A lot of clouds and rain.

The eel demon's pretty cheeks were rosy.

After this demon transformed into a human form, it had a good figure and good looks.

Although she is not the best among Xu Fei's women, she is not the last either.

At this moment, handing himself over to Xu Fei made the eel demon even more satisfied.

Over the years, the master has taken great care of her, giving her various miraculous remedies and giving her guidance on Taoism and the meaning of scriptures.

She kept all the kindness in her heart.

That's why I spent a lot of time and practice, trying to make my practice more beautiful.

Only after transforming into the human form in this way can you be rewarded.

Xu Fei hugged the eel demon's slim waist.

This little demon quite knows how to repay his kindness. He just flattered Yun Yu without caring about himself at all.

"Now that you have become a human being, you must have a name. Do you have any preparations in mind?" Xu Fei said.

Feeling the warmth of the big hand on his waist, the eel demon narrowed his eyes with a look of enjoyment.

And I heard that the master wanted to give himself a name.

"It's all up to the master." The eel demon stood up and looked at Xu Feidao.

"Eel is also called Changyu, so you can call it Chang'er." Xu Fei thought for a while and said.

"Chang'er? Thank you for the name, Master." The eel demon Chang'er said with a smile.

Even if the master calls her dog or cat, she is still happy.

Xu Fei shook his head and smiled.

Although the eel demon Chang'er tried every means to please him, Xu Fei knew that it was because of his cultivation and identity.

If he was just an ordinary cultivator, would Chang'er be so flattering?

Even if you think about it, you know it's impossible.

However, Xu Fei didn't care whether these were sincere or false.

As long as you follow his wishes, you will be loved and pampered by him.

After all, he has been practicing for nearly a thousand years and has a magic power that exceeds the one hundred thousand pot mark. Xu Fei has no attachment to the love between these men and women.

After washing up, Xu Fei looked at Chang'er who was wearing the prepared gauze skirt.

His transformation was not complete after all. Although he had no demonic features, he had gray hair.

It's not like the average human race with a full head of black hair.

Coupled with the fact that he has just become a human being, he wears loose clothes.

She wants to get close to him from time to time, which is quite annoying.

Xu Fei tidied Chang'er's clothes.

"Would you like to move home?" Xu Fei said.

Since Chang'er has transformed into a human form, there is no problem in living at home.

"Okay." Chang'er said happily.

Xu Fei chuckled lightly and took Chang'er back to his residence in the manor.

Not to mention the Tao sisters and Chang'er.

The next day, Xu Fei arranged chores at home and then went out to travel again.

Over the years, he has been at home half the year and out half the year.

If it weren't for Chang'er's transformation, Xu Fei would have left home a few days ago.

But after going out this time, Xu Fei went not to Daze.

Although it cannot be said that there are treasures everywhere in the outer realm.

But Daze is not the only place suitable for monks to hunt for treasure.

There are also several places that are rich in spiritual materials, such as the mountains northeast of Daze, and the wind forest southeast of Lingwaimen.

Of course, this does not mean that these are the only places in the outer realm where spiritual materials can be found.

But these places enjoy geographical advantages, and the spiritual materials and spiritual objects are far richer than other places.

In addition, there are people, monks, etc. in more than just these areas in the outer domain.

Although there is less peace in the outer realm than in the nine major sects, and many places are completely dominated by the jungle, there are some places that are far more prosperous and prosperous than those in the nine major sects.

Xu Fei has traveled a lot in foreign lands in recent years, and is far from the ignorant person he used to be.

The purpose of Xu Fei's trip was to reach the mountainous area more than 700,000 miles away from Linglong Immortal Sect.

Ever since Xu Fei cultivated at more than 60,000 pots, his escape speed reached more than 50,000 miles per hour. Later, as his cultivation level increased, the rate of increase in escape speed decreased significantly.

Even if Xu Fei now has a cultivation level of more than 100,000 pots, his escape speed is only more than 70,000 miles per hour.

There is obviously a bottleneck in this that is difficult to break through.

From morning to early morning, they fled all the way.

Xu Fei finally arrived in the mountains.

There are mountain peaks that are thousands of feet, ten thousand feet, or even one hundred thousand feet high, and there are many mountains and mountains shrouded in clouds and mist.

Even though it is April, there are still many mountain peaks covered with ice and snow that remain unchanged all year round.

Xu Fei didn't stop and flew straight into the mountains.

However, the speed of escaping light has been reduced to about ten thousand miles.

It matches the cultivation level of more than 10,000 pots that he incarnated as ‘Han Li’.

The journey into the mountains is almost two thousand miles.

A city built in a valley appeared before people's eyes.

This city is quite vast.

Covering an area of ​​more than a thousand miles.

There are probably more than ten million people living here.

Xu Fei did not fly directly into the city, but landed not far in front of the city gate, where the monks were entering and exiting the city.

After undergoing a simple inspection, Xu Fei was able to enter the mountain to welcome the city.

The city is quite lively, but also chaotic.

Because the Da Kuang Sect, who is responsible for managing this city, doesn't pay much attention to trivial matters.

Therefore, to live here, one must fight bravely and develop a ferocious character.

Otherwise, they will be eaten alive with skin and bones.

Fortunately, as a monk, Xu Fei doesn't have to understand these 'customs' too much.

Found an inn.

Xu Fei's eyes widened, and the shopkeeper carefully took back the "fake money" given to Xu Fei and replaced it with real money.

This shopkeeper is a monk with hundreds of pots of cultivation, so he can't really tell Xu Fei's magic power.

But that doesn't stop him from wanting to deceive someone.

After all, Da Kuang Sect doesn’t care about these things.

Being cheated is also a white hole.

However, Xu Fei showed his power and let the shopkeeper know that the other party was not easy to mess with, so he quickly offered him real money.

Xu Fei didn't pay attention when he first came here and was tricked.

And after that, both the shopkeeper and the waiter became more and more desperate to get more gold and silver from Xu Fei.

In the end, Xu Fei was angered and started killing people, which finally relieved his worries.

Therefore, showing your strength appropriately in this mountain city can avoid a lot of boring troubles.

Take a rest in Shanyingcheng.

Xu Fei left.

Continue to the interior of the mountain.

Compared to several spiritual places such as the Spirit Cave in Dazezhong, there are naturally many spiritual places in the mountains.

Among them, Wanzifeng and Xialing are good places to visit.

Xu Fei has visited Wanzifeng before, and this time he plans to visit Xiiling.

Depending on its scope, each spiritual place requires Xu Fei to spend different time exploring.

It took Xu Fei more than thirty years to roughly travel the area within the 50,000-foot depth of the Diling Cave in Daze.

Although a lot of various spiritual materials were harvested, none of the best treasures were found.

Distracting thoughts flashed through my mind.

Xu Fei spent two days coming to Xiiling.

Xiiling is a stretch of mountains.

And quite special.

Because there are large areas of trees growing on the peaks within Xiiling, and they have extremely clear boundaries with other peaks.

There are even many peaks located on the edge of Xiiling, half of which are covered with trees and lush branches.

The other half was covered with ice and snow, barren of any vegetation.

Very strange.

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