In addition, Feng Yelan's attitude towards Xu Fei was quite flattering.

On the one hand, Zhenxiao Sect is quite different from Linglong Immortal Sect.

This can be seen from the fact that Master Aoqing, who only has more than 90,000 pots of mana, can become a master of Zhenxiao Sect.

Moreover, Xu Fei is also a skilled weapon maker.

Even her master, Master Ao Qing, asked him to help refine the magic weapon.

For such an expert, she naturally has to pay more attention.

Try to leave a good impression, maybe she will have to ask the other party in the future.

Although Zhenxiao Sect places great emphasis on rules, Xu Fei, as an outsider, will naturally not impose strict restrictions.

In addition, what caught Xu Fei's attention the most was the extremely ingenious palaces throughout the Zhenxiao Sect.

Some are magnificent and magnificent, while others are small and exquisite.

Many of them gave Xu Fei the urge to move home.

In the end, Xu Fei selected a few of his favorite palaces and houses and asked Feng Yelan for the design drawings.

Several days passed in the blink of an eye.

Master Ao Qing sent some spiritual materials to Xu Fei.

Although she still couldn't make up her mind whether to let Xu Fei remove the impurities from the piece of ice jade she owned, but after a while, the ice jade would be warmed up and she could start refining the flying sword.

Therefore, some auxiliary spiritual materials can already be refined.

It does not take too long for Xu Fei to use ice jade to refine a flying sword.

After all, it is not at the top level.

At the fastest, Xu Fei can finish it in ten days.

However, working in such a hurry would not be enough for Master Ao Qing's two million spiritual stone reward.

Therefore, Xu Fei decided to take three months to refine the flying sword.

While Xu Fei was honing the spiritual materials for use, Feng Yelan came over with two female disciples.

One is pretty and the other is plump.

Although it can't be regarded as stunning, it has its own charm.

"Mr. Xu, these two are my disciples. If you need anything, just tell them." Feng Yelan said.

Xu Fei nodded when he heard this and continued to hone his spiritual materials.

However, during the break from training the spiritual materials, the two female disciples were somewhat flirtatious with Xu Fei.

Xu Fei did not refuse and accepted the two women directly.

What surprised Xu Fei was that it was the first time for both women.

"Would you like to be my concubine?" Xu Fei thought for a while and said.

He probably understood that the two women were used by Feng Yelan to please him.

Although it was a bit excessive, since both women were pure, Xu Fei didn't mind accepting it.

The two women looked surprised and troubled when they heard this.

They are Feng Yelan's disciples dozens of generations later.

Because of her outstanding appearance and the fact that she was still a little girl, she was summoned by the Grand Master to serve the Grand Master's distinguished guests.

You will naturally get some benefits later.

But she didn't expect that this distinguished guest wanted to take them as concubines.

Seeing hesitation between the two goddesses.

Xu Fei was not surprised. After all, the two women were not very old. The pretty one was just nineteen, and the plump one was only twenty-one.

Most likely they don't even know his identity.

"You can go back and ask your master, and you will know my identity." Xu Fei chuckled and kissed the two girls sympathetically.

After all, just now he was riding quite freely and did not take into account the situation of the two women.

Seeing Xu Fei's generosity, the two women nodded repeatedly.

Then put on your clothes and leave.

But only half a day later, the two women left and returned.

"Master." The two women bowed respectfully.

After they asked Grandmaster Feng Yelan and learned Xu Fei's identity, they felt as if they were in a dream.

Without delaying anything, he simply explained the situation to his master, relatives, etc., and then quickly returned to serve Xu Fei.

Because being able to become Xu Fei's concubines is tantamount to an opportunity for them to be reborn.

Xu Fei didn't mind that much.

After all, the two girls are not old, and if they are educated slowly in the future, there is a high probability that they will become what he likes.

The eel demon Chang'er looked a little jealous when she saw that Xu Fei had taken in two more concubines.

However, he also knew that his master was far from ordinary people.

Even if you put together a beautiful picture, no one will think there is anything wrong with it.

After all, when strength, identity, status, etc. reach Xu Fei's level.

Unless she is a particularly outstanding woman, any woman who comes to the master is just like an ornament on her clothes.

Seeing Chang'er's angry expression, Xu Fei chuckled and waved her over.

He came closer and scratched her little nose.

The eel demon returned Xu Fei's face and had no choice but to stop worrying about the matter.

But on the second day, Feng Yelan found some free time and came over.

"Sir, can you give me some advice?" Feng Yelan said charmingly.

Since this person loves women, Feng Yelan doesn't mind recommending himself as a pillow.

Xu Fei couldn't refuse when he saw this.

Feng Yelan and Feng Yelan were also happy.

Moreover, Xu Fei gained a lot of knowledge.

It turns out that happy things still have such a posture.

While refining spiritual materials, be happy at the same time.

Xu Fei lived quite happily in Zhenxiao Sect.

In the blink of an eye, half a month later, Master Aoqing found Xu Fei again and headed to the Ice Pond together.

Bingying jade was finally tempered and raised properly.

The tempering of ice crystal jade is different from that of ordinary spiritual materials.

It is best to be in a very cold place, where you can gather your spiritual energy through formations, temper and warm up on your own.

If the monks try to temper it, it will reduce the quality of the ice crystal jade.

Xu Fei glanced at the ice jade on the stone platform in the middle of the pool.

"Do you have a decision, fellow Taoist?" Xu Fei said.

"I wonder how confident Daoist Xu is?" Although Xu Fei didn't say it clearly, Master Ao Qing also understood that the other party was asking about how to deal with the variegated colors on his ice jade.

Hearing this, Xu Fei flew over to the ice crystal jade again, and even took the watermelon-sized piece of rare ice crystal jade into his hands and inspected it.

"About 60%." Xu Fei said.

Although Xu Fei is 99% sure that he can refine the variegated colors on the ice jade without damaging the quality of the jade, it is too exaggerated to say so.

If you say you're 60% sure, that's fine.

As for whether Master Aoqing dares to take a gamble, it depends on the other party's own decision.

Master Ao Qing pursed his lips when he heard this.

"I'll leave everything to fellow Taoist Xu." In the end, Master Aoqing made up his mind to take some risks and refine a flying sword with better quality.

After all, if the variegated colors on the ice jade are eliminated, the quality of the flying sword will be more than twice as good as that of the flying sword made by refining the variegated colors together!

The final result may even be at the top level.

"I will do my best." Xu Fei said.

Although the final quality of the flying sword refined this time has little to do with Xu Fei, since Xu Fei has this skill and can refine the flying sword better, he will naturally not hide his clumsiness too much.

What's more, with Xu Fei's current status and strength, he doesn't need to be so cautious.

Without leaving the ice pool, Xu Fei arranged a formation and gathered his wits to induce the chill.

At the same time, he beckoned to attract the magical water in the ice pond.

This water did not freeze even in extremely cold conditions. It is obvious that Master Aoqing usually refines it a lot.

At this moment, it is used to refine the variegated colors of ice crystal jade and refine it at the same time, which is naturally quite suitable.

And this is exactly the method of water refining.

It is one of the methods of refining weapons and alchemy together with the fire refining method that uses earth fire to refine magic weapons.

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