When he found himself in this strange fog, Xu Fei's best choice seemed to be to stay calmly like everyone else.

Wait for changes.

What if the fog dissipates on its own?

But Xu Fei didn't do this.

Especially after realizing that the mist was caused by thousands of miles of clouds and smoke, he had no intention of continuing to retreat.

After all, Wanli Yunyan's power was so powerful that it directly suppressed Zhenxiao Sect.

Then if you fight with the mist caused by thousands of miles of clouds and smoke, you can get in touch with its nature and understand its root cause.

So is there a slight possibility of deriving the refining method of Wanli Yunyan?

In addition, playing against Gao Gong is an opportunity for Xu Fei.

Xu Fei's biggest problem so far in his practice is that he rarely fights with others.

Even if some conflicts occasionally occur, they can basically be resolved with just a few clicks.

It's like playing a game, frying fish, frying fish, frying fish in the bronze bureau all day long.

When can we play high-end games?

Although Zhong Tiansheng himself has never appeared, he is quite powerful just in the form of mist.

It made Xu Fei feel a little embarrassed.

Black fists flew one after another.

This is a powerful offensive launched by Xu Fei, who used the five-color and five-spirit formations to gather his wits, strengthened himself with the Heavenly Star Combination of various combat methods, and combined it with the Five Elements spells.

Even if there is a mountain in front of him, Xu Fei is confident that he can destroy the mountain and change the course of the river.

But in the face of Zhong Tiansheng's mist, Xu Fei's black fist could only fly more than ten miles away.

It was completely wiped away by the mist, leaving no trace left.

But even so, the masters of Zhenxiao Sect felt the power generated by Xu Fei's punches one after another.

His expressions couldn't help but change.

They did not expect that this new disciple of Linglong Immortal Sect would be so strong.

Even though Xu Fei has been a disciple of Beilu for many years, as long as it does not exceed a thousand years, he will basically be regarded as a junior by other sects.

But even so, he still seemed powerless in the face of the fog urged by Zhong Tiansheng.

It's hard not to feel discouraged.

After blasting out more than a hundred fists, Xu Fei paused his offensive.

This black boxing style was almost the result of all his efforts.

Each step consumes a lot of money.

Even with the help of the Five Color Formation, Xu Fei's breathing gradually became faster.

Zhong Tiansheng, who was transformed into the mist, looked away from the direction where the black fist wind consumed his own mist.

"Not bad." Zhong Tiansheng said calmly.

This child's cultivation level is not very high, but he has been blessed by the five-color array and has the combat skills to unleash his fist style.

Among all the cultivators in the manifest world, he can be ranked among the top hundred.

After all, even he is not in the top five.

Moreover, this is still the current combat power of this child. If his cultivation continues to improve in the future, wouldn't his future be limitless?

This made Zhong Tiansheng inevitably have some love for talents.

But then Zhong Tiansheng helplessly shook his head and smiled.

Although he has abandoned Tiande Sect for thousands of years, it is still difficult to change the tireless habit he developed when he became the leader.

Thinking of this, Zhong Tiansheng's eyes flashed with strange color.

Since it is so excellent, destroying it should be a more enjoyable thing.

Xu Fei heard Zhong Tiansheng's appreciation.

But there was no joy in my heart.

Because as soon as the other party finished speaking, a fierce murderous intention rushed directly towards his face.

The next moment, masses of mist gathered and solidified.

A sword, gun, sword and halberd made of mist come to life.

The sharp blade was pointed directly at Xu Fei.

Not knowing the basis of these mist weapons, Xu Fei did not dare to fight head-on and temporarily retreated.

However, a mist sword flew directly towards him after the condensation was completed.

Of course, the cloud and smoke magic weapons made by Xu Fei can also be condensed into weapons.

It's just that the power is not as good as expected.

The mist created by Zhong Tiansheng in front of him is somewhat arbitrary and ever-changing.

And they are all very powerful.

Xu Fei's boxing style relies on a lot of external force.

That is, the five-color array gathers inspiration.

Difficult to control perfectly.

Only then can the power be revealed.

If one can perfectly control one's own magic power, then no matter whether it is using magical weapons or spells, it will be possible to do so without revealing any trace of Qi.

Make it difficult for the opponent to judge the specific power.

At this moment, the fog weapon activated by Zhong Tiansheng was like this.

Whether it is strong or weak can only be judged by Xu Fei's personal experience.

First retreat three hundred feet, then retreat sixty miles.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Fei retreated a long distance before making certain adjustments to his condition.

But the mist sword has already arrived.

Xu Fei put aside his distracting thoughts and punched out boldly.

Nothing fancy.

Fighting with fists and swords.

"Boom~~~" there was a loud noise.

The surrounding fog suddenly seemed to be violently shaken and emptied into the distance.

A fog-free area of ​​almost a hundred miles was cleared.

However, after the punch was fired, a huge force penetrated Xu Fei's internal organs through the fist.

"Pfft~" A mouthful of blood suddenly spurted out.

Although he destroyed the mist sword, Xu Fei was injured again.

Xu Fei took out a bottle of healing elixir directly from the storage bag, poured it all into his mouth, and swallowed it.

The elixir fell into the stomach, giving off a strange feeling of warmth in the cold.

Healed Xu Fei's internal injuries.

This elixir not only relieves pain, but also has healing effects.

It just didn't wait for Xu Fei to feel relieved.

Another mist spear shot out.

Xu Fei could only punch again.

Although he has the Tianlong Sword that he can use to fight against these mist weapons, Xu Fei is currently using the five-color array to increase his mana, and he is not very at ease with the manipulation of his mana.

This will already put pressure on Tianlong Sword.

If he were to fight against such a powerful attack again, under attack from both inside and outside, even if the Tianlong Sword had been reinforced with Geng Metal, it would still be difficult to resist.

It may even be destroyed on the spot.

Therefore, it is best to save the Tianlong Sword for critical moments.

A handful of mist weapons flew at him.

Xu Fei punched out one punch after another.

Only the Heavenly Star tactics supported by the five-color array combined with the heavy punches triggered by the Five Elements spells.

Only then are they qualified to fight against these mist weapons.

If he had used other methods to deal with it, Xu Fei might have been stabbed to the core by accident.

But faced with the attack of fog weapons.

Xu Fei was finally pushed back involuntarily, ten miles, twenty miles, a hundred miles!

Originally, the distance between Xu Fei and the fog-turned-Zhong Tiansheng was only a few dozen feet, but after fighting for a while, Xu Fei had retreated nearly two hundred miles.

But even across such a distance, the power of the fog weapon activated by Zhong Tiansheng was almost not weakened at all.

Zhong Tiansheng looked at Xu Fei.

There were some changes in his expression.

He had never expected that this child could block so many weapons made of mist.

This made Zhong Tiansheng couldn't help but look at the five-color spiritual object that was faintly glowing behind Xu Fei again.

Although Zhong Tiansheng could not completely see through the refining methods and spiritual materials used in this 'five-color spiritual object', he could have a general impression of the main refining methods and spiritual materials.

But it was precisely because of this that Zhong Tiansheng was surprised.

How can the formation formed by these ordinary spiritual materials be able to withstand such pressure, especially when it is so powerful?

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