Xu Fei pressed the light escape button on a mountain peak dozens of miles away from Blind Ridge.

The reason why Xiiling has such a weird name.

It is because the special environment will hinder spiritual thoughts, vision, etc.

With Xu Fei's current cultivation level, when his mind is outside, he can perceive everything within a thousand feet, like a sieve, and within a hundred thousand feet, like a fish net.

However, after being within a thousand feet of yourself, the further away you are, the vaguer the specific situation you can perceive.

Of course, some monks who are good at divine energy may be able to perceive his spiritual thoughts more clearly than Xu Fei.

In addition, if there are relatively large obstacles, such as mountains, etc., it will also affect Xu Fei's spiritual perception of foreign objects.

This makes Xu Fei's spiritual thoughts unable to penetrate, and naturally he cannot sense the situation after the barrier.

But if you enter Blind Ridge, Xu Fei's spiritual sense can only grasp the situation within ten feet. If it exceeds ten feet, it will become sharply blurred.

The same is true for the line of sight. Even if you look up at the sky in a direction without branches and leaves blocking it, it is difficult to go beyond a distance of ten feet.

But what's especially weird is that once you get out of Blind Ridge, everything will return to normal.

For this reason, Xiiling was once regarded as a forbidden area by the monks.

But later, some monks who were so poor and crazy risked their lives to go to Blind Ridge.

And with a lot of harvest, Xiiling was gradually listed as one of the spiritual places by the monks.

In addition, with the entry and exit of many monks, the environment in Xiiling only blocks the vision and spiritual perception, and there is no other abnormality.

The monks were no longer so secretive.

Xu Fei observed for a while outside Blind Ridge and spent the night repairing.

Then enter the Blind Ridge.

Sure enough, after entering Xiiling, you can only see a distance of more than ten feet in front.

The rear is still the same as usual.

However, as he entered Blind Ridge, Xu Fei's range of perception behind him was also greatly reduced.

Until more than ten feet into Xiiling Ridge, I no longer had any perception of the outside world.

This is undoubtedly quite dangerous.

If you don't do it right, you will get lost in the blind ridge.

Fortunately, the special environment of Xiiling does not prohibit flight.

If you get lost, just fly away to about a thousand feet above the Blind Ridge, and you can leave the range of the Blind Ridge and regain your senses and vision.


But even if he knew about this situation, Xu Fei was still very uncomfortable with suddenly entering an area that could only sense ten feet.

It's like ordinary people suddenly lose their 'vision' and 'hearing', leaving only some vague perceptions.

But such a unique spiritual land can also have a better training effect on oneself.

So Xu Fei endured the discomfort and moved on.

After moving forward for a moment, a herd of deer suddenly jumped out of the woods not far away.

He was not surprised to see Xu Fei, but the deer did not stop and ran into the woods in another direction again.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared from Xu Fei's perception.

This made Xu Fei chuckle and move on.

We advanced for almost a hundred miles.

Xu Fei gained more understanding of the environment in Xiiling.

There are many kinds of trees, flowers and plants in Xiiling.

There are those that prefer shade and humidity, and there are those that prefer sun and drought.

Various types of vegetation have environmental requirements and can grow very well together.

Obviously, the environment in Xiiling is not ordinary.

However, the specific situation has not yet been determined.

Some people say that Xiiling has such an environment because a powerful monster was buried here.

Some people also say that the area where Xiiling is located is special, and after the spiritual inspiration is gathered, the spiritual inspiration will change uniquely.

And these two are also more recognized by everyone.

There are also more than ten kinds of scattered and incredible speculations.

Xu Fei walked around Xiiling.

Because he was following the path left by other monks while exploring the Blind Ridge, Xu Fei didn't gain much for a while.

If you want to gain something, you have to break away from the path left by the predecessors and go deep into the blind ridge.

However, Xu Fei entered Xiiling for the first time and currently only planned to familiarize himself with the environment of Xiiling.

Maybe next time I come to Xiiling, I will search for various useful spiritual materials.

One day passed in the blink of an eye.

Xu Fei set up camp and after dinner, he asked the humanoid puppet Big Head to keep watch while he went into the tent to rest.

A monk's body is strong, but that doesn't mean he doesn't need rest.

Some monks will gradually extend the cycle of activity and rest according to their own cultivation.

That is to say, practice for several days and rest for several days.

Or practice and study various Taoisms for several months and rest for several months.

However, Xu Fei has always maintained the life routine of an 'ordinary person'.

Already used to this.

And at midnight.

Xu Fei suddenly opened his eyes.

Because some simple traps he arranged more than twenty feet away from the camp were triggered.

Is it an animal?

Or other monks?

After a while, the answer was revealed, it was a group of monks.

Four men and two women.

The two female cultivators have good looks, but their eyebrows are very charming.

In particular, the magic powers of the two women were mixed. Xu Fei realized with a simple perception that it was caused by the two women having too many partners.

In addition, looking at the positions of everyone on the other side, Xu Fei felt that the team should be dominated by these two female cultivators.

"Oh? This is really a chance encounter. Zhang Qin from the slave family has met Taoist friends. These are the friends of the slave family." said the female cultivator in white among the six monks.

Xu Fei briefly looked at Zhang Qin and others and nodded.

"This is Han Li." Xu Fei said.

Xu Fei has been using the name Han Tianzun these years.

Zhang Qin, a female cultivator in white, nodded when she heard this.

"It's late at night and the weather is heavy, but it's hard to find a suitable place to rest. I wonder if you can let us rest here?" Zhang Qin said.

Hearing what the other party said, Xu Fei couldn't help but frown.

There are many monsters and beasts in Blind Ridge, and there are also many demon cultivators hiding there.

After all, the environment here is very special.

Hiding in it, as long as you don't take the initiative to come out, it will be difficult to find traces.

Therefore, it is also the best choice for many monks who are in trouble to seek asylum.

But after all, this place is not owned by Xu Fei.

Besides, when others were so polite, it was hard for him to say anything.

"Please help yourself." After saying that, Xu Fei returned to the tent.

Zhang Qin and others looked at the puppet standing blankly next to Xu Fei's tent.

They exchanged looks.

Quickly wash up, eat, and go to rest.

However, Zhang Qin and another female cultivator did not rest, but came to Xu Fei together.

The big head of the humanoid puppet noticed that an outsider was approaching and immediately turned his attention.

No mosquito is allowed near the tent without permission to fly.

Zhang Qin and her companions exchanged glances.

"Fellow Daoist Han, our tent is not prepared enough. I wonder if we sisters can come to your place to have a rest?" Zhang Qin said.

Xu Fei was unwilling to talk to the two girls.

Although he likes women very much, especially beautiful women.

The two girls Zhang Qin are also quite beautiful.

But the two women's cultivation levels were mixed, and one could tell at a glance that they were not serious people.

Xu Fei was afraid that his cultivation would be contaminated by the two women if he had an affair with them. (End of chapter)

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