Each of the three methods of spiritual enlightenment has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The first type of oppression method is basically only used for refining general magic weapons, elixirs, etc.

After all, it would not be a pity to destroy it, but if it succeeds, it can add some spirituality to the mediocre magic weapon and elixir.

The second combined force method is safer.

But it requires connections.

And you can't use others in vain, you need to pay some reward.

As for Xu Fei asking his ancestor for help...

He is already using the ancestor's weapon refining room, and asking the ancestor to help him is a bit excessive.

What's more, if only the Patriarch's help is enough, it won't be enough to activate the spirit of a top-level magical weapon.

At least four to five people must be ranked, and their cultivation level can reach the level of one hundred thousand pots.

The third refining method is the most suitable for Xu Fei to use now.

The refining room of the ancestor is equipped with a formation to gather spiritual energy.

Enabled at the moment.

After a while, Xu Fei urged it, and a huge amount of spiritual energy gathered and poured into the Tianlong Wood.

After modification, the 'Dragon Wood', which had transformed from a wooden stick into a wooden sword, suddenly began to tremble violently.

Even though Xu Fei was quite confident, he couldn't help but feel nervous at this moment.

After all, during this trip, I got this Tianlong tree by chance.

Even if we travel dozens, hundreds, or thousands of times in the future, we may not have such an opportunity.

If the refining fails, there will undoubtedly be heavy losses.

Fortunately, Xu Fei's nervousness only lasted for a moment.

Almost half a quarter of an hour later, the Tianlong Sword stabilized.

This also means that the refining of the flying sword is almost complete.

This made Xu Fei smile, but he quickly restrained himself and became more serious about activating the Heavenly Dragon Sword.

Four days passed in the blink of an eye.

Xu Fei stood up, beckoning, and the Tianlong Sword flew into his hand.

This made Xu Fei nodded with satisfaction.

It is so spiritual even before it is warmed up.


After holding the Tianlong Sword, Xu Fei was shocked and looked around.

Subconsciously, I wanted to find some flowers and plants to test the sharpness of this sword.

Immediately Xu Fei burst into laughter.

Come out of Patriarch Youwei's refining room.

Find Yu as the Patriarch.

"Thank you, Patriarch, for borrowing the weapon refining room. My disciple has finished refining the weapon." Xu Fei thanked him.

After hearing this, Patriarch Youwei put down the scroll in his hand, chuckled and said, "Sit down."

Xu Fei sat aside.

A maid brings refreshments.

After Xu Fei chatted with the Patriarch for a while, he took out the Tianlong Sword.

Although this sword is just a wooden sword, once it is taken out, it also shows a bit of sharpness.

Patriarch Yu Wei did not take it, but just looked at it from a distance for a moment and nodded repeatedly.

"This sword is not ordinary." Patriarch Youwei praised it.

Xu Fei chuckled and put away the Tianlong Sword.

Since this sword is mainly made of Tianlong wood, it is called Tianlong Sword.

Xu Fei always emphasizes convenience and simplicity in naming his magic weapons, puppets, etc.

After chatting with the ancestor about the process of refining the Tianlong Sword, Xu Fei said goodbye and left.

After thinking for a while, Xu Fei transformed into an escape light and flew directly to a forest thousands of miles away.

The forest here is sparsely populated.

Xu Fei observed for a moment and found no traces of monks or ordinary people, and then took out the Tianlong Sword.

As Xu Fei's mana poured into the Tianlong Sword.

Tianlong Sword began to manifest its sword energy.

The sword energy condenses and generates light.

As the sword light floated, it vaguely took on the shape of a dragon.

Apparently the Tianlong Sword was refined very well by Xu Fei.

Even though it has not been warmed up, it has already begun to show its power.

Xu Fei grinned when he saw this.

The whole person flew away.

Falling towards the forest.

The sword came out casually.

The Tianlong Sword catalyzed the dragon-shaped sword light and chopped it down directly into the forest.

The light of the sword flashed, trees collapsed, and beasts and birds fled.

A sword mark of more than three hundred feet appeared in the forest.

Xu Fei was even more satisfied that he could exert such power even though he couldn't see a hundred pots of magic power.

After another trial of the power of the Tianlong Sword, Xu Fei returned to the Immortal Sect.

Start to warm up the Tianlong Sword carefully.

As long as it is properly warmed and maintained, the power of the Tianlong Sword can be increased by about three times.

The successful refining of the magic weapon does not end there.

How the owner of the instrument maintains it after that will also have a great impact on the instrument.

If properly maintained, a magic weapon made of ordinary materials can generally increase its power by 10% to 30%.

Excellent quality magic weapons can increase the value by 20% to 50%.

For high-quality magic weapons, the value can be increased by 30% to 80%.

At the top level, the power that a magic weapon can increase after being warmed up will vary greatly depending on the refining process, the use of spiritual materials, etc.

The Tianlong Sword is made from Tianlong Wood, the top-grade spiritual material. Xu Fei used his superb weapon refining techniques and carefully worked on it, and also borrowed the help of the blood flames of the Patriarch You.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the power can be increased by about three times after being warmed up.

In the following time, while Xu Feiwen was raising the Tianlong Sword, he also began to think about what type of puppet he would refine.

Got the Spider Demon Shengxiang King to wear a carapace.

Almost half of the main spiritual materials needed to refine the puppet have been solved.

Especially during this trip, the large puppet head gifted by nature was very convenient.

Let Xu Fei pay a lot of attention to the puppet.

After all, he is traveling alone, and having a few puppets with him makes it much more convenient for him to take over his body when he encounters trouble or to explore dangerous places.

After a while, Xu Fei had some thoughts.

Decided to refine a human-shaped puppet, a bird-shaped puppet, and a snake-shaped puppet.

Humanoid puppets are modified with big heads.

The bird-shaped puppet takes the shape of a bird.

Mainly provides some assistance.

Snake puppets are used to explore places that are inconvenient to enter.

With the decision made, Xu Fei quickly started to take action.

First dismantle the big head and clean out all the parts that were affected by the previous consumption of flesh and blood as energy.

Replace it with suitable spiritual materials for repair.

Then he took the hardest carapace from the back of the spider demon Shengxiang King and made a 'skin' to cover the big head.

After a lot of work, the puppet head was upgraded from a monk with a cultivation level of more than 30,000 pots of magic power to a level equivalent to a cultivation level of more than 40,000 pots of magic power.

After all, it is limited by spiritual materials.

A puppet with more than 40,000 pots of cultivation is already the limit of what Xu Fei can achieve with his current high-quality spiritual materials.

While Xu Fei was busy, Ye Yuanmei came over with Shu Lan and Yu Yixin.

They have been with Xu Fei for the longest time, so they have a lot of affection for Xu Fei.

"Master, there is an orchid party in the door recently, and the sisters all want to go and see it." Ye Yuanmei said.

After all, this life is not as good as the previous life, and there are not many ways to have fun.

This orchid party is already extremely lively.

Xu Fei stopped what he was doing when he heard this, thinking that he had only been focusing on his own practice recently, and he was missing the company of his family.

So I chuckled after thinking about it.

"Okay, let's go and enjoy it as a family." Xu Fei said.

Ye Yuanmei looked happy when she heard this.

Because the master said this, it means that he will also go together.

"Then we've made an agreement." Ye Yuanmei said happily.

My master is busy practicing every day and rarely has time to relax and have fun.

Xu Fei nodded again to confirm.

Ye Yuanmei quickly turned around and left to make arrangements for the orchid party.

After all, the whole family wants to travel together, but there is still a lot of preparation to do.

Shu Lan looked at the puppet next to Xu Fei.

Curious eyes.

Before, her personality was slightly unruly.

However, as Xu Fei's skills gradually improved, his unruliness gradually subsided and he became obedient and submissive.

When Xu Fei saw this, he couldn't help but feel playful.

The big head suddenly moved.

Shulan was so frightened that her face turned pale.

After all, the master's cultivation level is far beyond the ordinary. If the items he crafted with great care get out of control, they may destroy the world.

After a while, Shu Lan realized that it was Xu Fei who was teasing others, making her act coquettishly. (End of chapter)

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