"I met Taoist fellow Taoist Wu Yue in Xiaying Kongmen." The person Xie Hao called Wu Laogou was an old man in his sixties, with most of his hair already white.

The clothes are low-key and gorgeous.

He looks extraordinary.

"I am a casual cultivator, Han Li." Xu Fei said.

Xie Hao on the side noticed that Wu Laogou was so polite and glanced at Xu Fei with a look of inquiry in his eyes.

This Wu Laogou is not easy to deal with.

He has more than 80,000 pots of magic power.

By no means a weakling.

But being so polite to this Taoist friend he just met clearly shows that his strength is extraordinary.

Casual cultivator?

When Wu Yue of the Shadow Kongmen heard this, he didn't quite believe it.

However, the inability to sense the specific cultivation level of his opponent made him quite fearful.

After thinking for a while, Wu Yue simply bowed his hand, turned around and flew back to the Blind Ridge environment.

He acquiesced to Xie Hao's request for five thousand kilograms of high-grade grapes.

Anyway, he is not alone in this grape, there are other monks squatting there.

If Xie Hao grabs it by force, someone else will handle it.

"Fellow Taoist is very powerful." Seeing Wu Laogou leave, Xie Hao turned to look at Xu Fei and said.

Obviously through Wu Laogou's reaction, it was inferred that the strength of this newly met fellow Taoist Han was not simple.

Xu Fei chuckled and cupped his hands.

"When you go out, you inevitably have to cover up." Xu Fei explained.

Xie Hao nodded after hearing this, but did not ask any further questions.

Fall into the grape grove with Xu Fei.

Under the leadership of Xie Hao, Xu Fei went directly to the vicinity of Grape Root.

As he got closer, Xu Fei's vision became clearer.

In the end, the area around the old root no longer had any influence.

This made Xu Fei look around.

I want to find out what is working and blocking the special environment of Xiiling.

"There is a kind of insect called a song bug in Blind Ridge, which can temporarily clear the vision and perception of people on Blind Ridge." Xie Hao explained.

Xu Fei nodded after hearing this.

When he was at Xialing Market, he noticed that the influence of vision and perception in the market had weakened.

I originally thought it was the effect of a special formation, but I didn't expect it to be a kind of insect.

"Is this song insect for sale?" Xu Fei said.

"Of course there are some, but now they are rare." Xie Hao said.

Because the singing insects can slightly improve the vision and perception problems here in Xiiling, so as long as they appear, they will definitely attract the attention of the monks.

And then capture it.

Gradually disappeared.

Only a few monks still keep them.

And following Xie Hao and Xu Fei, they came to Grape Laogen.

Many monks also turned their attention.

Previously, a monk stepped forward to fight Xie Hao, but was defeated by him with one blow. Later, Wu Yue came over again.

I originally thought that this guy who appeared out of nowhere could be dealt with.

Unexpectedly, Wu Laogou would come back soon.

So now everyone takes some and gives the other party a share of the five thousand catties, or what?

Many monks who were waiting for the grapes to ripen hesitated for a moment.

No one wants to be the first person anymore.

"What? Do you want me to ask you for it myself?" Xie Hao said suddenly.

Hearing Xie Hao's words, some monks who knew his power couldn't help but flinch.

There are also monks who don't know its reputation and are eager to try it.

Of course, there are some monks with advanced self-discipline and self-cultivation, who still keep quiet, as if the matter has nothing to do with them.

But in the end, after some discussion, some monks came up with a share of five thousand catties and gave it to Xie Hao.

This spiritual grape, which is more than 20,000 years old, is not a natural spiritual seed, but has become alive due to the passage of time.

It's a lot worse than the natural spiritual species.

And the foundation is insufficient.

In addition, many monks have been fighting around the grapes that are about to ripen over the years, and have suffered a lot of injuries.

Therefore, even if it has grown for more than 20,000 years, the grapes it produces can only be regarded as high-quality spiritual fruits.

There is still some gap between it and the best level.

And I saw the shares that some monks gave up after discussion.

Xie Haoyou was not satisfied.

Because although the quality of these grapes that were given over is acceptable and much better than those of second-generation and third-generation grapes, they are not the best after all.

Only grapes within a hundred feet of the old roots can be called top grade.

So Xie Hao once again took Xu Fei and approached the old grape root.

Today I vow to win the ownership of the top-quality grapes.

And this attitude also attracted the attention of some monks who originally had nothing to do with him.

I have to say that facing the gazes of dozens of monks with good cultivation is quite stressful.

But Xie Hao, as a sword cultivator, was determined to make progress, and Xu Fei was even more impressive.

If all his cultivation levels were revealed, he would probably be the strongest person here.

So still calm.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist, top-quality grapes can only be found in the one hundred acres area within a hundred feet near the old root. Each acre can only bear more than two hundred kilograms of grapes. You need five thousand kilograms in one breath. Aren't you afraid of breaking your teeth?" There was a monk. He said calmly.

This spiritual grape in Grape Mountain is wild after all.

Although it stretches over 100,000 acres, the best grapes are only found in about one thousandth of the area near the old roots.

And because it is wild, the yield is seriously insufficient.

The yield per mu depends entirely on luck. On a good day, it can be three hundred catties, but on a bad day, there may even be no harvest.

This year's crop is not good, but it is not bad either. In the best area, the yield per mu looks like two hundred kilograms.

The monks from all walks of life who had ideas about this grape came early.

The initial allocation has now been completed.

Who would have thought that Xie Hao would suddenly appear.

And if you open your mouth, it's five thousand catties? !

This is almost a quarter of this year’s best grape harvest!

If you agree to the other party, it is tantamount to cutting off the flesh.

"Oh? Fellow Taoist, you don't agree with this?" Xie Hao said.

The monk who spoke ignored Xie Hao, but looked at Xu Fei behind him.

Unlike Shadow Kong Sect Wu Yue, he could already vaguely sense Xu Fei's cultivation.

So I guessed that Xie Hao found a backer like Xu Fei, so he dared to be so rampant.

Xu Fei blinked when he saw this.

Why does he feel like there is some misunderstanding here?

But if you can get five thousand kilograms of the best quality grapes, let's just misunderstand.

"Then please, fellow Taoist, give my flying sword a try!" Xie Hao laughed.

Faced with the fact that Xie Hao was about to fight if he disagreed with him, the monk who was the invisible leader of the alliance couldn't help but frown.


Xu Fei couldn't help but feel a little amused when he saw the other party's rather embarrassed look when facing Xie Hao who refused to leave.

How come he feels the same as a dog despite his profound cultivation?

But this is the most common phenomenon when conflicts occur between monks.

Let me say some harsh words first.

Then each expresses his/her attitude.

A consultation ensued.

Only if we really can't reach an agreement in the end can we start fighting.

And it's just possible.

After all, the higher the cultivation level, the more respectable one is.

How could he be like a rough man in the mountains, beating whenever he asked?

Xu Fei didn't pay much attention and assumed an attitude of Xie Hao being the main one.

With the identity of 'Han Li' as a cover, his behavior became a little more frivolous.

Moreover, these grapes are naturally long, and who can eat them all depends on their ability.

Why are you so polite?

Besides, being polite is useless.

Others will not be polite to them.

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