When the sun set, Xu Fei left the Jingwei Hall where the leader of Juan Yi lived.

He just learned a lot of information from the headmaster.

For example, three hundred and sixty-five thousand pots of magic power is a perfect number, which is also the limit that a monk can achieve by himself alone.

In addition, regarding the role of the Hunshi Jinzhang, although the leader did not say much, Xu Fei also had some guesses in his mind. It should be to help monks who have reached a perfect level to achieve a breakthrough?

There are many distracting thoughts in my mind.

Xu Fei returned home.

Then start practicing.

A few days later, Master Aoqing visited again.

"Thank you so much, Fellow Daoist." Master Ao Qing said gratefully.

Something unexpected happened to the Zhenxiao Sect. At that time, she couldn't take care of much, so she had to go to the Huling Palace to provide assistance.

I couldn't help but feel that Xu Fei might stop refining the weapons and leave.

Although this would cause her heavy losses, as a patron, she failed to provide a stable environment for the other party.

It is natural to bear losses.

But she didn't expect Xu Fei to help her refine the jade sword, and the quality was quite good!

If it is properly maintained, it may even become a top-level magic weapon.

How could Master Ao Qing not be moved by this?

"You're being polite, I'm just being loyal." Xu Fei said with a chuckle.

Master Ao Qing hesitated for a moment.

"I wonder if you can accompany Pindao for a walk around the Linglong Immortal Sect?" Master Aoqing said.

Xu Fei couldn't help but be surprised when he heard this.

what's the situation?

However, since it was Master Ao Qing's request and it was not a big deal, Xu Fei was naturally satisfied.

Xu Fei first took Master Ao Qing to a waterfall in Linglong Immortal Sect.

There is no craftsmanship in this waterfall.

The flow down the river is quite impressive.

The water mist is blown up by the breeze and hits your face, which is even more refreshing.

After admiring the waterfall, Xu Fei took Master Aoqing to a famous restaurant to taste the food and wine.

After just having dinner, Xu Fei arranged for Master Ao Qing to rest in a manor before preparing to leave.

Unexpectedly, his sleeve was pulled.

Turn around and look.

He was seeing Master Ao Qing's face full of shame.

Although Xu Fei was surprised, since the beauty invited him, he would not be polite.

After being happy for a while, looking at the plum blossoms on the sheets, Xu Fei cherished Ao Qing even more.

"How could you do this?" Xu Fei asked softly.

Master Ao Qing looked at Xu Fei and couldn't help but say the words of love and gratitude that he had prepared in his heart.

Seeing Ao Qing in trouble, Xu Fei did not urge her.

He gently took it into his arms, and then picked up Ao Qing's little hand to play with it.

After a while, Master Aoqing said with a complex expression: "The sect master is worried about the Golden Seal of the Hunshi..."

Although Ao Qing didn't explain it clearly, Xu Fei already understood.

Under the threat of Zhong Tiansheng, Zhenxiao Sect Leader Sheng Wuwei had to hand over the Golden Medal to Master Juan Yi for safekeeping, but this Golden Medal was too important after all.

Although Xu Fei still doesn't know what its function is, even Zhong Tiansheng, who is as skilled as Zhong Tiansheng, was greedy and took action to rob it.

Therefore, Zhenxiao Sect is naturally worried about whether Hunshi Jinzhang will return or not.

The reason why Master Ao Qing recommended himself to Xu Fei was because the Zhenxiao Sect felt that Xu Fei was very powerful and would have a certain say in the Linglong Immortal Sect in the future.

I can give them some consideration.

After understanding the inside story, Xu Fei felt even more pity for Master Ao Qing.

"Isn't this wronging you?" Xu Fei's tone was even gentler.

After hearing Xu Fei's comfort, Master Ao Qing couldn't maintain her calm expression, revealing some resentment towards the sect that asked her to do this.

But the resentment dissipated immediately.

She joined the Zhenxiao Sect and was trained by the sect, so that she could achieve her current level of cultivation and status.

For the sake of the sect, I will do anything I can.

If it wasn't Ao Qing's first time, then Xu Fei would at most regard the matter between the two of them as a casual romance.

But there is no way, Ao Qing has been transformed into an adult by him, so naturally she needs more love and compassion.

He couldn't help but continue to comfort him softly.

Fortunately, Master Ao Qing is no ordinary woman.

Recovered quickly.

Thinking of what happened just now, he gave Xu Fei a charming look.

This stunning beauty who used to have a cold personality like Furui Muha has gained a bit more femininity because of Xu Fei.

Playing with Ao Qing at Linglong Fairy Gate for a few days.

Master Ao Qing said goodbye and left, returning to Zhenxiao Sect.

Watching the woman leave, Xu Fei scratched his head.

Xu Fei seldom scratches his head these days, because there are not many things that make him worry.

However, even if he became close to Ao Qing, if the head of Juan Yi was really not prepared to return the Golden Medal of Hunshi, he would not say anything more.

This means that Ao Qing's approach is destined to become a meat bun beating a dog...

Although describing myself as a dog is a bit misleading, that's pretty much the case.

In the blink of an eye, several months passed.

It was February 1404, Xuanji.

Eight hundred and sixty-eight years have passed since Xu Fei traveled here in the 536th year of Xuanji.

At the same time, it was also time for Xu Fei and the three girls from Xialing to trade the elixir.

Ever since I got some information about future practice from the head of Juanyi.

Xu Fei was even more concerned about his own practice.

This also made Xu Fei pay more attention to the spiritual fruits of previous years that could be obtained from Xiiling.

After all, with the improvement of his cultivation level, the effectiveness of the elixirs made from ordinary elixirs in helping his cultivation has gradually weakened.

Although one can immerse oneself in practicing seriously, the difference in cultivation level and diligence is more than doubled whether there is a magic elixir or not.

From Xu Fei's current cultivation level of more than 100,000 pots to a perfect number of 365,000 pots, Xu Fei realizes that it may take 30,000 to 50,000 years if he just concentrates on hard cultivation.

And if there are enough elixirs to assist, this time may be halved.

That's why Xu Fei attaches great importance to Xiiling's resources.

Changed his appearance and disguised himself as 'Han Li' again.

Xu Fei came to Xiilingjie Mountain and prepared to trade with the three girls Fang'er, Lan'er and Qing'er.

However, not far from the last transaction place, there was an extra house.

In addition, the special environment of Blind Ridge that affects the field of vision has also been pushed away by more than a hundred feet.

Apparently there were additional arrangements of songbugs.

And just when Xu Fei appeared, the maid who picked Xu Fei up last time quickly walked out of the house.

"Mr. Han, the three ladies are already waiting on the mountain." the maid said.

Xu Fei was a little surprised when he heard this, but he still followed the maid to Kushan, one of the Three True Mountains.

Kushan is not high, about a thousand feet.

The dojo of Kushan Master, one of the Three True Masters who practices here, is at the top of the mountain.

Houses were built within a range of about three hundred feet from the top of the mountain.

We also arranged some singing insects to give the surrounding area a rare transparency.

Xu Fei followed the maid into the dojo on the top of the mountain and came to a side hall.

"Mr. Han, please wait a moment. I'll invite the three ladies over," the maid said.

Xu Fei nodded and said nothing.

But I felt something was wrong in my heart.

The previous transaction with Fang'er and the three girls was just to find a secluded place within the Sanzhen Mountain.

Obviously the three women don't really want to expose this elixir business.

But why do you mobilize so many people this time?

While Xu Fei was deep in thought, a crowd of people came over.

The three girls Fang'er are not very conspicuous among the crowd.

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