Just when Xu Fei had finished his meal and was about to continue exploring, he discovered that there seemed to be movement ahead.

After thinking about it, he urged the three heads of the snake-shaped puppet to go over and investigate.

We traveled almost two or three miles.

Xu Fei passed through the three heads and saw a group of monks.

Their cultivation is quite impressive.

The tallest one has a cultivation level of more than 50,000 pots.

The lowest one also has a cultivation level of more than 30,000 pots.

This surprised Xu Fei slightly.

In the deep area of ​​the Earth Spirit Cave, the chance of encountering other monks is not high.

And just when Xu Fei was about to take back the three heads.

One of them twitched his ears and turned to look at the snake-shaped puppet.

Several other people were immediately on guard.

Another person came forward to investigate.

Xu Fei was not willing to meet and have contact with the other party.

After all, others had a team of six, but he only had himself.

There is no telling what the other party will think when they see this situation.

Although Xu Fei is not afraid, it is still troublesome.

But Xu Fei soon frowned.

Because the other party's entire team caught up with him.

After Xu Fei thought about it, he didn't run away directly.

Instead, it behaves normally with the more than 10,000 pots of cultivation revealed by itself.

Soon, Xu Fei was overtaken by the other team of monks who were more familiar with the terrain.

The other party looked at the three puppets beside Xu Fei.

His eyes were quite searching.

"It's different in Xiahu. Dare I ask if you're Daoist Fellow Han in person?" The person with the highest cultivation level in the opponent's team did not continue to approach rashly and bowed his hands.

Xu Fei didn't know where the other party came from.

Just return the favor.

"Fellow Daoist Bo Wen Guang Ji, I am the one here." Xu Fei said.

Hearing Xu Fei's self-identity, Hu Bu Tong laughed.

"This is not some kind of erudition, but the fact that a claw was broken in Zhenbaofang has been widely circulated recently." Hu Tong said.

Treasure Square?

Hearing the name of this shop, Xu Fei thought of the bad experience that the spiritual materials he had painstakingly collected could only give him a few hundred spiritual stones.

But he didn't expect that the robbery team that had previously provided clues to the Tianlongmu actually had a background in Treasure Shop.

Thinking of this, Xu Fei narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Thank you Daoist Hu for informing me," Xu Fei said.

"Hahaha, this is not a secret, but the forces behind Zhenbaofang are not easy to mess with, but fellow Taoists also need to be careful." Hu Tong said.

Xu Fei thanked him again.

After chatting for a while, Hu BuTong took out a map and threw it to Xu Fei from a distance.

"This is a place for our casual cultivators who hang out in Diling Cave to exchange ideas. It's quite lively on the first and second day of every month. If you have time, fellow Taoists, you can come and have a look." Hu Tongtong added.

Xu Fei was slightly surprised when he heard Hu BuTong's statement.

If you look at it this way, is it because he defeated the Jie Xiu team of Zhenbaofang and then was valued by the other party?

Note the location on the map.

Xu Fei returned the map to Hu BuTong.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist, I will definitely go there another day." Xu Fei said.

"That's perfect." Hu Tong bowed his hand and left with other teammates.

It seemed as if he wanted to tell Xu Fei where this mutual market was.

But after Hu Bu and others left a distance.

One of Hu Butong's female teammates looked back and saw no trace of Xu Fei.

"Brother Hu, it's just him, why don't we..." Although the woman didn't make her words clear, she was obviously planning to play a guest role in the robbery.

Hu BuTong glanced at this woman and smiled.

"Don't always think about fighting and killing." Hu Tong said.

In fact, it was Hu Butong who felt dangerous when he looked at this monk named Han Li.

Although Hu Bu Tong couldn't think of what the problem was, he chose to believe in his spiritual sense.

Maybe the other party is hiding his cultivation?

In particular, Han Li had three puppets with him, and he was obviously proficient in the art of puppets. If the generals really got into a fight, it would not be impossible for the opponent to bring out dozens of puppets and drown them and their group.

Watch Hu Bu and others leave.

Xu Fei was thoughtful.

Although this contact with the other party did not reveal any malicious intent, the matter may not be that simple.

But after thinking for a moment, Xu Fei didn't think of any problem.

Simply ignore it and continue exploring the Earth Spirit Cave with the puppets.

In the blink of an eye, another half a month passed.

Xu Fei's twenty storage bags are almost full.

There was no further search.

Leave the Diling Cave.

I found an inn to rest for a day and asked the waiter for the time.

I know that in a few days it will be the beginning of the month.

After Xu Fei thought about it, he decided to go to the mutual market that Hu Tong mentioned.

Although Xu Fei had no idea of ​​finding the best spiritual materials on the exchange market, it was possible to go and see what happened.

So after resting, Xu Fei came to the Flower House and had some fun with some servants.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye, and on the first day of the new year, Xu Fei gave some silver to each of them, dismissed the bankers, and then went to the stock market.

Hushi is a mountain peak more than 30,000 miles north of Diling Cave.

This mountain peak faces north and south and is quite impressive.

There is an open space at the foot of the mountain.

There were many monks gathered at this moment.

And they are all well cultivated.

Xu Fei pressed the escape light and entered the mutual market from the side. After looking around, he roughly understood that this was a shady 'black market'.

Because many of them were selling black goods, and there were even blood stains on some magical instruments that had not been wiped clean.

But people in the past were used to it.

Especially when coming and going, many people hide their figure and appearance.

Obviously shady.

After Xu Fei thought about it for a while, he had no intention of shouting or killing.

After all, he is not a truly kind person.

So be like the light.

After walking around for a while, Xu Fei really found some good spiritual materials.

Although it is not at the highest level, it still allows him to refine the formation base of some five-element spiritual objects required for the five-color and five-spirit formations.

This five-color array once helped Xu Fei fight the war demon for a while.

Even in the end, because Xu Fei pushed too hard, the five-element spiritual object as the formation eye could not withstand the collapse, causing the formation to be broken.

But this formation cannot be underestimated.

It would be great if we could make up for it as early as possible.

Did some buying and selling.

Xu Fei is quite satisfied with the gains from this mutual market.

But when leaving, Xu Fei frowned.

Because someone was following him.

After thinking about it, Xu Fei asked Da Tou to take his place and continued to move forward pretending not to know.

Xu Fei himself hid himself to see who was following him.

A moment later, after Da Tou had left several miles away, the two women followed him with rather nervous expressions.

Judging from the fact that the two women's cultivation level is only a few thousand pots, they don't look like Jie cultivators.

This surprised Xu Fei.

After thinking for a moment, Xu Fei asked Datou to find a place with beautiful scenery after a certain distance away from the exchange market, and pretended to be ready to eat some food.

The two women watched from a distance for a moment, then finally couldn't hold back anymore and took the initiative to step forward.

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