Seeing Xu Fei using his own 'bath water' to refine the magic weapon, Master Ao Qing blushed slightly.

And this posture is undoubtedly more beautiful than when she usually looks cold.

The eyebrows are thin, the eyes are beautiful, the almond-shaped eyes are shy, and the lips are like pearls.

There is no doubt that it is a stunning beauty that can make Xu Fei give a 90+ superb rating.

However, Xu Fei was concentrating on refining the magic weapon and had no eyesight.

With the cold magic water in the ice pool, under Xu Fei's control, tiny streams of water flowed past the ice jade.

At the same time, every trace of variegation is swept away.

This piece of ice jade, whose quality was originally damaged due to the influence of variegated colors, is being reborn bit by bit.

Master Aoqing, who was watching, could no longer care about his shyness and looked at Bing Yingyu intently.

After observing for a while, Master Ao Qing couldn't help but turn his head to look at Xu Fei.

Although this person said that he was only 60% sure that he could remove the stains on the ice jade without any damage, but now from her point of view, the other party was definitely more than that.

I'm afraid it will be higher.

Thinking of this, Master Aoqing felt a little relieved.

No wonder he dared to persuade himself to eliminate the variegated colors of ice jade in order to achieve higher quality.

It turns out that this guy is quite confident.

Seven days passed in the blink of an eye.

Xu Fei ate the cold food in his mouth.

Because the magic weapon is refined in the Ice Pond, anything with heat may not affect the refining process.

So Xu Fei could only eat ice.

On the other side, Master Aoqing still had a calm expression while eating these cold foods.

It seems like I'm used to eating it.

Xu Fei sighed helplessly, the two million spirit stones were too difficult to earn.

I definitely won’t be asking for trouble like this next time.

Of course, Xu Fei did not deny that he would take the initiative to add this processing. In addition to being more serious and responsible, it was also because Ao Qing was quite beautiful.

By the afternoon.

When the last trace of color on the surface is refined from the ice jade.

And when the ice jade was polished and round like a ball, Master Aoqing looked filled with surprise.

Although she watched these hours and speculated that Xu Fei's skills might be more exquisite than what he said, she was ultimately not sure whether he could hone her ice jade well.

Now there is finally a result, and it is the best result.

Almost all the variegated colors in the original jade have been removed, making the quality of ice crystal jade more than improved.

"Thank you so much, Fellow Daoist." Master Ao Qing said very gratefully.

I saw a rare change in Ao Qing's expression.

Xu Fei couldn't help but take a second look. He never hid his lustful nature.

So since there is a beautiful woman, and she is as stunning as Zhenren Aoqing, he will naturally not miss it.

Sensing Xu Fei's rude gaze, Master Ao Qing couldn't help but turn his face.

After all, the other party helped her eliminate the variegation of the ice jade and improve the quality, so it was not easy to worry about it for a while.

Fortunately, Xu Fei looked away after two glances.

The magic water in the ice pond was purified.

Start refining the flying sword for Master Aoqing.

"Fellow Taoist, why don't you rest for a few days?" Master Ao Qing said.

After all, it takes a lot of energy to practice Chaise.

Only by taking a rest can you be in better condition. When the quality of his flying sword was at stake, Master Ao Qing had no choice but to care about Xu Fei.

"But there is no need to go to such trouble. This time I can refine the flying sword in one go." Xu Fei said.

Although Xu Fei is used to resting for several hours every day, with his current cultivation level, as long as he doesn't want to rest, he can stay in full condition without resting.

Of course, you still have to rest for a certain amount of time to make up for it.

"This... everything is arranged by fellow Taoist." Master Ao Qing did not stop him.

As the inspiration merges into the magic water, the ice crystal jade is gradually refined.

The jade stone, which was as round as a ball, gradually deformed and changed into a sword shape.

This time the refining of the flying sword has officially begun.

As the ice jade deformed, Xu Fei gradually added the spiritual materials he had tempered before.

A jade four-foot long sword gradually took shape.

The length of the sword is about four fingers, which is two and a half inches.

About a finger thick.

There were still some residual stains that were difficult to eliminate, but Xu Fei took the opportunity to eliminate them while refining the sword shape.

The few streaks of color that were really difficult to remove were adjusted by Xu Fei into the sword patterns on the jade sword.

Especially after a certain amount of refining, the sword patterns formed by these variegated colors also have the special effect of enhancing the strength of the jade sword.

Master Ao Qing on the side was quite amazed.

Is this person's weapon refining skills so good? !

She only gave two million spiritual stones as a reward. Is it insufficient?

Xu Fei ignored these and continued to refine the magic weapon.

Because now is the time when you really need to be careful. If you are not careful, this half-successful flying sword may be damaged.

And as time goes by, the jade sword becomes more and more spiritual.

During this period, Xu Fei asked Master Aoqing to pour some mana into the jade sword for preliminary refining.

So every time the Jade Sword completes a certain key point, the Jade Sword will resonate with Master Aoqing.

Either the sword screams, or the sword body trembles.

This also made Master Aoqing look forward to it even more.

Time passed day by day, and it was more than two months.

As the massive amount of spiritual energy gathered was poured into the jade sword, the final process of refining the magical weapon began: enlightenment.

If it is completed, the sword will be completed. If you fail, the sword will be destroyed.

Therefore, even Master Ao Qing, who has a quite calm mind, was very nervous when he reached this step.

But in the next moment.

The sky is filled with fog!

Xu Fei frowned when he saw this, and turned to look at Master Ao Qing.

He also looked confused when he saw it.

Obviously he doesn't know what's going on.

Xu Fei worked hard to maintain the spirit gathering formation, continued to draw inspiration from heaven and earth, and poured it into the jade sword.

However, the fog became heavier and heavier, suppressing the inspiration.

It is getting harder and harder for Xu Fei to gather his inspiration.

But at this time, Xu Fei still didn't know that something had happened.

Master Ao Qing quickly flew away from the Ice Pond.

But when I looked up, I could see the sky filled with mist, covering the Zhenxiao Sect that was thousands of miles away.

This shocked Master Ao Qing.

"Someone is attacking the mountain gate, fellow Taoist, please be careful." Master Ao Qing returned to the ice pool, and after speaking to Xu Fei, he turned around and flew away without even caring about her flying sword that was being refined.

As a high-ranking member of the Zhenxiao Sect, Master Aoqing naturally needs to contribute to the sect's defense against foreign enemies.

Xu Fei couldn't help but be surprised when he heard this.

foreign enemy? !

It's funny.

Zhenxiao Sect is one of the nine major sects, but it is besieged by foreign enemies and affects the sect within? !

After thinking for a while, Xu Fei waved his left hand.

Five colored spiritual beads emerged from the acupoints on the back of his head.

The color of gold is golden, the color of water is blue, the color of wood is green, the color of fire is fiery red, and the color of earth is earthy yellow.

The last time Xu Fei had a head-on fight with the War Demon, he had used the five-color and five-spirit formations to gather inspiration and improve his cultivation.

But at that time, Xu Fei had to send the five-element spiritual objects as the formation's eyes several miles away in order to better gather his spiritual energy.

But it works because the War Demon doesn't bother to destroy the formation. If he encounters other opponents, he will definitely not let Xu Fei use the five-color formation.

So after some intensive research, Xu Fei improved the five elements of spiritual objects so that they could gather spiritual intelligence around him.

This is the first time it has been shown.

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