After staying at home for a few more days, Xu Fei couldn't stay any longer and went out again.

In the past, Xu Fei spent months and months studying various skills and stayed behind closed doors every day, but Xu Fei never felt unable to sit still.

But after getting used to traveling over the years, Xu Fei couldn't stay at home.

Always likes to run outside.

Although there was only more than a month left before he returned from his annual travels, Xu Fei still planned to go out.

Came to Blind Ridge again.

After Xu Fei explored a mountain peak for a while, he was surprised to see that the valley in front of him was guarded.

And there is probably some arrangement in the valley.

The special environment that affects Xiiling's vision and spiritual perception has weakened, and he can see things within hundreds of feet.

However, several guards in front of the valley couldn't help but be on guard after seeing Xu Fei.

"This is our hermitage. We don't accept outsiders, so please leave." A guard said.

Xu Fei has long heard that many people live in seclusion in Xiiling, and there are also some sects and families.

But this was the first time he encountered it.

After thinking about it, Xu Fei had no intention of forcing his way in.

Xu Fei bowed his hands to express his apology, then turned around and left.

After seeing Xu Fei leave, several guards relaxed a little.

Something big had happened to their clan recently, and they were in chaos, and they really couldn't withstand the setbacks.

Xu Fei left the valley and continued to explore the surroundings.

A few days later, it was time for the Xialing Market again.

Xu Fei left the special environment of Xiiling and fled to the market.

The market is quite lively.

There are many monks from all walks of life.

Xu Fei and the puppet who followed behind him showed the strength of Thirty Thousand Pots of Cultivation. Although they were not the most powerful beings in the market, they were not weak either.

Especially last time, Xu Fei came up with a lot of good quality elixirs, and many monks remembered him.

They all came forward to ask.

Xu Fei could only say no.

After all, now that Fang'er and the three girls have channels, he no longer has to sell them himself.

Seeing that Xu Fei had no elixir for sale, many monks dispersed in disappointment.

Xu Fei walked around the market and came to a restaurant.

I ordered some game, listened to the chatter of other monks, and gained some useful information.

For example, there is a 20,000-year-old grapevine growing on a peak in Blind Ridge that is about to mature.

It attracted many monks to go.

Xu Fei was thoughtful when he heard the words.

Can I go over there and join in the fun?

Because this grape is an ordinary spiritual species, even though it is more than 20,000 years old, the grapes it produces are not among the best spiritual materials.

However, if Xu Fei uses his superb wine-making skills to make wine, it may become the best spiritual wine.

With an idea in mind, Xu Fei did not hesitate.

Go directly to the peaks where the vines grow.

This mountain is about 30,000 feet tall and slender.

Because of this spiritual grape tree, it was named Grape Mountain.

Viewed from a high altitude, one cannot help but worry that it may collapse in the next moment.

After searching for a moment high in the sky, Xu Fei found the grape tree that was more than ten feet high!

Grapes originally bloom and bear fruit on vines, but this 20,000-year-old grape is comparable to a giant tree.

Vines spread wildly everywhere.

The north-south range is longer, more than twenty miles.

The east-west direction is less, seven or eight miles.

It can be said that one tree becomes a forest.

But at the same time, Xu Fei also discovered that there were many monks waiting under the vines.

Each guards an area.

After Xu Fei thought for a while, he landed on the outside of the grapevine.

The special environment of Blind Ridge that affects vision is extremely inconvenient.

Xu Fei wanted to observe where the grapes grew vigorously and had better quality.

It was inevitable to scratch your head for a while.

After a while, several monks came over.

"I, Wang Yu, have met fellow Taoist monks." A monk in his forties bowed his hands and saluted.

Xu Fei was surprised and said in return: "I'm Han Li."

"Fellow Daoist Han, may I ask, are you here for these ten thousand years of spiritual grapes?" Wang Yu said.

Xu Fei nodded.

If he didn't grow grapes for this spirit, why would he come here?

"Does Fellow Taoist have other companions?" Wang Yu asked again.

"I've always been a loner," Xu Fei said.

Wang Yu looked a little surprised.

"You must have looked at the sky when you came, and you know that many of our fellow Taoists have gathered this time. How about we occupy an area together and distribute the ripe grapes according to merit?" Wang Yu said.

In fact, this vine, which is more than 20,000 years old, should not only have such a small area.

As long as it continues to grow smoothly, this vine may have covered the entire grape mountain.

But every time the fruit matures, it inevitably attracts many monks.

Some can live in peace with each other, while others inevitably fight.

The most intense one even almost damaged the spiritual plant.

Wang Yu just felt that he was not strong enough.

Want to form cliques.

I hope I can get a share of the spiritual seed grapes when they mature this time.

After Xu Fei thought for a while, he simply agreed.

This was also the first time he encountered such a thing.

Crouching and watching the grapes ripen.

Also interesting.

Wang Yu couldn't help but smile when he heard Xu Fei agreed.

Then he started to explain some taboos here to Xu Fei.

“The closer it is to the taproot, the better the quality of the grapes.”

"But those are areas that only those with a cultivation level of fifty thousand pots or above can set foot in."

"It is inevitable that we will not be able to catch up."

"So our goal is the fruits produced in the second-generation root and third-generation root areas." Wang Yu said.

In addition to the main root, this spiritual grapevine also has some other secondary roots that grew later.

Although the fruits grown from this part of the auxiliary roots can also be nourished by some main roots, they are not as good as those around the main roots.

So the quality is naturally a lot worse.

After listening to Wang Yu's explanation, Xu Fei had some ideas about the competition for spiritual grapes here.

He came over on a whim.

I never expected there to be so many Taoisms inside.

Among the people who were with Wang Yu, there was a female cultivator who looked at the handsome Xu Fei frequently.

He looked very excited.

This left Xu Fei speechless.

He would adjust 'Han Li's' face to look very handsome, but it was an unintentional move.

But I didn't expect that I would always attract some peach blossoms to myself.

"I am Yuan Xiang. I am practicing in Da Kuang Sect. I have met fellow Taoist priests. I wonder where Taoist fellow Taoist Han is from?" the female cultivator said softly.

"I'm just a casual cultivator in the domain." Xu Fei said.

The inner domain and the inner domain refer to the territory of the nine major sects, which correspond to the outer domain.

When she heard that Xu Fei was a casual cultivator, the originally enthusiastic expression of the female cultivator Yuan Xiang suddenly turned cold.

After all, he was just a casual cultivator, so how could He De be favored by her?

Xu Fei was speechless when he saw this.

Is he being looked down upon?

Wang Yu was helpless when he saw this.

Yuan Xiang is a good friend who he has collaborated with many times, and of course he also had a romantic relationship.

However, this woman is very ambitious and always wants to find a well-known Taoist companion to change her life.

But so far, she has never met a target that can catch her fancy.

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