Xu Fei also didn't expect that there were so many rules in Xiiling.

However, after some consideration, Xu Fei did not intend to force himself to be the first.

"How much is this offering?" Xu Fei said.

"Almost 20% of the income." Master Kushan said.

Xu Fei frowned immediately when he heard this number.

If according to his estimates, the sales of spiritual pills and the purchase of spiritual materials could reach 100 million spiritual stones in one year.

Then doesn't it mean that we have to hand over 20 million spiritual stones? !

This was a bit difficult for Xu Fei to accept.

After thinking for a moment, Xu Fei nodded with difficulty and acknowledged the matter.

What's more, he can earn so much because everyone in Xiiling has lowered the price of spiritual materials and raised the price of spiritual elixirs.

It's not good to break Xiling's rules.

Anyway, there is still money to be made.

I heard Xu Fei approved the expenditure.

The three people in Kushan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although they vaguely guessed that the identity of this 'Mr. Han' was unusual, they naturally couldn't think too much until the other party was unwilling to reveal it.

It's just that if the other party doesn't approve of the offering, there will be trouble for them.

Fortunately, this person is quite reasonable.

After dealing with some minor matters, Xu Fei left Xiiling with the spiritual materials and elixirs that cost more than two million spiritual stones in the acquisition.

Just needing to be resold, this batch of spiritual materials can be worth about six million spiritual stones.

The profits are staggering.

However, the amount of spiritual materials this time was a bit large. If Xu Fei didn't hide it, people might see Han Li's relationship with him.

While thinking about it, Xu Fei returned to Linglong Immortal Sect.

Washed up first.

Xu Fei was concerned about family affairs.

Although the decision to marry Yingwei as the first wife was a bit hasty, she has managed all the family affairs in an orderly manner over the years.

Xu Fei was already very satisfied.

After doing this, Xu Fei was ready to refine the elixir.

Xialing’s spending power is sufficient.

Naturally, he cannot hold back.

First come to the medicine warehouse.

After the efforts of more than a thousand medicine-grinding disciples, the medicine storehouse has been refilled with refined elixirs and spiritual materials and is ready for use.

Walking into the windowless and dark medicine warehouse, Xu Fei began to collect the elixir and spiritual materials needed to refine the elixir for a while.

After a while, the medicine warehouse was 80% empty.

Came to the alchemy room again.

Although Xu Fei's current skills can use a larger alchemy furnace, there is no need for it.

At present, this pill furnace can produce up to about 50,000 pills in one furnace.

Already enough for use.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

More than 14,000 elixirs were released from the furnace.

Some of them are waste elixirs.

After all, even with Xu Fei's skills, there is no convenient way to perfectly dispose of the harmful effects of elixirs and spiritual materials without affecting other elixirs.

Only some of the elixirs can be discarded to carry these harmful medicinal effects.

To preserve other qualified elixirs.

This is also the reason why Xu Fei's elixir is so popular in Xiiling.

The medicine is very effective and causes almost no harm.

Naturally, he was pleased by the monks who wanted to further their cultivation.

After collecting the elixir, Xu Fei began to arrange for his medicine grinding disciples to refine the elixir for him.

For example, there are more than 14,000 pills produced in this furnace.

If Xu Fei is allowed to refine the elixirs and spiritual materials alone, it will take one or two years even if Xu Fei doesn't eat or drink.

Therefore, the spiritual stones that should be spent cannot be saved.

However, without the elixir and spiritual materials, Xu Fei could not continue to make elixirs.

After thinking about it, Xu Fei went to visit some elders and spent a few days playing in the fairy gate with his wife, concubines and children.

The medicine-grinding disciples also prepared the elixir and spiritual materials that Xu Fei needed.

Repeat this several times.

More than a month has passed.

Xu Fei opened the furnace several times and harvested a total of more than 70,000 elixirs.

And this amount is enough for Fang'er and the girls to sell for a period of time.

So Xu Fei returned to Xiiling again and handed the elixir to Fang'er.

In this way, I occasionally go out and spend most of my time practicing carefully.

Before you know it, more than 1,600 years have passed.

Xu Fei stood in a mountain pavilion with his hands behind his hands.

Looking at the wind and snow in the distance.

Far beyond the life span of ordinary people.

Xu Fei is happy to enjoy all beautiful things such as beauties, delicious food, and beautiful scenery.

Just highlight a happy point.

However, Xu Fei's current mood is not very good.

Because of the various old elixirs purchased from Xiiling, the elixirs refined had almost no effect on him.

Over the years, business in Xiiling has not been smooth sailing.

After all, there are too many benefits here.

But with his gradually increasing strength, Xu Fei also solved them one by one.

It's a pity that Han Li's vest was eventually seen through.

Xu Fei felt a little sorry.

"Master, eat a cherry~" The eel demon Chang'er came over holding two black and red cherries and fed them to Xu Fei.

After Xu Fei's nourishment over the years, Chang'er's waist became more and more slender, her fruits became plumper, and her peaches became more erect.

Waist and fat buttocks are no longer an exaggeration.

Xu Fei put his arms around the little goblin's slender waist and ate the cherries fed by him.

Then Xu Fei kissed her and fed the cherries to Chang'er.

Chang'er ate the cherry and blinked.

"What's bothering me, sir?" Chang'er asked.

Xu Fei scratched her little nose.

But he didn't reveal his thoughts.

There are some things that you just need to know, but there is no use in saying them.

After a while, Master Chisu and Setsuna came over.

Being accompanied by all the girls relieved Xu Fei's somewhat depressed mood, and he no longer had to worry about the insufficient elixir in Xiiling.

And before we knew it, the snow stopped.

Xu Fei flew away from Shanting.

Looking at the vast white space left by the heavy snowfall in front of me.

I couldn't help but become interested.

While swaying, I copied a poem on the snow.

The handwriting written on the snow is like a dancing dragon and a phoenix, with iron drawings and silver hooks.

Unknowingly over the years, Xu Fei's 'writing' skill has reached level 49.

With this blessing, even if Xu Fei's handwriting cannot be called unparalleled in the world, it is still extraordinary.

After finishing writing it in a blink of an eye, Xu Fei wrote it himself, but looking at the good poems and calligraphy in front of him, he couldn't help but feel proud.

Chang'er came over to join in the fun and started reciting poems.

In the three thousand years since Tao Dao, he has never killed anyone with his flying sword.

The gods and men have not yet arrived, and the goods and black gold are floating around in the world.

After reading the poem, Chang'er couldn't help turning her head to look at her master.

Although she didn't have much knowledge, that is, she didn't know how to read, she still thought it was a good poem.

"Master, what does this poem mean?" Chang'er asked with admiration.

Xu Fei couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed when he heard this.

The poem he modified by Lu Zu was partly out of interest and partly a reflection of his heart.

Practice, practice, practice.

What's the way forward? What is the way forward?

Although Xu Fei's previous encounters in Zhenxiao Sect made him accidentally know that there is a golden seal here, which may be a treasure related to the future, but he wants to know what is going on, but he still has to continue to improve his cultivation. .

After all, the head of Juan Yi has already stated that he will tell everything only when his cultivation reaches the perfect number of 365,000 pots.

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