Among the countless monks in the ‘Xianjie’ in recent tens of thousands of years, Zhong Tiansheng boasts that he can be ranked among the top five.

Even more politely, Zhong Tiansheng felt that he had the strength to win the first place in the world.

After all, he didn't reveal his behavior, and just moved thousands of miles of clouds and smoke to suppress the entire Zhenxiao Sect.

Moreover, there are other eight great masters from the sects outside, and they are all too afraid to act rashly.

Such power is enough to earn the respect of all cultivators.

But the ant in front of him was able to resist his mist weapon.

I have to say, he is still very good at it.

Zhong Tiansheng stopped urging the fog weapon.

"What's behind you is the Five Colors and Five Spirits Formation?" Zhong Tiansheng asked.

Xu Fei wiped away the blood on his mouth.

Looking at Zhong Tiansheng two hundred miles away.

"Yes." Xu Fei said, taking out another bottle of healing elixir and taking it.

During the previous fight with the war demon, the five-color spiritual object that served as the eye of the five-color formation was pushed too far by Xu Fei and soon collapsed.

Therefore, Xu Fei absorbed the experience of the previous time to refine these formation eyes again, and made them quite strong.

The effect is also better.

This will always support you.

However, the Five Color Formation persisted, but Xu Fei himself suffered a lot of injuries.

"Hand over this five-color formation, and I will spare your life." Zhong Tiansheng said.

Although he betrayed Tiandemen, Zhong Tiansheng was a highly skilled person in the world and would not go back on his word.

So as long as Xu Fei surrenders the five-color array sensibly, it doesn't matter if Zhong Tiansheng lets Xu Fei go.

After all, without this five-color formation, Zhong Tiansheng would have the confidence to defeat the opponent in one blow.

When Xu Fei heard this, he lowered his eyes and thought.

It is still unclear where Zhong Tiansheng himself is, but the fog weapon activated by Zhong Tiansheng turned into this mist has a power that is almost equivalent to the spell activated by one hundred thousand pots of mana in one blow.

If Xu Fei wants to compete with it.

His own mana must reach at least 150,000 pots, and then he can use the five-color array to help him.

After all, the power of producing one hundred thousand pots of mana in one blow is two different things from the power of one's own cultivation of one hundred thousand pots.

Xu Fei can now also perform a certain number of attacks similar to the mist weapon.

But not more than ten times!

Once this number is exceeded, even if the five-color array gathers inspiration, its own mana will be exhausted.

This is also the reason why Xu Fei was so embarrassed when facing Zhong Tiansheng's offensive.

It can only be said that the opponent in front of him far exceeded Xu Fei's expectations.

To put it simply, Xu Fei messed up.

I originally thought that by fighting with the opponent, I could not only accumulate experience, but also possibly analyze the method of refining Wanli Yunyan.

However, the huge gap in strength between them made Xu Fei feel overwhelmed and unable to do anything.

So handing over the five-color array in exchange for one's own safety seems to be a good idea.

However, Xu Fei refined some of the elixirs he had just taken and slightly recovered his injuries.

"I'm sorry that I can't obey my orders." Xu Fei said.

Zhong Tiansheng was not surprised when he heard Xu Fei's refusal.

After all, this five-color array is very effective.

It may even be the result of careful research by a high-ranking person in recent years.

It is normal for the other party not to dare to disclose it easily.

But if the opponent is captured and tortured, can this ant continue to keep secret?

Thinking of this, Zhong Tiansheng activated the fog again.

But this time, the fog squeezed Xu Fei away.

Prepare to capture Xu Fei.

Xu Fei's eyes narrowed when he saw this, he took out the Tianlong Sword and activated the blue dragon-shaped sword light.

Directly into the mist.

The mist could not withstand the sword light and was directly rushed out of a passage.

Xu Fei then escaped along the passage.

Zhong Tiansheng frowned when he saw this.

His mist is strong and weak.

The stronger ones besiege important places, while the weaker ones are scattered everywhere.

Although the strength of the mist can be changed by him, the opponent's sword light is actually quite sharp.

It's hard to stop for a while.

It's just that even if the other party wants to escape from the mist, he can't.

After all, as long as a few powerful fogs are condensed, this person will have to get out of the way.

So from the head-on fight just now, has it become a cat-and-mouse situation?

Thinking of this, Zhong Tiansheng smiled disdainfully.

He casually dispersed the mist and suppressed the Zhenxiao Sect members again.

Then track Xu Fei.

One escapes, one chases.

Gradually, the distance between Xu Fei and Zhong Tiansheng became closer and closer.

This made Xu Fei's heart sink.

Although Zhong Tiansheng has less murderous intention towards him because he covets the Five Color Formation, if he falls into Zhong Tiansheng's hands, he may not be able to get any benefits.

So while Xu Fei was flying away, he was refining the power of the healing elixir to recover from his injuries as quickly as possible.

In the hope that after being caught up by Zhong Tiansheng, he would still be able to fight.


A mist weapon hit the Tianlong Sword directly!

Xu Fei didn't notice for a moment, and the Tianlong Sword that broke the fog was directly knocked away by the fog weapon.

The aura of the sword body is unstable.

Clearly damaged.

This made Xu Fei feel distressed, and he quickly stepped forward to take it into his body to warm it up.

Then he turned around and struck out with a punch, scattering the mist weapon that sneaked up on the Tianlong Sword.

And Zhong Tiansheng also caught up.

"Junior, what I just said is still valid." Zhong Tiansheng said.

Xu Fei couldn't help but show a look of embarrassment on his face when he heard this.

The performance of the person who wants to live but is restricted by the sect rules and dare not reveal the secrets of the sect is very penetrating.

Zhong Tiansheng didn't rush him when he saw this.

After all, he has plenty of time.

But after a moment, Zhong Tiansheng frowned.

It seems that he noticed something.

"Junior! My patience is limited!" Zhong Tiansheng said.

Xu Fei grinned.

"Thank you, senior, for taking this seriously, but after thinking about it, I still can't reveal the sect's secrets." Xu Fei said with a smile.

Then, within thousands of miles of the Zhenxiao Mountain Range, the earth's energy suddenly stirred up.

Although the mist caused by thousands of miles of clouds and smoke is condensed and solid, it is still difficult to resist the earth's energy in a hurry.

Large areas dispersed.

And when Zhong Tiansheng wanted to make amends.

A sword light fell from the sky.

Go straight to the inconspicuous mountain where Zhongsheng itself is located.

The mountain peak was split into two by the sword light.

Zhong Tiansheng was exposed in the crypt.

He looks about thirty years old, and his hair is fixed on the top of his head with a wooden hairpin.

Wearing light gray robes.

Elegant temperament and handsome appearance.

It makes people feel more favorable when they see it.

"Friend Zhongdao, I haven't seen you for thousands of years. I hope you are well." Headmaster Juan Yi walked through the air.

In a few steps, he was already within a hundred miles of Zhong Tiansheng.

Zhong Tiansheng looked at Juan Yi in front of him with a rather fearful expression.

He claims to be among the top five cultivators in the Xian world, but he dare not claim to be the first.

It's because of the person in front of me.

The opponent has no knowledge of spells, formations, or changes. Apart from a flying sword, he has no other magical weapon.

But with this flying sword, it is so powerful that people have to deal with it with caution.

It's just that when he noticed Juan Yi's arrival, he had obviously been a little more careful.

But I didn't expect that it would still be broken into thousands of miles of clouds.

This made Zhong Tiansheng look at Xu Fei again.

This kid is really good.

Thinking of this, Zhong Tian was so angry that he laughed instead.


In the previous chapters, Zhong Tiansheng’s name was written as Zhong Changsheng, which has been modified.

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