Arranged these chores.

Xu Fei naturally waited to enter the bridal chamber.

As for the location of the bridal chamber, of course it is this Kushan Manor.

You said this is a dove occupying a magpie's nest?

But Master Kushan looked happy and excited about this, without any embarrassment.

So don't say it so harshly.


Sanzhen Mountain was filled with joy.

Although many people had embarrassed looks on their faces, the three ancestors of Sanzhen Mountain, Ku Shan, Jie Shan, and Yuan Shan, were quite happy.

After all, not only did they not have to pay huge compensation to Xu Fei this time, but they also got the job of selling elixirs for Mr. Han.

The most important thing is that their daughter will soon become Mr. Han's concubine.

After this calculation, they have become Mr. Han's cheap father-in-law.

A blessing in disguise for sure.

How does this make them unhappy?

A simple social interaction.

Xu Fei came to the bridal chamber.

Generally speaking, concubines are not allowed to hold weddings, let alone wear red phoenix crowns and harems.

But Xu Fei didn't care so much.

In other words, as long as you become his concubine, you can get a wedding.

After all, the joy of the bridal chamber still made Xu Fei like and happy.

Follow Xu Fei into the bridal chamber.

The three hooded figures sitting beside the bed in the bridal chamber couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Xu Fei picked up the scale beam on the side.

Lift off the hijabs of the three women one by one.

The three girls, Fang'er, were already quite beautiful, but now they were wearing festive red makeup and dimmed candlelight.

Make the three girls look even more charming.

Xu Fei chuckled lightly and took the three girls into his arms.

The three women each had different scents, and they all rushed into Xu Fei's nose.

He couldn't help but savor it for a moment before setting down the bed curtain.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

Xu Fei lazily leaned on the armchair in the waterside pavilion.

There is a fishing rod on one side.

Fang'er softly reported on the operation of Lingdan in the past few days.

Although Kushan and the other three were weak in front of Xu Fei, their strength was pretty good in Xiling.

Therefore, running such a panacea business will not cause any problems.

At least there is less trouble than when Fang'er had three daughters.

In just a few days, thousands of elixirs were sold.

Xu Fei only collects the profit from the last transaction with the three women. As for the price at which the Kushan three sell the elixir, Xu Fei doesn't care.

A paragraph was quickly reported.

Qing'er stood up, holding a red fruit in her lips and feeding it to Xu Fei.

As the most slutty of the three girls, Qing'er has a lot of tricks up her sleeve.

It made Xu Fei quite happy.

After eating the fruit, Xu Fei patted Qing'er's butt to tell her to stop.

After all, it is clear and sunny now, so we still need to pay attention.

"Master, we have a visitor." At this time, a maid came over to report.

Xu Fei turned to look at Lan'er on the other side.

She is the smartest among the three girls.

So regarding the situation in Xiiling, Xu Fei mainly referred to her opinions.

Lan'er asked the maid a few questions.

Know the identity of the visitor.

After thinking about it, he said: "How about I go meet him? His reputation in Xiiling is similar to that of my father and two uncles."

Xu Fei nodded upon hearing this and came to the main hall accompanied by Lan'er.

Master Kushan was accompanying a middle-aged man in his thirties.

Sensing Xu Fei coming over, he quickly stood up.

The man on the side couldn't help but look surprised when he saw this.

But he also stood up.

Although a monk's strength is related to his own magic power, if he is proficient in magical weapons, spells, etc., he can ignore the gap in cultivation and defeat the "strong" with "weak".

The news he heard was not clear, but he could get a glimpse of it from Master Kushan's attitude towards the people in front of him.

"I'm here, Lu Xiao. I've met Mr. Han." The man said, identifying himself.

"Your Excellency, Han Li, I have met fellow Daoist Lu." Xu Fei bowed his hands and then nodded to Master Kushan.

Ask the two of you to sit down.

After being polite, Lu Xiao stated his intention.

There is a magical hawthorn tree in the mountain farm he occupies.

It will mature soon.

I heard that there are high-grade elixirs for sale here in Sanzhen Mountain, and at the same time, I also purchased elixirs from previous years, so I wanted to exchange the spiritual hawthorn for some elixirs.

"Friend Lu Dao, the quality of the spiritual hawthorn is quite good, but I have some opinions on the amount of the spiritual elixir." Master Kushan said quickly.

Although he is Han Li's cheap father-in-law, Master Kushan never dares to be arrogant.

After all, in the final analysis, a monk's status still depends on his strength.

I heard my father-in-law say this.

Xu Fei thought for a moment and took Lan'er to Lu Xiao's mountain farm.

Although the environment in Xiiling is special.

It is difficult to see objects ten feet away, and spiritual perception is blocked.

However, because there are many spiritual species here, the production is rich.

Therefore, there are still many monks practicing here.

The strong ones occupy one or several mountains, while the weak ones form groups and divide areas.

Each situation is different and complex.

And Lu Xiao can be as famous as Sanzhen Mountain, so he naturally has two brushes.

Occupying a mountain peak.

There are several spiritual seeds on this mountain, which can be harvested every few days.

In the past, he was quite carefree and envied by others.

However, after learning that there were high-grade spiritual elixirs for sale in Sanzhen Mountain, Lu Xiao felt that his spiritual seeds were a bit unsavory.

After all, no matter how good the spiritual seed is, how can it be compared to the panacea!

Soon, Xu Fei took Lan'er, Kushan and Lu Xiao to the spiritual hawthorn tree.

This tree is about twenty-five feet tall.

The branches and leaves are swaying.

Red hawthorns hang on the branches, and the faint fragrance spreads, making people salivate.

"Friend Lu Dao, I wonder if I can take a few pills to check the quality?" Xu Fei said.

"It's all right." Lu Xiao said quickly.

Xu Fei waved and took a few hawthorns from the top, middle and bottom of the tree.

After a series of methods of judging the quality such as looking at the skin, sensing, smelling, and tasting, Xu Fei couldn't help but nodded.

The quality of this spiritual hawthorn is quite good.

Although refining it into elixirs will not have a very good effect on improving his cultivation level, as his cultivation level increases, it becomes increasingly difficult to find spiritual materials and elixirs suitable for Xu Fei's current cultivation level.

So it’s better not to be so picky.

"What price do you want, Fellow Daoist Lu?" Xu Fei said.

"My hawthorn tree can bear about three thousand kilograms of fruit. The quality varies a bit, but generally it is acceptable. So this hawthorn tree is priced at 1.5 million spiritual stones. I wonder what Daoist Han thinks?" Lu Xiao said .

When Xu Fei heard this, he turned around and looked at the hawthorn trees.

Although this hawthorn tree is only over 3,000 years old, it is an extraordinary species.

The fruit is full of aura.

The big hawthorns are like duck eggs or chicken eggs, and even the smaller ones are a bit bigger than ordinary hawthorns.

Apparently Lu Xiao had taken care of the hawthorn tree, such as fruit thinning.

As for the three thousand kilograms of output mentioned by Lu Xiao, Xu Fei made a rough estimate and felt that it was about the same.

Therefore, the price of 1.5 million spirit stones is still very reasonable.

Just doing business, there is no reason not to bargain.

"How many spiritual elixirs do you want to exchange for, fellow Taoist?" Xu Fei said.

When Lu Xiao heard this, he quickly took out a booklet.

Above are all the elixirs he needs.

Just calculating the price, it has reached 1.8 million spirit stones.

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