"My friend hurts others at will, and we must give an explanation today." A man standing next to him, also about forty years old, but without gray hair and wearing different styles of black robes, said.

Xu Fei speculated that it was either Master Jieshan or Master Yuanshan.

But this has nothing to do with Xu Fei.

"An explanation? What explanation?" Xu Fei said indifferently.

Seeing that the other party caught up so quickly, it was hard for Xu Fei not to feel that this matter did not have the approval of these three sanctimonious guys.

"Please ask my friend to stay in Sanzhen Mountain for the time being and resolve this matter later!" Master Kushan said.

Then he raised his hand and a stream of mana came from him.

Prepare to seal all the orifices around Xu Fei's body so that he cannot use his magic power.

Xu Fei couldn't help but feel happy when he saw this.

The left hand is raised, the big finger is curled up, and the other four fingers are slightly bent.

The magic power in the body emanates from the whole body like a gush.

At the same time, it connects with the inspiration of heaven and earth and turns into infinite flames.

The fire filled the sky and directly enveloped the surrounding area for hundreds of miles.

Master Kushan was startled and quickly retreated.

On the side, Master Jie Shan grasped his hands and activated a huge amount of magic water.


But before Master Jie Shan could get proud, he was shocked to find that the magical water he had activated was actually ignited by flames!

This also means that the opponent's attainments in fire vein spells far exceed his water vein spells.

With the help of his opponent, the flames set off by Xu Fei burned even more wildly.



It even caused explosions one after another.

In the blink of an eye, the area covered by the flames was in chaos.

The trees were burned, the soil and rocks were burned red, and soon turned into lava.

Slowly flowing down the mountain.

When a monk's cultivation exceeds a certain limit, although it cannot yet reach the level of destroying the world.

But changing the terrain is no longer difficult.

At least if Xu Fei's flames continue to be maintained, they can burn the thousand-foot mountain peak of Kushan into magma.

The three people in Kushan saw that Xu Fei's fire vein spell was so exquisite that it burned the magic water and burned the mountain rocks to form magma.

I couldn't help but be shocked.

But now the three of them are unable to get off.

We can only capture the opponent first.

So the next moment, the three Kushan people took out their magic weapons.

Master Kushan and Master Jieshan are both magic swords.

Only the real person from Yuanshan is wearing armor and holding a spear, just like an ordinary warrior.

It is obvious that he has refined his body and meridians.

Get ready to fight and fight.

But when Xu Fei saw this, he just moved his little finger.

A large amount of flames condensed and gradually turned into a light group.

Go straight to the distant mountain master.

When Master Yuanshan saw the light group, his expression became more solemn.

Only when the flames are condensed to a very dense level can such changes occur.

And he was still more than a hundred feet away from the light group.

He could already feel the manic heat of the light group.

"Second brother, help me!" Master Yuanshan said loudly.

Then he fights the light group with a gun.

Upon hearing his third brother's call, Master Jie Shan, who had no gray hair, immediately waved his magic sword and gathered magic water to condense around Master Yuan Shan.

It makes Yuanshan Master seem to be covered with a layer of water.

"Ahem~" There was a soft sound.

The ball of light and the tip of the spear collided.

But Master Toyama was directly repelled.

The hands holding the spear felt numb.

The treasured spear that he relied on was made using a large amount of precious spiritual materials, but half of its tip was missing.

The three people in Kushan were shocked when they saw this scene.

Although the three of them are not brothers, they have a very good relationship. Naturally, they all know the sharpness and strength of the spear in the hands of Master Yuanshan.

But he didn't expect that 'Han Li' would destroy the treasured spear by activating the light group condensed by the flames.

In particular, the treasured spear is also blessed by the Dharma water of Master Jieshan.

Xu Fei was not surprised when he saw this.

Although his Five Elements spells cannot be used when facing the masters such as War Demon and Zhong Tiansheng, it does not mean that they are not strong.

After all, it was Xu Fei who studied thousands of Five Elements spells over the years and then integrated them with each other.

Facing ordinary monks, he is naturally quite sharp.

Without waiting for the Kushan trio to react, Xu Fei moved the little finger of his left hand again.

Many more flames condensed into light groups, approaching the three of them erratically.

When the flame condenses to a certain extent, it becomes light.

Dazzling, scorching light.

Its temperature is high enough to burn almost everything in the world.

I saw more than a dozen light groups flying towards me again.

Kushan, Jieshan, and Yuanshan looked ugly.

The other party's cultivation level was obviously much lower than theirs, but he actually mastered a superb fire vein spell.

It’s hard to resist.

Seeing this, Master Jie Shan took a deep breath and held the sword in his left hand.

The sharp sword blade cut his palm open.

Blood gurgled out.

The next moment, the sound of tide sounded.

Then a huge amount of Dharma water swept forward like a tsunami in front of Master Jieshan.

When the cultivation level is low, if the monk wants to activate the spell, he still needs to complete the transformation of his own magic power in the acupoints in the body.

Only then can you activate the corresponding spell.

Effortless, laborious and time-consuming.

But as the cultivation level gradually advanced.

If the spell cannot be completed in a flash, it would be too weak.

Facing this large amount of Dharma water created in an instant.

Xu Fei also had to retreat temporarily.

After all, to deal with the Kushan three people in front of him, Xu Fei did not intend to use other spells except the fire vein spell.

Otherwise, an earth vein spell will be sent out directly.

It is still very easy to block the magic water.

Seeing Xu Fei retreating, Kushan and Yuanshan couldn't help but feel excited.

Although the second brother (second brother) consumes a lot of energy, the other party cannot resist such a large scale water method.

Dharma water rolls around like a tsunami.

Put out the light ball that Xu Fei activated and the flames that filled the surrounding area for hundreds of miles.

At the same time, the soil and rocks burned into magma by Xu Fei's magic fire were also cooled down.

But after the magma cooled, it turned into black stone.

A huge scar was formed on Kushan, which was originally a quiet but beautiful scenery.

Only after time has passed, this place may be able to return to its old scene of mountains, forests, trees, insects, and birds chirping.

The Dharma water swept away.

They collapsed after a while.

Obviously, although Master Jieshan is good at water vein magic, he is not very good at it.

Such a huge amount of magical water cannot be maintained for too long.

Master Jie Shan, who had broken Xu Fei's fire technique, was pale and breathing heavily.

There is no grandeur at all.

"Second brother!" Master Kushan on the side quickly took out the elixir and fed it to him.

Xu Fei's eyes were sharp, and he couldn't see how those few elixirs looked like they were refined by him.

Xu Fei was speechless.

Does this count as capitalizing on the enemy?

After Master Jieshan took the elixir, his complexion quickly improved.

Although the body has not fully recovered from the damage caused by excessive use of mana, it has little effect on fighting skills.

Xu Fei looked below and saw that he had activated about 10,000 pots of magic power, and at the same time, the magic fire triggered by the inspiration of heaven and earth was extinguished.

He looked unconcerned.

Because of this short time, he has recovered more than three thousand pots of mana.

In a few moments, all the mana will be fully restored.

With the improvement of his cultivation, Xu Fei can recover very quickly as long as he does not consume more than half of his mana at once.

The less you spend, the more mana you have left, and the faster you recover.

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