The next day, Xu Fei, his wife, concubines and children took a small boat boat to the Orchid Club.

The orchid party held this time was in a valley.

The specifications are quite high.

Ling Nong, who has great experience in growing orchids, will plant the carefully cultivated orchids among the rocks, or carefully transplant them into exquisite flower pots to display them in front of everyone.

Although orchids are not as colorful as other types of flowers, they still have a fresh and elegant beauty.

In particular, some spiritual orchids breathe calmly.

It makes people feel relaxed and happy.

When Xu Fei saw some good spiritual seeds, he liked them quite a lot and purchased them from time to time.

As for whether an orchid contains 300 spirit stones or 500 spirit stones, it doesn't matter much.

After all, if these orchids are taken care of carefully, they will have no problem growing for more than a hundred years.

Planting it at home is also a sight to behold.

In addition, after shopping together for a while, Xu Fei did not restrain his wife, concubines, and children. If he wanted to go shopping by himself, he could just go and have fun.

But at noon, remember to eat at the appointed place.

Gradually Xu Fei was left alone.

Walk and look at the orchids.

This flower party was quite lively.

The large valley here is almost full of orchids of various colors.

Xu Fei unknowingly wandered to a quite quiet place.

Xu Fei was planning to go back, but he saw some orchids on display ahead.

After thinking about it, I decided to go over and take a look.

After a few more steps, Xu Fei saw more than ten orchids planted in various flower pots.

He looked slightly surprised.

Because these orchids are ghost orchids.

That is, orchids with a relatively strong Yin energy.

Its color is deep and its fragrance is distant, as if it is there but not there.

This inevitably made Xu Fei take a second look.

While Xu Fei was watching these ghost orchids, a woman came out of the woods behind.

"What does the guest like?" the woman said.

Xu Fei didn't pay attention at first, but when he looked up and saw the woman, he raised his eyebrows.

Because the woman is a crafty cultivator.

However, it is a mysterious cultivation of the Yang Vein.

That is to say, to improve one's spiritual practice and try to reshape the physical body and return it to the Yang state.

Most of the ghost cultivators here are ordinary people, or monks with innate martial arts, who turned into ghost cultivators by chance after death.

It is almost impossible for a person with natural Tao roots to become a cultivator.

After becoming a cultivator, you can choose to practice Yin and Yang.

The Yang Vein is the woman in front of me. She improves her skills and reshapes her body, turning death into life.

The Yin Vein is to absorb Yin Qi and condense the Yin Soul's true body.

Theoretically speaking, there is no superiority or inferiority between the two kinds of treacherous cultivation.

However, human monks can regard the Yang Vein Cultivator as a comrade, and will be more vigilant against the Yin Vein Cultivator.

After all, the purpose of cultivating Yang Meridian is to regain the human body and return to the right path.

However, the Yin Meridian is affected by Yin Qi, and the deeper the Yin Soul's true body becomes, the more sinister and vicious the heart will become.

This cannot be persisted or changed during one's lifetime.

This is the way of heaven.

Thoughts flashed through his mind, Xu Fei looked at the female spy.

This Yang-veined girl has white hair, her eyebrows and eyelashes seem to be dyed with a layer of frost, and her silver-blue pupils are strange and eye-catching.

It has a different kind of beauty.

Xu Fei was quite moved.

"How to sell these orchids?" Xu Fei did not offend the beauty.

"There are five spiritual stones for each plant. If senior wants it, fifty spiritual stones will be enough." The female ghost said quickly.

Xu Fei chuckled when he heard this, took out the spirit stone and handed it to the other party.

"Dare I ask the lady's name?" Xu Fei asked again after the female spy collected the spirit stones.

Hearing Xu Fei's question, the female spy was a little shy.

At this time, a mysterious cultivator who looked like an old woman came out of the woods behind. When she saw Xu Fei, she looked surprised and couldn't help but smile.

"The old woman Chisu greets the senior, this is the moment of the bad guy." The old woman said as a wise monk.

It is also a treacherous cultivation of the Yang pulse.

Xu Fei nodded and looked at the old woman Guixiu.

"Do you recognize me?" Xu Fei said.

The old woman Guixiu became even more cautious after hearing this.

"Of course the old woman has heard of Master Xu Xian's name," the old woman said.

Xu Fei said nothing more and turned to look at the female ghost.

His appearance is delicate and charming.

Coupled with the unique hair color and eye color, Xu Fei couldn't help but think about it.

"May I ask if Miss Setsuna has ever been married?" Xu Fei asked.

"I, a scoundrel, have never made a promise to anyone else." The old woman Guixiu Chisu said quickly.

Xu Fei nodded again, adjusted his attitude, and tried to avoid any sign of overpowering others.

"I wonder if Miss Setsuna is willing to become my concubine?" Xu Fei said directly.

As long as Xu Feiwang can be tempted, he will basically ask directly.

If it works, it works, if it doesn't work, it stops.

After hearing Xu Fei's words, the old woman Guixiu Chisu looked surprised.

"Of course I am willing, of course I am willing." The old woman Chi Su said repeatedly.

Setsuna was shy and timid from behind, but she didn't resist.

Obviously, only Master has the final say.

Xu Fei nodded, finally settling on the marriage.

"Then I wonder if Master needs help from my son-in-law for anything?" Xu Fei said.

I recognized countless father-in-laws and mothers-in-law one after another.

Xu Fei naturally wouldn't be embarrassed.

And since the old woman Guixiu Chisu agreed to his marriage to Setsuna, Xu Fei naturally didn't mind providing some help.

The old woman hesitated slightly.

"The valley where I and some of my fellow cultivators are practicing have recently been favored by a cultivating family. I wonder if Master Xu Xian can help make peace?" said the old woman Chi Su.

She was good at cultivating orchids during her lifetime. After becoming a cultivator, she did not want to fall into the Yin channel, so she chose to practice Yang channel.

Originally, I was cultivating with other Yang Meridians in a place called Shengyang Valley. I was very restless in practicing every day.

Unexpectedly, he was recently spotted by a cultivating family.

Many comrades have been frightened by the other party's power and do not dare to fight, so they have moved away from Shengyang Valley.

At this orchid party, the old woman Guixiu Chisu not only sold some orchids and brought her apprentice to see the world, but also wanted to seek help from the Linglong Immortal Sect.

After all, there are not many places that are as suitable for cultivating the Yang Meridian as Shengyang Valley.

The old woman Chi Su was not willing to leave if possible.

But who would have thought that this time he would encounter a huge fortune.

The apprentice who was occasionally included in the past actually attracted the attention of Xianmen Beilu disciple Xu Fei!

With this relationship, what else is she afraid of?

"How about holding my wedding with Setsuna in your valley?" Xu Fei said.

Talking about making peace is such a waste of his face.

As long as the wedding between himself and Setsuna is held in the valley where these Yang Vein Cultivators live, that cultivating family will retreat in the face of difficulties.

There is no need for Xu Fei to do anything extra.

Of course, if the other party doesn't give him this face, it doesn't matter. The future is long.

After hearing Xu Fei's words, the old woman Chi Su suddenly realized that her knowledge was shallow and she underestimated the other person's kindness.

Accused repeatedly.

Xu Fei didn't say anything else. He exchanged some other messages, looked at Setsuna again, nodded lightly, and left.

On the third day, Xu Fei left Linglong Immortal Sect and headed to Shengyang Valley.

It is only seven thousand miles away from the mountain gate of Linglong Immortal Sect.

Xu Fei arrived in a blink of an eye. (End of chapter)

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