Patriarch Youwei's hand, he opened the floor with a wave of his hand.

Located under the red hall, the weapon refining room of the ancestor is revealed.

"What arrangement do you need?" Patriarch Youwei asked.

"All it takes is earth fire." Xu Fei said.

Although Xu Fei meant the 'Blood Flame', one of the sixteen types of goblin fire here, he still needed to be polite and restrained.

Patriarch Youwei laughed, but did not say anything.

Hematitis can be caused by waving a hand.

Then without saying anything else, he turned and left.

Xu Fei bowed and bid farewell to Patriarch Youwei, then came to the side of Xueyan.

This flame is one of the sixteen evolved spiritual flames of Earth Fire.

It can absorb heat and release it when it is time to release it.

Especially when refining a magic weapon, it can enhance the foundation of the magic weapon.

Using this fire to refine Tianlong wood, Xu Fei is confident that the power of the flying sword he is about to refine will increase by several percent!

After a moment of promoting blood inflammation, I became familiar with its use.

Xu Fei did not hesitate and took out various spiritual materials one by one.

Started his refining.

Compared to the nearly two years it took to refine the Sihai Gourd, Xu Fei was able to refine the Flying Sword with Tianlong Wood much faster.

Because Xu Fei was not thinking about adding any effect to the flying sword that was about to be refined.

As long as it can help activate the sword energy.

So two months and seventeen days later.

All the spiritual materials are integrated into the Tianlong Wood, just waiting to be enlightened.

There are several ways to activate spiritual objects, elixirs, etc.

1. The refiner activates the magic power and presses the semi-finished magical instruments, elixirs, etc., so that they automatically accept the spiritual inspiration of heaven and earth and undergo refinement.

2. The refiner borrows the magic power of other monks to polish the embryo of the magic weapon with extremely powerful magic power, so that the various elixirs and spiritual materials used in the refining are integrated into one, and there is no difference anymore.

3. Use formations to gather the inspirations of heaven and earth and refine the embryo.

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