After seeing Zhenxiao Sect's great skills, Xu Fei turned his head and looked into the depths of the mist.

Although he didn't know where the monk who controlled the mist was, Xu Fei had a vague feeling that the other party should be able to 'see' him.

Compared with thousands of miles of clouds and smoke, the mist caused by these thousands of miles of clouds and smoke is more agile.

It's most likely no problem to act as eyes and ears.

"Xu Fei, a junior disciple of Linglong Immortal Sect, may I ask if Senior Tiande Sect Zhong Tiansheng is in person?" Xu Fei said with a bow to the mist.

Hearing Xu Fei mention Zhong Tiansheng's name, more than 30 high-ranking officials in the Zhenxiao Sect were shocked.

If the other party is really Zhong Tiansheng, then this matter will be troublesome.

"Oh? Does this junior know me?" In the blink of an eye, a few feet of mist in front of Xu Fei condensed a human figure and appeared in front of him.

Seeing the other party's appearance, the faces of the masters of Zhenxiao Sect became even more ugly.

Because this man in the mist is none other than the famous Zhong Tiansheng!

"It's really a senior." Xu Fei's heart sank.

The other party has been in charge of the best magic weapon for thousands of years, and has been practicing for tens of thousands of years.

He is probably as powerful as the leader Juan Yi.

Even the war demon who had put a lot of pressure on Xu Fei back then could not compete with him.

Xu Fei let out a long sigh of relief.

"Senior, please give me some advice." Xu Fei said.

Being in the mist, Xu Fei was unable to use almost all other formations except the Five Colors and Five Spirits formation.

What's more, he doesn't even know Zhong Tiansheng's true identity now.

But Zhong Tiansheng ignored Xu Fei.

After all, in his eyes, Xu Fei is no better than an ant.

"What do you think?" Zhong Tiansheng looked at the masters of Zhenxiao Sect.

Zhenxiao Sect Leader Sheng Wuwei was under great pressure under Zhong Tiansheng's gaze.

The opponent is very strong.

It was far beyond what he could contend with.

Moreover, even if all the current Zhenxiao Sect's monks exerted their strength, they would still not be Zhong Tiansheng's opponent.

"Forgive me for not agreeing." However, Sheng Wuwei decisively rejected Zhong Tiansheng's request.

Zhong Tiansheng was not surprised when he heard this. He ignored the monks of Zhenxiao Sect and turned to look at Xu Fei.

"Since you want to fight with me, then I will play with you." Zhong Tiansheng said.

The next moment, the fog in the sky pressed towards Xu Fei.

He looked like he was going to kill him right away.

Xu Fei's eyes narrowed when he saw this, and he directly encouraged the five-color spiritual creature behind him.

A large number of inspirations gathered through the earth's energy.

This made Xu Fei's aura even higher.

It reaches the level of about 190,000 and 200,000 pots of mana.

However, although his mana was higher than before, Xu Fei's control ability was somewhat insufficient for the additional cultivation.

The blade of the Tianlong Sword beside him began to tremble slightly.

Fortunately, the Tianlong Sword itself was of high quality and enhanced with Geng Metal, so it could withstand the magic power that Xu Fei could not control freely.

Generally speaking, the magic weapon itself is not very strong.

Basically, they rely on monks to infuse mana to gain holdings.

But it must be a magic power that the monk can control well.

If magic power that a monk cannot master is poured into a magic weapon, it will be harmful rather than beneficial.

This sounds a bit like the various electrical appliances used by Xu Fei in his previous life. They were obviously rated at 220 volts, but had to use 1,000 volts.

It would be weird if it doesn't burn.

Zhong Tiansheng couldn't help but be surprised when he saw Xu Fei activate the formation and enhance his own cultivation.

The opponent seems to be using a five-color array.

But can the five-color array have such an effect?

The next moment, the Tianlong Sword fired a large amount of sword energy.

Some are as big as chopsticks, and some are several feet long.

Thousands of sword energy spurted the oppressive mist.

When the sword energy collides with the mist.

Some sword energy collapsed, and some mist shook.

Occasionally, sword energy flew towards Zhong Tiansheng, who was transformed into mist.

But they disappeared without a trace.

However, Xu Fei also broke through the mist that Zhong Tiansheng had casually activated to suppress him.

"Not bad." Zhong Tiansheng said.

Xu Fei looked at the Tianlong Sword beside him.

This sword is of the highest quality, and even after he used it so violently, there was no sign of damage.

This made Xu Fei relax a little.

Xu Fei just wanted to activate the sword energy more violently, but Xu Fei was unable to do so.

The thousand sword energy just now is Xu Fei's current limit.

So his trump card negated his opponent's normal attacks?

Xu Fei couldn't help but smile bitterly.

And the next moment, the fog rolled in again.

This time the mist was more solid than before.

If Xu Fei still wants to use his sword energy to shatter the mist, he will have to use more mana.

But after Xu Fei thought about it, he took a long breath.

Absorb the five-color array and gather the spiritual energy into the body.

The violent inspiration entered Xu Fei's body, making it seem like there were countless violent bullfights running wildly inside Xu Fei's body.

Blood quickly flows out from the corners of the mouth, nostrils, and even the eyes, ears and other orifices.

But in the end Xu Fei finally surrendered to this manic and huge amount of inspiration.

Star warfare! Boxing style combat skills! Five elements magic!

After applying all he had learned layer by layer, Xu Fei stopped his momentum and then punched suddenly.

A black dragon-shaped fist swooped out.

Directly disperses large amounts of fog.

Over the years, Xu Fei has carefully studied the boxing style combat skills he imitated from Zhan Mo.

But it has never been pushed to such an extreme limit.

The previous black dragon-shaped fist rushed into the fog and flew over a distance of more than ten miles before being consumed by the fog.

And the next punching wind has been condensed by Xu Fei again, and he punches!

Although the mist condensed by thousands of miles of clouds has the effect of blocking spiritual opportunities, it ultimately needs to be maintained and condensed.

Xu Fei's purpose is to compete with his opponent in consumption!

Of course, he can't do it alone, but there are high-level experts from the Zhenxiao Sect behind him, and there is also a leader outside.

As long as Zhong Tiansheng shows his flaws, then the opportunity will come.

Seeing Xu Fei's black punches, Zhong Tiansheng had to step back.

There are several types of mist that he condenses with thousands of miles of clouds.

The first category is now scattered throughout Zhenxiao Sect.

Condensation is the simplest, but the effect is also the worst.

Basically, it can only stop monks with a cultivation level of less than 50,000 pots.

The second type is the fog that surrounds some important places.

This kind of mist requires him to use a trace of his spiritual energy to maintain its intensity.

Zhenxiao Sect actually has a great formation to protect the sect.

But it was limited by the second type of fog, so it couldn't be activated and take effect.

This kind of mist can block more than 100,000 pots of monks.

The third category is those who gathered at this moment to oppress Xu Fei.

Condensing such mist has already caused some consumption for Zhong Tiansheng.

But the effect is already impressive.

It is enough to surpass the average monk with a cultivation level of less than 200,000 pots.

So I have to say that Xu Fei's judgment turned out to be very accurate.

Found the point.

However, although Zhong Tiansheng retreated, he did not admit defeat.

Instead, more mist of the third type condensed with the wave of his hand.

Direct pressure on Xu Fei.

With thousands of miles of clouds in hand, he is almost invincible.

How can we be afraid of the ants of the younger generation competing for consumption?

But Xu Fei couldn't control that much, and a storm of dragon fists shot out in all directions.

The monks of Zhenxiao Sect saw that Xu Fei and Zhong Tiansheng were already fighting. After looking at each other, they did not continue to watch.

Each activated their spells and magic weapons, and began to consume the surrounding fog.

Assist Xu Fei with boxing.

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