This left Xu Fei speechless.

Are his premonitions so effective?

However, Xu Fei quickly made some guesses about the situation in front of him.

Perhaps the brothers and sisters of Fang'er's three daughters knew about their hugely profitable business and were ready to get involved?

However, looking at the way the three women seemed to be coerced among the crowd, one could also tell that the three of them most likely couldn't make the decision.

"Is this Fellow Daoist Han?" a young man in his twenties said humbly.

Xu Fei looked at the other party after hearing this.

"That's right." Xu Fei said.

"I am practicing hard, my father Kushan Zhenren." said the young man.

Xu Fei nodded with a cold expression.

This made Ku Xiu, who had expected Xu Fei to be shocked, envious and complimented, his face darken.

As the most outstanding of the sons of Master Kushan, Kuxiu has been accustomed to others being groveling and fawning over him since he was a child.

This guy surnamed Han is so ignorant!

When Ku Fang saw this, she couldn't help but reveal a bitter smile on her face.

Penance is not the eldest son of the father.

There are more than a dozen brothers and more than a dozen sisters.

However, Kunxiu is his father's first son with Taoist roots.

And the qualifications are good.

Yin Yin has become the second generation leader of Sanzhen Mountain.

I usually hear compliments and flattery.

Now that 'Han Li' is so indifferent to him, I'm afraid he will make Ku Xiu unhappy.

Kuxiu was in a bad mood and had no intention of going around in circles.

"Before, Fellow Daoist Han cooperated with my three younger sisters to buy and sell elixirs. Fellow Daoist Han's prices were too high," Kuxiu said.

Xu Fei glanced at the other party after hearing this.

Although this person looks only in his twenties, he is definitely more than 20 years old.

According to Xu Fei's perception, this young-looking ascetic must be at least over 10,000 years old.

Why is even the basic reception of people so rough?

Oh, his current apparent cultivation level is only over 10,000 pots.

So there is no need for him to be humble and polite?

"Oh? Fellow ascetics, do you have any opinions?" Xu Fei said.

"The price of the spiritual elixir sold by fellow Taoist will be reduced to one-third of the last time, and the price of purchasing spiritual materials will be doubled again." Kuxiu said unceremoniously.

Xu Fei sneered.

"Then I'm working for nothing?" Xu Fei said.

"Fellow Taoist Han has gained the friendship of our Sanzhen Mountain. How can he be doing nothing for nothing?" Kuxiu said.

Master Kushan, Master Jieshan, and Master Yuanshan, these three have been practicing for a long time, and their cultivation level is more than 150,000 pots.

And each has its own unique magical tools, spells, etc.

He is very powerful among the casual cultivators.

This transaction between Xu Fei and Fang'er, Lan'er, and Qing'er somehow reached the ears of the three of them.

A simple calculation shows that there is an amazing profit.

However, it is unavoidable to worry about whether there is something behind 'Han Li'.

Master Kushan then asked his son to test it out.

"If you don't agree with me, I'll take my leave." Xu Fei's expression turned cold.

Friendship in Sanzhen Mountain?

For Xu Fei, what is the difference between it and the mud on the soles of his shoes?

"Fellow Taoist, it's better to agree to my request." The monk smiled half-heartedly, his words threatening.

"Brother, Fellow Daoist Han is my friend." Upon seeing this, Ku Fang hurriedly stepped forward and said.

Although she had not known Han Li for a long time, because Han Li had earned a lot of spiritual stones, she naturally did not want Han Li to suffer this immediate loss.

The most I can do is give up this profit and never come to Sanzhen Mountain again.

When Kun Xiu saw that his sister had interrupted him, he immediately looked over with an unkind expression.

Although Kufang is his sister, she is not born from the same mother.

There is really no difference between being a stranger.

Even naturally there is a bit of disgust and disgust.

"Get out of the way." Xu Fei said as he was about to leave but was blocked by Ku Xiu before he could say anything else.

The bitter cultivator's face stiffened when he heard this, and he turned his head to look.

Ever since he was a child, how could anyone dare to talk to him like this?

Kuxiu immediately laughed in anger, and when he reached out to grab, a magical sword was held in his hand, and he slashed directly at Xu Fei.

If faced with someone of equal status, Pension would never be so irritable.

But the guy he regarded as an ant actually dared to yell at him?

go to hell!

Xu Fei's expression showed no surprise when he saw this.

In other words, his words of 'get out of the way' had some provocative meaning.

The distance between Kuxiu and Xu Fei was not far away, and the magic sword flashing with cold light struck Xu Fei's shoulder in the blink of an eye.

With the sharpness of this magic sword, if Xu Fei really only had more than 10,000 pots of magic power, he would basically be chopped diagonally into two pieces.

Even if you are a monk, you will have to cultivate yourself for decades after suffering such a severe injury.

But just when the magic sword was about to fall on Xu Fei's shoulder.

Xu Fei's right hand came first and grasped the blade of the magic sword.

The magic sword in Kuxiu's hand can no longer drop an inch.

The monks from Sanzhen Mountain who came with the penancers were shocked when they saw this.

Although Kuxiu didn't use much cultivation, it was not easy to hold his magic sword.

Not to mention such an understatement.

The bitter cultivator looked greatly surprised when he saw this. He hurriedly mobilized his magic power and used the tactics he had cultivated, and tried his best to regain the magic sword.

However, Xu Fei pinched the two fingers of the magic sword and exerted a little force.

There was a soft sound of "Pa~".

This magical sword of relatively good quality was easily broken by Xu Fei.

Kuxiu, who had carefully cultivated this magic sword, was immediately implicated and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Suffered heavy losses.

In the blink of an eye, the penance has been defeated.

Xu Fei used his magic power to block the blood spewed by the opponent, ignored the opponent and left with his hands behind his back.

But Xu Fei could only leave for a moment.

Three figures chased him together.

"My friend, your attack was too harsh." A man in his forties, with slightly white hair and wearing a black robe, accused him.

"How many are there?" Xu Fei asked.

"I'm Master Kushan." The man in black robe said.

Xu Fei looked at the other two, and if nothing unexpected happened, these two were Master Jie Shan and Master Yuan Shan.

"Then what do you want?" Xu Fei's words were undoubtedly very rude.

But since it is known that the other party has bad intentions, do you still want him to greet you with a smile?

Although his cultivation level was lower than that of the other party, and there were still three of them, Xu Fei really didn't take them seriously.

After all, Xu Fei's record so far is very impressive.

A battle with a war demon depends entirely on the opponent not using all his strength.

In the battle with Zhong Tiansheng, the enemy was only Zhong Tiansheng's mist clone, but he was still beaten and fled in embarrassment. He used tricks to break the mist caused by his opponent, and the leader of Juan Yi took action, and he was able to turn the corner.

But that doesn't mean that Xu Fei is really useless.

If he attacks with all his strength, the three people in front of him can easily be defeated.

Xu Fei's unceremonious attitude made the three people in Kushan look at each other in shock.

They naturally realized that the cultivation level of the person in front of them was not just over 10,000 pots, but so what?

Their brothers' cultivation levels are higher than each other's, and there are still three of them.

So this person is bluffing?

The three people in Kushan thought for a while and made a decision in their hearts.

I feel that Xu Fei is just a lucky person who accidentally mastered alchemy, but didn't dare to sell it at will, so he came to their Xiiling place to find an opportunity.

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