After tens of thousands of years of practice, he was tricked by an ant.

Zhong Tiansheng was filled with anger.

But when he was angry, he didn't show any anger.

His expression was still calm, showing no signs of joy or anger.

"What's your name?" Zhong Tiansheng asked.

"Why do you Zhong Daoyou care about this junior?" Head Juan Yi said with a chuckle.

Xu Fei quietly hid behind the head of Juan Yi.

Facing the fog, he had no choice at first.

After all, with his cultivation level, even with the blessing of the Five Colors and Five Spirits Formation, he cannot compare with Zhong Tiansheng.

What's more, these mist are triggered by the top-grade magic weapon, thousands of miles of clouds and smoke.

It is simply not something that ordinary people can break.

However, we can't fight head-on, but there are tricks.

Zhong Tiansheng relies on his own high level of cultivation and the top-notch magic weapon Wanli Yunyan.

Directly suppress the Zhenxiao Sect.

Fierce and majestic.

But doing so is not without problems.

Because Zhenxiao Sect is one of the nine major sects, there is a sect-protecting formation inside the mountain gate.

It was previously suppressed by the mist triggered by the top-notch magical weapon Wanli Yunyan, making it difficult to activate.

However, Xu Fei used the Five Colors and Five Spirits Formation to connect the earth's energy and gather the wisdom of heaven and earth, which was able to slightly loosen the suppressed mountain-protecting formation.

But if Xu Fei did this directly, Zhong Tiansheng might have suppressed him with his backhand.

That's why Xu Fei and Zhong Tiansheng had a fierce fight before, and then they ran away as a cover-up.

Fortunately, Zhong Tiansheng used the incarnation of mist to pursue Xu Fei, and he himself was still hiding in a hidden cave.

Only then did Xu Fei's adventure finally succeed.

He slightly activated Zhenxiao Sect's mountain-protecting formation to clear out the mist.

Then the leader of Juan Yi fell with his sword.

All in all this is easy to say.

But in fact it is extremely difficult to do it.

Fortunately, Xu Fei relied on his proficiency in formations, his pretty good cultivation, and a little bit of luck to disperse Zhong Tiansheng through the mist condensed by thousands of miles of clouds and smoke.

Zhong Tiansheng looked at Juan Yi.

This is his descendant’s descendant.

After all, when he took over Tiandemen, the other party had not yet been born.

It was not until he was in charge of Tiandemen for more than 20,000 years that Juan Yi came to prominence.

But age is the most useless thing for monks.

Some have practiced for only a few hundred years, and yet they have the power to understand the mysteries, know wonders, and have subtle spiritual powers.

And some people have been practicing for thousands or tens of thousands of years. In addition to struggling to acquire magic power, they have no knowledge of spells, formations, and principles.

What's the point?

The person in front of me is a genius.

After entering the training, I only practiced swordsmanship.

Apart from swordsmanship, he has nothing else to focus on.

At first he was just ordinary, but as he practiced, he gradually revealed his talents.


Thoughts flashed through my mind.

Zhong Tiansheng suddenly flew away.

Xu Fei was stunned when he saw this.

Is this an escape?

The leader is mighty!

As soon as he showed up, he scared the ferocious old bastard away.

But then Xu Fei frowned and looked up at the sky.

It was exactly noon.

The sun is high in the sky.

The light is blazing.

Zhong Tiansheng, who Xu Fei thought had escaped just now, was standing at a height of almost a hundred miles.

Immediately, a faint ripple emerged.

Hold the thousands of miles of Zhenxiao Sect like a bowl.

Isolate inside and outside.

Xu Fei looked around.

Realizing that this was Zhenxiao Sect's sect-protecting formation, it finally opened.

At the same time, he realized why Zhong Tiansheng escaped just now.

Obviously aware of the threat of the formation.

"Young Daoist Zhong, aren't you leaving yet?" Head Juan Yi said calmly.

"As long as the Zhenxiao Sect hands over the Golden Medal of Reunion, then it doesn't matter if I leave." Zhong Tiansheng said with his feet in the sky.

The Golden Medal of Hunshi?

Does this name sound like a book?

Or a seal?

Xu Fei was thoughtful.

Head Juan Yi couldn't help but be surprised when he heard the name of Hunshi Jinzhang.

Then he turned to look at the Zhenxiao Sect masters who were rushing over not far away.

After they heard the name of Hunshi Jinzhang, they couldn't help but look a little ugly.

After all, no one else knows about the fact that the sect possesses the Hunshi Jinzhang except for them, the senior officials of Zhenxiao Sect.

I don’t know where Zhong Tiansheng learned about it, so he came to rob him.

Head Juan Yi scratched his temples.

Say no more.

After all, there is the Hunshi Jinzhang among them, so even if Zhong Tiansheng leaves now, he will definitely continue to plot in the future.

Xu Fei knew that his work was completed at this moment, standing behind the head of Juan Yi, obedient and obedient as if he were a follower.

Try to reduce your own presence.

He had ruined such a big thing for Zhong Tiansheng. Wouldn't it be terrible if he waited for an opportunity to take revenge?

Ever since Zhong Tiansheng said the Golden Chapter of the Hunshi, Zhenxiao Sect Leader Sheng Wuwei knew that what happened today was definitely not good.

After thinking for a while, Sheng Wuwei gritted his teeth and took out a golden, finger-thick book from his storage bag.

Zhong Tiansheng's eyes widened when he saw this golden book.

"Friend Juan, there is absolutely no way I can hand over this golden seal to this beast. I wonder if you would be willing to keep it?" Sheng Wuwei said.

Zhong Tiansheng's siege and threats made Sheng Wuwei very disgusted.

He would rather leave the Golden Seal to the Linglong Immortal Sect for safekeeping than give it to Zhong Tiansheng.

After hearing this, Zhong Tiansheng, who had always been quite calm, turned to look at Juan Yi.

He looked nervous, fearing that the other party would accept the golden book.

After thinking for a moment, the head of Juan Yi took the golden seal and took a look at it.

"I will take on this important responsibility," said the leader of Juan Yi.

"Fellow Daoist Juan, if you can lend me the Hunshi Golden Medal, I would be extremely grateful." Zhong Tiansheng said quickly.

Juan Yi just chuckled and ignored it at all.

Who would have thought that he just came here to join in the fun and actually got such benefits?

Ha ha ha ha!

Juan Yi laughed heartily in his heart, but the expression on his face was just as gentle as the spring breeze and drizzle.

Zhong Tiansheng's face darkened, but he did not dare to use force when facing the head of Juan Yi, so he could only turn around and fly away.

The commotion came to an end.

After two days of discussions with the Zhenxiao Sect, head Juan Yi and the heads of several other sects took Xu Fei back to Linglong Immortal Sect.

"Come to Jingwei Hall in a moment." Head Juan Yi said, and then flew away.

Xu Fei arranged for Chang'er and his daughters and hurried to Jingwei Hall.

I saw Master Juan Yi looking through the Golden Seal of the Hunshi.

I noticed that Xu Fei was very concerned about this golden book.

The head of Juan Yi chuckled: "Do you want to know what the use of this book is?"

Xu Fei nodded repeatedly.

"Hahaha, then you should first improve your cultivation to a perfect number of 365,000 pots, which is the same as Zhong Tiansheng, and then I will tell you." Head Juan Yi joked.

Xu Fei was a little surprised when he heard this.

"Master, what is the mystery behind this perfect number?" Xu Fei asked.

"We, the monks, work hard to practice, but most of them will hit a bottleneck after reaching a certain level of cultivation and find it difficult to make progress."

"And this perfect number is the limit that we monks can achieve without something like the Hunshi Golden Medal." Head Juan Yi said.

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