At this moment, there are lanterns and colorful lights everywhere in Shengyang Valley.

When Chi Su came back with his apprentice a few days ago and said that his apprentice had been favored by Xu Fei, the new disciple of Linglong Immortal Sect, many Yang Vein Cultivators thought that the old woman was talking in her sleep.

But I didn't expect that the other party looked like he didn't believe it, and at the same time sent out invitations.

Even the cultivating family that took a fancy to this Shengyang Valley and planned to arrange another clan territory, the clan leader did not dare to neglect it after hearing about it.

Come early on this auspicious wedding day.

If the old woman tells lies, then he will naturally make the other party unable to eat and walk away.

The old woman Chi Su put on such a grand scene, but she couldn't help but feel worried.

After all, if that person just said it casually and forgot about it afterwards, wouldn't she be in trouble?

However, the old woman Chisu's worries did not last long.

Xu Fei had already landed at the entrance of the valley.

The old woman Chisu came over quickly.

"Master." Xu Fei bowed respectfully, giving the other party face.

After all, he is the master of his new concubine room.

"A good son-in-law is exempt from gifts, and a good son-in-law is exempt from gifts." Chi Su said with a happy face.

Seeing Xu Fei, many cultivators looked at each other in confusion.

Many of them didn't know Xu Fei's appearance.

However, there are also many cultivators who can't help but feel anxious.

The monks usually pay more attention to the portraits of the higher-ups of the Immortal Sect, lest they fail to recognize the noble person and bump into each other.

As for the patriarch of the so-called cultivating family who had taken a fancy to Shengyang Valley and was planning to expand his clan territory, after Xu Fei arrived, he even more flatteringly greeted him and congratulated him with auspicious words for free.

Xu Fei didn't pay too much attention, because these trivial matters did not require his attention.

Under the auspices of Chisu, the ceremony, marriage, and ceremony were completed.

After Xu Fei said a few polite words, he didn't show up again.

Because Xu Fei had already returned to the sect with his new concubine.

Yingwei was not dissatisfied with the fact that Xu Fei brought another woman back. After becoming Xu Fei's wife, her status had been greatly improved.

Before, she was just the disciple of the leader of the Lingwai Sect, and she was also a disciple with ulterior purposes used to make friends with outstanding disciples from other sects.

Now she is Xu Fei's wife.

What's more, Xu Fei respects and cares for her a lot.

Therefore, Yingwei was able to accept the shortcomings of her husband's fondness for women and handled them well.

At night.

Xu Fei came here in an instant.

This woman has white hair, like eyebrows and eyelashes stained with frost, and silver-blue eyes, with a delicate appearance.

It's really interesting.

During the couple's ceremony, Xu Fei discovered that his private hair was as special as if it were stained with frost.

Xu Fei was even more surprised.

However, after all the busy work, Xu Fei did not get the prompt to gain proficiency.

Xu Fei was not surprised by this either.

After all, being intimate with Setsuna who has not yet returned to life will not lead to any further development.

It's just that the taste is very different from other ordinary women.

So Xu Fei didn't feel any loss at all.

There is a room for female concubines.

Have fun for a few days.

Xu Fei continued to refine the puppet.

The big head is almost finished, only a few details remain.

It took a few days to get it right.

Under Xu Fei's control, Da Tou became three points more agile than before.

The strength has improved a lot.

Then Xu Fei began to refine the two heads.

That is, the bird puppet.

This puppet needs to be able to fly, and it needs to be quiet, and its mana fluctuations need to be as gentle as possible.

After all, Xu Fei will use this bird puppet as a support most of the time.

Observe some situations from a distance.

Therefore, it needs to be particularly precise during production.

Therefore, several versions were designed before and after, but none of them satisfied Xu Fei.

Limited by his spiritual materials, the several puppets he designed were basically unable to hide from his perception, so Xu Fei had to compromise.

Finally, he chose a bird puppet that could elude the perception of the monks who had about 60,000 pots of mana, and made it.

This made Xu Fei feel a little regretful.

Then there are the snake puppets.

In Xu Fei's imagination, this puppet is half-auxiliary and half-combatant.

When encountering some dangerous places, they can explore them first.

And when trouble occurs, it can also provide a certain amount of combat effectiveness.

After several modifications, Xu Fei made a snake puppet that was almost ten feet long and had a combat power of more than 20,000 pots. He named it Three Heads.

After finishing all this work, Xu Fei stayed at home for a few days before transforming into 'Han Li' again and heading to Daze.

It is not easy to obtain rare spiritual materials.

If he wanted to obtain it through channels within the sect, Xu Fei would have to be busy with documents or contribute to the sect in many other ways.

to get the quota.

Although it was a method, Xu Fei decided to travel by himself before talking about it.

Since his practice, Xu Fei has only fought with others a handful of times.

He has a good level of cultivation, and he doesn't quite understand how to use various skills in battle.

Therefore, the experience of fighting against Tribulation cultivators, monsters and other beings during his travels is quite important to Xu Fei.

This time Xu Fei did not pass through Snake City.

Go straight to the Diling Cave.

Follow the last path and go down to the deepest part of the Earth Spirit Cave.

In Xu Fei's perception, there is a deeper area under the Earth Spirit Cave.

However, in deeper areas, the concentration of spiritual energy will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, ordinary monks will explore and travel in extremely deep areas.

Xu Fei looked at a bottomless passage that was more than ten feet wide and led straight down. If he descended into this passage, he might be able to reach the deepest part of the Earth Spirit Cave.

But Xu Fei quickly looked back.

No one knew what was below, so he had better play it safe and explore the extremely deep area.

It doesn't take a moment to move forward.

Xu Fei discovered a nest of ants.

After some observation, Xu Fei concluded that the finger-sized ant was not a monster, so he did not continue to explore.

Go around and continue deeper.

At the same time, record the topography and landforms passed by.

Xu Fei planned to explore the deep areas of Diling Cave before heading to other areas of Daze.

Going around and around, time passes day by day.

Xu Fei occasionally gets lost and occasionally turns back.

The exploration in the Diling Cave was not very smooth.

However, there are not many various spiritual materials collected.

The twenty storage bags Xu Fei brought out this time were half filled.

Worth more than 100,000 spirit stones.

During this period, Xu Fei also encountered some troubles.

Monsters that spew poison, swarms of monsters, ferocious monsters, and so on.

Xu Fei even encountered a ferocious lizard with a cultivation level of more than 70,000 pot demon powers.

Its shape has become very different from ordinary lizards due to factors such as cultivation and demonic power.

It's hard to tell the type.

And this ferocious lizard can actually breathe out flames, scorching gold and melting iron.

With one spray, it can burn through a hole of more than ten feet deep underground, and the skin and flesh around it are almost invulnerable.

It took a lot of effort for Xu Fei, who was preparing to hone his combat experience but did not choose to use a magic weapon.

He fought fiercely with him for more than ten days and nights before he was finally killed.

However, the spiritual materials, flesh and blood obtained are also valuable.

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