Because the terrain is almost all mountain peaks and forests, the products produced here in Xiiling are basically all kinds of elixirs related to trees, flowers, and grass.

In addition, there are many old spiritual trees that are even occupied by various forces.

After all, it is not easy for a spiritual tree to survive, especially in the special environment of Xiiling.

Once transplanted, very few survive.

Many of these spiritual trees are even occupied by the nine major sects.

After all, who wouldn’t be greedy to see a spiritual fruit tree that is more than 10,000 years old, or even 20,000, or 30,000 years old?

Even though these spiritual fruit trees cannot produce fruit every year, even if they produce one crop of fruit every ten years, their value is amazing.

When Xu Fei found out about this, he couldn't help but laugh and cry.

Another spring, Xu Fei left Xianmen and went to Xiiling again.

In the past few years, he had followed the path and was familiar with the area of ​​Xiiling, and did not search everywhere in Xiiling.

This time, I plan to take a more careful look around Xiiling.

Arriving at Blind Ridge again, Xu Fei looked around.

Arrive at the first peak on the usual route into Blind Ridge.

This mountain is called Qiao Mountain.

More than seven thousand feet high.

It covers an area of ​​more than 400 miles.

It's definitely majestic when placed outside.

But in the mountain domain, it is not ranked first.

Xu Fei circled up the mountain from the foot of the mountain.

During this period, a lot of various spiritual materials were harvested.

I gained several times more than when I just followed the path of my predecessors.

But when he reached almost the mountainside, Xu Fei encountered several mountain houses.

After thinking about it, Xu Fei didn't bother.

After all, living on this blind ridge, it is difficult to tell who the other party is.

Maybe it's a monk living in seclusion here, or maybe it's a criminal who has committed some crime outside.

Xu Fei has encountered a lot during his travels in Xiiling these years.

"We are destined to meet each other. Now that my friend is here, would you like to have the leisure to sit here with me?"

But just when Xu Fei was about to go around the mountain house, an invitation from an old man came from the mountain house.

After Xu Fei thought for a while, he brought the puppet head to the mountain house.

The door of one of the mountain houses opened.

A girl with some scales on her cheeks came out pushing a wooden wheelchair.

In the wheelchair was an elderly monk who had lost his legs.

His body was full of life, and he obviously didn't have a few years left to live.

"Old Xiang Chong," the old cultivator said.

When Xu Fei heard this name, he couldn't help but look surprised.

Because this is a cruel person.

Xu Fei has been traveling in Xiiling for many years, and he has naturally heard about the deeds of some monks who appear here.

And this conflict is said to have provoked a certain cultivating sect in the past, and the whole clan was massacred, but he was the only one to escape.

Later, when he became successful in cultivation, he returned to his hometown and killed every member of the other sect, leaving nothing behind.

Although he was hunted down and lost his legs, he escaped in the end.

Live in seclusion in Xiiling.

"Your Excellency, Han Li, I have met my Taoist friend." Xu Fei bowed his hands and bowed.

The old Xiu Xiang Chong nodded when he heard this, stretched out his hand to give up his seat: "Please."

After Xu Fei thought for a while, he came to sit down at the wooden table in the courtyard of the mountain house.

The girl who rushed out pushing Xiang returned to the mountain house and came out with tea after a while.

"I ask fellow Taoist Han not to dislike the crude tea from the mountains," Xiang Chong said.

Xu Fei took a slight whiff of the smell, and his eyes showed surprise.

The aroma is light and elegant, and this tea is actually quite good.

After taking a sip, there was a special aroma in my mouth.

Make people miss you.

"Senior, you are too modest. This tea is truly excellent." Xu Fei said.

Xiang Chong chuckled.

"I have a merciless request." Xiang Chong said.

Xu Fei was stunned when he heard this.

what's the situation?

But when you drink someone else's tea, you always have to listen to what's going on.

"Senior, please tell me, if I can do my best, I will not refuse." Xu Fei said.

Of course, Xu Fei would definitely not agree if it was difficult.

Xiang Chong naturally heard what Xu Fei meant, but he didn't mind.

He turned to look at the banshee behind him.

"This girl is called Dumei. She is a banshee that I adopted. She is of the snake species. I would like to ask fellow Taoists to help me send her to the Snake Gentleman and take care of her," Xiang Chong said.

Xu Fei was a little surprised when he heard this.

However, after looking at Xiang Chong, I somewhat understood the other party's intention.

Because the other person doesn't have long to live.

For a human monk, one pot of cultivation can last one year.

But if you are severely injured, like Xiang Chong.

Then your lifespan will be greatly reduced.

But generally speaking, even if a monk's body is damaged, as long as it is not fatal at the time, he can gradually recover over time.

Obviously Xiang Chong's legs have not recovered, there is no other secret.

"Dad! I don't want to leave! I don't want to leave!" The snake girl who was called the mute sister by Xiang Chong suddenly said.

This left Xu Fei speechless.

You are not mute, why are you called a mute girl? !

Xu Fei didn't know that this snake girl was originally mute, but she was taught practice by Xiang Chong and recovered.

Seeing the snake girl being so excited, Xiang Chong looked somewhat comforted, but more importantly, he still wanted to comfort the other person and make him obedient.

In the end, the mute snake girl was persuaded by her adoptive father Xiang Chong and agreed to go to Snake City.

"I wonder if you are willing to accept the old man's unwillingness?" Xiang Chong turned to look at Xu Feidao.

After Xu Fei thought about it, he felt that there seemed to be no problem with this matter.

For him, it was just a waste of a few days going back and forth.

"Okay, junior, I agree." Xu Fei said.

On the one hand, the matter is not too troublesome, and on the other hand, I am also impressed by the deeds of Xiang Chong, an old man.

Xu Fei agreed.

Xiang Chong couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. He took out a storage bag from his waist and handed it to Xu Fei.

"What is in the storage bag is what Lao Chen has picked in the mountains over the years. It is not worth much money. It should be regarded as a reward for fellow Taoists." Xiang Chong said.

Xu Fei briefly looked at the contents of the storage bag.

The inside of the storage bag is not big, about two feet wide and high.

But the various items on display are all well organized and of great value.

A rough calculation shows that there are about 30,000 spirit stones.

Xu Fei's reward for escorting the mute girl to Snake City is undoubtedly quite generous.

Xu Fei was not polite after thinking about it.

"I will live up to the trust of my predecessors." Xu Fei said.

Rested one night in the mountain house.

The next day, the mute snake girl followed Xu Fei and left with her adoptive father.

Xu Fei controlled the shrimp boat and took the snake girl and dumb girl to Snake City.

After all, Xu Fei has been living in the Outland for a long time, and he is quite familiar with all parts of the Outland, and he doesn't need maps, atlases, etc.

It took several days to reach Snake City.

Snake Gentleman obviously still remembers ‘Doctor Han’.

In particular, he pays a lot of attention to 'Doctor Han' and has always paid attention to the information of 'Han Li'.

Therefore, I feel more and more that 'Han Li' is Xu Fei, the new disciple of Linglong Immortal Sect.

So the attitude is very polite.

After listening to Xu Fei's words, he looked at the mute snake girl beside him with a little pity.

"Don't worry, fellow Taoist, the mute girl will feel like home when she comes to me." Snake Junzi said humbly.

Snake Gentleman's handsome appearance and good demeanor make people feel like spring breeze when talking with him.

But Xu Fei was always wary of it.

After all, is this guy really a humble gentleman? (End of chapter)

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