The next day, Xu Fei went to meet his elders and show his courtesy as a junior.

Suddenly two people flew out from the side.

After all, he was in the Immortal Sect, so it was difficult for Xu Fei to release his spiritual thoughts too far.

But when he saw the two people clearly, Xu Fei's eyes became cold.

"Master, why are you so cruel~" a lady in black cried and wiped her tears.

The man following him looked somewhat similar to Xu Fei.

And these two people were Jing Niang, one of Xu Fei's past concubines, who became the sons of monks with her martial arts innateness.

Xu Fei glanced at his son and saw that his expression was quite contemptuous and hostile towards him.

There is also no thought of a deep relationship between father and son.

He just looked at Jing Niang quietly, watching how she acted like a monster.

Of course Xu Fei could also just leave and ignore him.

But Jing Niang served Xu Fei for many years and bore him children.

Xu Fei can't do that well either.

But that's all.

Because the two hundred spiritual stones that Yingwei was asked to give yesterday were Xu Fei's last friendship with Jing Niang.

After this incident, there will be no more relations.

Seeing that Xu Fei was not affected at all and remained indifferent.

Jing Niang also knew that her actions would not impress the heartless man in front of her.

She was just thinking of some benefits for her mother's family, why was she divorced!

This has always made Jing Niang very worried.

What's more, with Xu Fei's status at the time, he didn't need to care about these little things at all.

After crying for a while, Jing Niang secretly glanced at Xu Fei.

"Master, my family's business has suffered losses, and I really can't hold on any longer. Master, please take this as a child of the Xu family and please lend me a helping hand to help my natal family." Jing Niang saw Xu Fei. Still unmoved, he had no choice but to seek truth.

Back then, Xu Feiyuan did not have the strength and status he has today, but after all, he was still an elder of Tianqi Peak, and he was quite respected by the Patriarch.

Jing Niang created several coincidences and encounters.

Xu Fei saw that she was quite beautiful, so he followed the trend and took her into his concubine.

After Jing Niang followed Xu Fei, she still knew how to be content at first, but she felt that she had done something good for giving birth to Xu Fei's children, and her true nature gradually came out.

Extremely greedy.

Xu Fei is still very good to his women and children.

But it was still difficult to satisfy her appetite.

Eventually, Jing Niang joined forces with her natal family to embezzle other people's property.

Although they did everything very carefully and there was nothing that could be held accountable, they still let Xu Fei know.

Xu Fei inquired about this, but Jing Niang did not realize her mistake except to defend herself.

This made Xu Fei very disgusted and decisively divorced him.

At that time, his fifteen-year-old son with Jing Niang also began to hate Xu Fei as his father.

Leave with his mother.

That is the young man standing next to Jing Niang at the moment.

Miscellaneous thoughts flashed through his mind, and Xu Fei didn't feel any pity for Jing Niang just because she acted pitifully.

You can't follow his whims and keep your peace, support your husband and teach your children, but instead go out and do whatever you want to cause trouble.

Naturally, we cannot keep this kind of woman any longer.

Jing Niang was still indifferent when she saw Xu Fei.

With an anxious and sad look on his face, he quickly turned to look at his son.

The young man on the side noticed his mother's gaze and said reluctantly: "Dad, my grandpa's family is indeed in trouble. Please give us one hundred thousand spiritual stones."

The dry attitude seemed like Xu Fei owed him.

This made Xu Fei sigh in his heart.

He has many children, and among them there are inevitably some good ones and some bad ones.

The guy in front of him wasn't what upset Xu Fei the most.

He also has some domineering and lawless children.

"There is no need to mention this matter again. The relationship between you and me has been severed." Xu Fei said coldly.

After hearing this, the young man's expression suddenly became full of resentment.

He knew his father's current situation.

The elder of Tianqi Peak, a disciple of Xianmen Beilu, in charge of the eighth hall of the Ordination Hall, and so on.

Taking out one hundred thousand spirit stones to solve the troubles with grandpa is not easy at all.

But the other party was completely clueless!

Even though he was resented by his son, Xu Fei was not affected much.

Although he didn't know how Jing Niang, the concubine whom he divorced, raised his son, she obviously didn't say anything nice.

In that case, why should he bother?

They are said to be close relatives, but in fact they are worse than strangers.

The situation here also attracted many people from the Immortal Sect to gradually stop and watch.

Although Xu Fei rarely appears in front of others, he is still a disciple of Bei Lu.

Therefore, there are still many disciples and disciples in Linglong Immortal Sect who all know him.

This attracted more people's attention.

But fortunately, there was no noise or confusion at the scene due to concerns about Xu Fei's identity.

But after today, I'm afraid there will be all kinds of rumors spread.

Seeing that the incident attracted more and more attention, Jing Niang became more and more excited.

In an instant, he raised his voice and began to criticize Xu Fei for how sorry he was for their mother and son.

Xu Fei frowned when he saw this. He lost his patience and fled directly.

Jing Niang had been kind to her before, so Xu Fei was still in the mood to talk to her to see if she had sincerely changed her mind.

But now she looked like a shrew, so Xu Fei didn't care what she did.

As for Jing Niang’s practice for hundreds of years, why is she so vulgar?

It can only be said that one kind of rice can make a hundred kinds of people.

Some are young and see through the world of mortals, while some are old and old but still rely on their old age and do not know what they are doing.

Xu Fei's practice over the years has naturally made him accustomed to this.

As Xu Fei left, many people watching the excitement dispersed.

However, there were still some people who listened curiously to Jing Niang's harsh words.

Arriving in front of the Red Hall where Yu was the Patriarch, Xu Fei tidied up his clothes and entered the Red Hall.

Yu Wei is reading a book.

Sensing Xu Fei coming over, he chuckled.

"Come, play chess with me." Patriarch Youwei said.

Xu Fei then chuckled, bowed and saluted, then came and sat down opposite the ancestor.

Executive white goes first.

After more than an hour, Patriarch Yu Wei surrendered.

"I can't do it anymore, I can't do it anymore, I can't defeat you." Patriarch Youwei said.

Xu Fei smiled modestly, not arrogantly.

Over the years, playing chess with Master Youwei and Master Yan, his Go skills have already reached level 49.

It can be called superb.

After having lunch with Master Youwei, Xu Fei left and went to Master Yan's place.

I spent two days meeting with several elders.

Some gossip about Xu Fei gradually spread.

Said that he was a womanizer, abandoned his wife and children, and so on.

Anyway, the rumors are not good.

But Xu Fei didn't pay any attention to this.

Just like people don't care about the provocation of ants.

Xu Fei naturally didn't need to pay attention to this.

And as the life span gradually increases, the probability of encountering anything will gradually increase to 100%.

Although Xu Fei cannot guarantee that he will remain calm and calm when encountering any situation, he does not need to pay attention to these trivial matters.

In the blink of an eye, several years have passed.

Xu Fei roughly explored Xiiling.

There are more than 4,000 peaks of various heights and heights in Xiiling.

It covers an area of ​​approximately 15,000 miles. (End of chapter)

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