Joining Wang Yu and his group, Xu Fei had some idea of ​​the situation here in Grape Mountain.

No longer confused as before.

However, after a while, Xu Fei was surprised when he saw Wang Yu leading them to find a suitable area.

"Don't panic, Fellow Daoist Han. Let's find a few more companions to encircle more areas and make it safer." Wang Yu said.

This is almost the first time Xu Fei has traveled with other monks.

And it’s still in such a special environment as Xiiling.

Therefore, Xu Fei did not rely on his own cultivation.

In addition, the cultivation levels of Wang Yu and others are not high.

Xu Fei could understand that they were more cautious and wanted to find more companions to form an alliance that would not be easily bullied.

Hug together for warmth.

Xu Fei simply relaxed a little.

We found a place and pitched our tent.

Start preparing lunch.

Xu Fei usually uses French fire to heat the meals he has prepared before.

Since he was free today, Xu Fei did not wrong himself.

I took out the meat from the deer I accidentally hunted a few days ago.

Start making venison barbecue.

Soon, the aroma spread.

Let Wang Yu and others pay attention frequently.

Who would have thought that this Taoist fellow Han who met by chance would have such superb cooking skills?

After a while, a man with an unruly appearance came over.

He was in his thirties, with a stubble on his face, and was wearing a blue-grey shirt with his sleeves rolled up high.

The hair is pinned to the top of the head with a branch.

There is a wine gourd around his waist.

Seeing the roasted venison made by Xu Fei, I couldn't take my eyes away anymore.

Xu Fei was slightly surprised to see the other party.

Because the other party has more than 40,000 pots of cultivation.

And the magic power feels very powerful.

Sword cultivator?

Xu Fei was thoughtful.

"Thank you, Hao, for having the audacity to ask fellow Taoist for two pieces of meat." The man bowed his hands and saluted.

Xu Fei chuckled and said, "You can do anything you want."

The man Xie Hao was a little surprised that Xu Fei was so generous.

"Hahaha! Thank you, thank you!" Before he could finish his words, Xie Hao quickly came closer.

He waved his hand and used his magical power to pull the branch next to him. After making chopsticks, he directly picked up two pieces of roasted venison and put them in his mouth.

After chewing it for a few times, my face was full of enjoyment.

The food made with Xu Fei's level 49 cooking skills can be regarded as the most delicious delicacies that Xie Hao has ever eaten in his life.

What's more, Xie Hao loves wine first and food second.

It was so delicious that he slapped his thighs continuously.

"Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!!!" After swallowing the roasted venison, Xie Hao repeatedly praised it.

His exaggerated appearance also made Wang Yu and others move involuntarily.

Several people in particular thought that they and Xu Fei were still companions.

He immediately came over.

Xu Fei is not stingy either.

Get out more venison and start grilling.

Xie Hao ate and drank for a while, then shook the wine gourd in his hand with a regretful expression.

"Such a delicious delicacy, but I don't have any wine here." Xie Hao said regretfully.

Xu Fei laughed: "What's so difficult about this?"

After saying this, he took out some spiritual wine that he usually brewed for entertainment and filled it for everyone.

Xie Hao sniffed the scent of spirit wine and his eyes lit up.

He picked up the wine bowl and took a sip.

"Good, good, good!!!" Xie Hao praised loudly.

The excessive freedom and uninhibitedness made Wang Yu and others frown.

Especially Yuan Xiang had a mocking look on his face.

What a fuss, nothing prudent at all.

Xu Fei didn't care about this.

After all, compared to those who follow the rules and stick to the rules, Xu Fei prefers to associate with free and unrestrained people like Xie Hao.

In the blink of an eye, several deer were eaten by everyone.

There was not enough venison in the middle, so Xie Hao went hunting in the forest twice.

And this time of eating and drinking made Xie Hao lean on the big rock behind him with a face full of enjoyment.

"I have no regrets in this life!" Xie Hao said with a smile.

Xu Fei was stunned when he heard this, then shook his head and smiled.

After a short rest, Xu Fei thought Xie Hao was going to leave.

The other party came closer.

"Looking at fellow Taoists waiting here, it seems that they are planting spiritual grapes for this season?" Xie Hao said.

Xu Fei nodded.

"I occasionally heard that there are spiritual grapes here that are about to mature, so I wanted to pick some and go back to make wine." Xu Fei said.

Xie Hao's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard that Xu Fei wanted grapes to make wine.

After thinking for a moment, Xie Hao raised his head and looked at Xu Fei.

"I can find several thousand kilograms of the best quality grapes for my Taoist friend. I wonder if you can give me some if you make good spiritual wine in the future?" Xie Hao said.

Hearing this, Yuan Xiang said in a disdainful tone: "You don't have a small tone, but you still have the best quality grapes. Who do you think you are?"

When Xie Hao heard this, he acted as if he had never heard it before.

Just looked at Xu Fei.

Xu Fei knew that Xie Hao was quite capable.

So I don’t doubt whether the other party can get the best quality grapes.

"How about I give you thirty kilograms of spiritual wine for every one hundred kilograms of spiritual grapes that fellow Taoist brings?" Xu Fei said after thinking about it.

It is not easy to make spiritual wine from grapes.

Depending on the production process and the variety of grapes, one kilogram of grapes can yield about three to eight taels of wine.

If Xie Hao found a hundred kilograms of grapes and Xu Fei only brewed thirty kilograms of wine, then his work was undoubtedly in vain.

However, Xu Fei felt that he had some affinity with this person.

Just like Ying Tianya back then.

So I don't care about such a small loss.

"Hahaha! Okay, we've made an agreement." Xie Hao said.

Then I saw Xie Hao flying directly into the clouds and mist.

"Today, I, Xie Hao, want five thousand catties of good-quality grapes from the old roots! Who agrees? Who opposes!" Xie Hao's voice came from far away in the sky.

The sound shook the world.

Wang Yu, Yuan Xiang and several other monks' expressions changed drastically when they saw this.

At this time, how could they not know that Xie Hao, whom they had just disliked, was absolutely extraordinary in strength?

"Where does this mad dog come from! How dare you boast like this!" Someone quickly retorted.

At the same time, he flew out of Blind Ridge and confronted Xie Hao in the sky.

next moment.

"Ah~" a scream came.

Several monks who were on the edge of the Blind Ridge environment, preparing to watch a fight, suddenly changed their faces with fear.

They only saw a flash of sword light, and the monk who appeared later had his arm cut off.

Simply outrageous.

After all, this person's cultivation level is nearly 40,000 pots, which is not much different from his opponent.

But he didn't expect that he couldn't even block a single move.

"Xie Hao, if I'm not waiting for death in your rat hole, how dare you show off your evil intentions!" The previous monk who challenged Xie Hao failed, and another monk immediately raised his voice.

When Xie Hao in the sky heard this, he looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Wu Laogou, you also know that I am about to die. I will order these grapes today. How about it? Do you want to come and compete with me?" Xie Hao said.

The man who was called Wu Laogou by Xie Hao, when he heard Xie Hao was so insulting and contemptuous towards him, he immediately flew out of the Blind Ridge and came into the air.

Although Xu Fei was in the blind range and could not clearly see the situation ten feet away, he could still have some vague perception of the situation in the distance.

He immediately realized that this 'Wu Lao Gou' was very powerful, and worried that Xie Hao would suffer a loss, he quickly flew up.

Come to Xie Hao's side.

Wu Laogou, who was ready to fight with Xie Hao, narrowed his eyes when he saw Xu Fei.

Although he couldn't see through Xu Fei's true cultivation level, he also knew that the cultivation level of more than 10,000 pots revealed by the other party was just an appearance.

Therefore, it is difficult to guess what the opponent's strength is. (End of chapter)

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