The two women waited outside for a while, but still couldn't see any reaction from 'Han Li' in the tent, and they couldn't help but feel helpless.

They will take the initiative to send it to the door, of course it is not because of good intentions, or because they are in love with 'Han Li'.

Although Xu Fei's incarnation of 'Han Li' is indeed quite handsome, Zhang Qin and Zhang Qin are thinking about using the method of dual cultivation to complement each other's body.

After all, there is only one person on the other side, and there are six of them.

Only looking at the other person's cultivation level and not taking the other person's life or property is considered a compassionate heart.

Unexpectedly, the other party ignored him at all.

"You ungrateful beast! How lucky it is that Fairy Zhang sees you, yet you are so negligent!" In the tent on the other side, there is a male cultivator who has been paying attention to this side.

When he discovered that 'Han Li' had completely ignored Zhang Qin, he became furious.

He rushed out of the tent screaming and cursing, and when he raised his hand, a stream of flames blew out.

The big head of the humanoid puppet sensed the attack and immediately took a step forward to block the tent.

The flames blew directly on the big head.

However, it cannot cause damage to the big head.

be eliminated directly.

Among this group of monks, the two female cultivators have the highest magic power, both with more than 20,000 pots.

The cultivation levels of the four male cultivators ranged from more than 8,000 pots to more than 10,000 pots.

As for why their cultivation level is lower than that of Zhang Qin and the two girls, the reason is worth pondering.

When a male cultivator activated his spell and prepared to burn Xu Fei's tent and force him to show up, he couldn't break through Big Tou's protection.

But immediately the other three male cultivators also took action, triggering the use of water magic, metal magic, etc.

This makes Datou a little bit difficult to resist.

Because Datou does not have the ability to cast spells, and he has no skills at all times.

If you block one side, you cannot block the other side.

Xu Fei sighed helplessly.

What kind of trouble has he caused?

Had to close the tent.

In fact, this is mainly because Xu Fei has restrained the cultivation of the big head of the humanoid puppet.

He only showed a cultivation level similar to his.

If the puppet head's strength of more than 40,000 pots is displayed without reservation.

How dare these people cause trouble for him?

It's just that Xu Fei is used to hiding part of his cultivation.

Even if he is a puppet, he doesn't want to be so ostentatious.

Seeing Xu Fei appear, a few people originally wanted to say something.

But with one look from Xu Fei, the four male cultivators immediately stiffened, and the spells they tried to cast were self-defeating.

Zhang Qin and the other two female cultivators were also shocked and trembling all over.

This is not a special technique.

It's just that Xu Fei slightly relaxed the restraint on his own magic power.

As your cultivation becomes more advanced, if you don't restrain yourself.

A powerful mana will have an impact on the outside world.

This aspect became somewhat apparent when Xu Fei's cultivation reached more than 80,000 pots.

Now Xu Fei's magic power exceeds 100,000 pots. After loosening his restraints a little, he is enough to suppress the few monks in front of him with low magic power.

"S-Senior, have mercy on me! I, we have no ill intentions!" Zhang Qin was heartbroken and quickly begged for mercy.

How could she have imagined that she would meet such a master? !

But if the other party has such unfathomable cultivation, why would he come to an ordinary spiritual place like Xiiling?

But Xu Fei ignored it.

Although Xu Fei did not take action again, Datou did not stop.

One punch at a time, the monks were sent away like a mole.

Even though the two girls Zhang Qin were quite beautiful, Xu Fei didn't have any pity for them.

The ground was bloody.

Xu Fei twitched his fingers, collected the storage bags of several people, and then left.

At the same time, flames suddenly ignited on the bodies of several people.

And these flames only burned corpses, flesh and blood, and their clothing.

The dead leaves, trees, etc. nearby showed no signs of being ignited.

Xu Fei has a little bit of control over fire spells.

In the blink of an eye, there were no bones left, only a few tents standing there alone.

After experiencing this episode, Xu Fei thought about it and let the big head of the puppet show more of his strength.

Reaching the strength of about 30,000 pots.

This can probably avoid trouble like this time.

In the blink of an eye, half a year has passed.

Xu Fei briefly explored one-third of the area in Blind Ridge.

There are many peaks in Blind Ridge.

But there are also many valleys, flat areas, caves, etc.

Plus various demon clans and demonic cultivators.

There are many dangers, but there are also many rewards.

Even though Xu Fei only followed the traces of his predecessors, he gradually collected more than 100,000 spiritual stones and spiritual materials.

Xu Fei was quite satisfied with this.

Did not stay in Xiiling.

Xu Feifei escaped to high altitude, found the direction and returned to Linglong Immortal Sect.

One and a half years later.

Nothing changed at home.

Yingwei manages the housework very well.

Not to mention the help of Ye Yuanmei, Shu Lan and Yu Yixin.

However, after Xu Fei washed up, Yingwei came over looking a little embarrassed.

"What's wrong?" Xu Fei took Yingwei into his arms.

"Jing Niang wants to borrow some spirit stones." Yingwei said.

Jing Niang, one of the women driven away by Xu Fei.

Over the years, Xu Fei did not only accept women, he also drove away some women.

After all, not all women can stay content after following Xu Fei.

After Jing Niang followed Xu Fei, she used Xu Fei's name to make profits for the cultivating family she came from.

It was nothing at first.

Xu Fei didn't care either.

But when his family used another store to go bankrupt in a destructive way that barely complied with the rules of the fairy sect.

In particular, Jing Niang contributed a lot.

This made Xu Fei very disgusted.

So even though Jing Niang gave birth to five children for Xu Fei, one of the five children also had a son who became Xiantian and became a monk.

But Xu Fei was still driven away from home.

If you think about it, it was already more than four hundred years ago.

"How much do you want to borrow?" Xu Fei said.

"One hundred thousand spirit stones." Yingwei said.

"Just give her two hundred spirit stones and send her away." Xu Fei said.

Although Jing Niang gave him children and flourished, Xu Fei didn't care about her at all.

And two hundred spirit stones are a lot.

Enough for ordinary people to live a life of plenty.

After hearing Xu Fei's decision, Yingwei nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

With the passage of time, and the experience of being in charge of the affairs of the Xu family, Yingwei, who was a little young in the past, has become quite the mistress of the Xu family.

Elegant, graceful and elegant.

Especially after half a year apart, Xu Fei was quite emotional.

They were both an old couple, so Yingwei naturally understood what Xu Fei meant.

But I'm still a little embarrassed.

Xu Fei didn't wait for Yingwei to say anything, and carried Yingwei directly to the bedroom next to her.

After feeding her daughter, her fruits became plumper and her waist became more plump. Although Yingwei was not as slender as before, it made Xu Fei even more emotional.

"Give me another child!" Xu Fei said.

"Everything is decided by the master." Yingwei's breathing gradually became faster with Xu Fei's movements.

Xu Fei chuckled lightly when he heard this and dropped the bed curtains in a flash of thought.

Back then, Xu Fei would marry Yingwei as his first wife. This was due to her status as the grandson of the head of the Lingwai Sect, but also because of her outstanding appearance and figure.

Over the years, Yingwei has handled the Xu family's household affairs very well, and everyone respects her.

It also made Xu Fei's somewhat hasty decisions seem very correct. (End of chapter)

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