But there is a more important issue here.

That is the price at which Lu Xiao sells Lingzhong hawthorn. It is calculated based on the price outside Xiiling, and the same is true for Lingdan.

In other words, if Xu Fei exchanged the spiritual elixir for Lu Xiao's hawthorn, he would not be able to earn the price difference between the cheap spiritual materials and the high-priced elixir here in Xiiling.

So although the spiritual hawthorns here in Lu Xiao are good, Xu Fei has no intention of exchanging them.

Return the booklet recording the types of elixirs Lu Xiao needs to the other party.

"Fellow Daoist Lu, please allow me to go back and think about it." Xu Fei said.

Lu Xiao was stunned when he heard this.

Doesn't he know that the other party's so-called consideration is just an excuse.

What he really means is that he doesn’t want his hawthorn anymore.

This left Lu Xiao speechless.

When he learned that Sanzhen Mountain sells high-grade elixirs, he also purchased spiritual fruits and elixirs from previous years.

It's inevitable that I'll have some thoughts in my heart.

But I didn't expect that the other party wouldn't admit it at all.

"Fellow Daoist Han, if you give me a convenience today, I will definitely reward you in the future." Lu Xiao said.

Xu Fei was happy when he heard this.

Although it is not a loss in exchange for these spiritual hawthorns at the other party's price, the quality of the spiritual elixirs refined by Xu Fei are all of the highest quality.

This in itself can be a premium.

The price is 20% or 30% higher than that of ordinary elixirs, so there is no need to worry about sales.

The price of elixirs in Erzexiaoling is several times that of the outside, but the spiritual materials are only a fraction of the price outside.

The profits inside and outside here are significant.

Xu Fei naturally didn't want to break the rules because of this tree's spiritual species, hawthorn.

It will make it difficult for Fang'er and the girls to do business in the future.

After all, today Xu Fei agreed to exchange Lu Xiao’s hawthorns, so tomorrow other people’s plums will also be priced at the same price?

There are many kinds of spiritual species in Xiiling.

Once Xu Fei makes an opening, business will no longer be possible.

However, it also requires attention.

Don't miss out on precious elixirs and spiritual materials because of rigid rules.

Regarding the scale, Xu Fei still needs to explain it carefully to Fang'er and the other girls.

Thoughts flashed through my mind.

"Friend Lu Dao is serious. Although the price used by Friend Lu is reasonable, these spiritual hawthorns are not enough." Xu Fei said.

If it was a rare spiritual seed that was thousands or tens of thousands of years old, and Xu Fei was asked to exchange it for a spiritual elixir, he would be willing to pay several times the premium.

Because the truly precious things have a price but no market.

Lu Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard Xu Fei's words.

This sounds like a big deal.

He just looked at the way fellow Taoist monks from Kushan respected him, plus the rumors he had heard.

Lu Xiao could only suppress his thoughts.

"Okay, if I get precious spiritual seeds in the future, I will cooperate with fellow Taoist Han." Lu Xiao said.

Xu Fei nodded and left Lu Xiao's mountain farm.

"Master, this person's mind is not pure." Lan'er reminded him in a low voice after returning to the manor.

Lan'er watched this incident from beginning to end.

And she has always been smart and can judge other people's thoughts to a certain extent from their expressions and other aspects.

Xu Fei chuckled when he heard this and patted Lan'er's little head.

Now he is using the name of "Han Li" to cause a huge battle in Xiiling.

It would be a joke if no one was waiting to snoop.

This is also the reason why Xu Fei did not leave directly.

Sit down for a while and sort things out.

After all, Xu Fei still values ​​Xialing's resources very much.

As long as he manages it properly, in the future, at least until he reaches the level of 200,000 pots, he should have no shortage of elixirs and fruits to refine elixirs to assist his cultivation.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

The three Kushan people came together with somewhat excited expressions.

"Mr. Han, in the past ten days, we have sold a total of 7,302 spiritual pills and harvested a total of more than 12.4 million spiritual stones. In addition, we have spent more than 2.1 million purchasing various spiritual materials. Lingshi..." Kushan said while handing over two account books.

Xu Fei took it and looked at it briefly.

One is about selling elixirs, and the other is about purchasing elixirs and spiritual materials.

The accounts are clear.

Xu Fei nodded with satisfaction.

"Not bad." Xu Fei praised it.

Compared with the three girls from Fang'er, the three from Kushan are stronger and more famous.

Selling elixirs and purchasing spiritual materials are often done through direct transactions with some forces.

There are also scattered sales, but judging from the relationship in the past ten days, it only accounts for one-third.

Although it is so popular because it is the first sale, the sales of the elixir will definitely slow down in the future, but even if it is only one-tenth of the current harvest.

Then there are tens of millions of spiritual stones in income in one year.

What's more, this does not include the profits generated from the purchase of spiritual materials.

In total, the income is 100 million spiritual stones per year?

Not necessarily impossible.

It’s just that for such a big project, it’s hard not to be noticeable.

If Xu Fei is willing to reveal his identity as a disciple of Linglong Immortal Sect, then almost all problems can be solved.

But Xu Fei didn’t want to lose his identity as ‘Han Li’.

After all, having an extra vest can bring a lot of convenience sometimes.

So after thinking about it, Xu Fei decided to maintain it for now.

Wait until you encounter a problem.

Don't give up eating because of choking.

After looking at the account books, Xu Fei discovered that Kushan and the others had not left yet.

And he looked a little embarrassed.

"What's wrong?" Xu Fei said.

"This...there are different forces everywhere in Blind Ridge..." Master Kushan said slowly.

After listening to Master Kushan's story, Xu Fei's eyes showed surprise.

It turns out that the Xiiling Mountains do not belong to anyone who captures them.

After all, the rich production makes Xialing very prosperous.

The nine major sects, as well as the various sects in the outer regions, all coveted Xiiling.

However, there is a special environment here that blocks sight and perception, making it difficult to manage.

Therefore, each mountain in Xiiling sends a certain amount of offerings to the "higher people" every year as the first payment, which is also the protection fee.

Among them, various spiritual materials accounted for the majority.

This is also the reason why the price of spiritual materials in Xialing is only three or a quarter of that in the outside world, while the elixirs that help practice, heal wounds and detoxify are three to four times that in the outside world.

Scythes were waved on various mountaintops to maintain the price difference between elixirs and spiritual materials to harvest the casual cultivators traveling in Xiiling.

As for some casual cultivators who have gained something in Xiiling, they don't want to sell spiritual materials here in Xiiling.

Loose cultivators who do this often disappear inexplicably.

Xu Fei made several harvests without incident. Firstly, he didn't come to Xiiling very often, and secondly, Xu Fei's cultivation level was pretty good.

Occasionally, if he encounters some trouble, he will basically dismiss it casually.

So don't know much about these things.

But today's explanation from Master Kushan gave Xu Fei a better understanding of the situation in Xiling.

"So now this elixir business also requires a contribution?" Xu Fei said.

Master Kushan nodded after hearing this.

If it were hundreds of thousands of spirit stones, or even millions of spirit stones, as long as it was a one-time deal, the three brothers could pretty much cover it up.

But Mr. Han plans to continue the elixir business for a long time.

Naturally, they didn't dare to hide this.

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