Chapter 45, Wave

Yun Niang couldn't help but roll her eyes again when she heard this.

If it doesn't happen to be the same as my mother's name, she won't approve of the name given casually.

After Yun Niang ate a melon seed, Xu Fei suddenly approached her unexpectedly.

After a while, Yun Niang could no longer hold the melon seeds in her hand and slowly fell to the ground.

The sky is the quilt and the earth is the bed, which is also a kind of fun.

The next day, Xu Fei got up happily, kissed Yun Niang and left.

Yun Niang didn't even open her eyes, she turned over and continued sleeping.

After practicing the Crane Shape Breathing Method several times, Xu Fei went to the medical center after breakfast.

The county town that used to be bustling now has 30% to 40% fewer pedestrians coming and going.

And everyone is in a hurry.

A middle-aged man in his thirties passed by a breakfast stall. Although he wanted to buy something to satisfy his hunger, he touched his empty money bag and could only force himself not to see it and speed up his pace.

The owners of small stalls and shops who used to be busy cooking various breakfasts and greeting customers are now basically looking at the passers-by on the street, hoping to get one more customer.

Ever since the martial arts gangs were no longer under the control of the government and began to charge high monthly fees, Gaoxian County has gradually declined visibly.

And it is foreseeable that it will be even more depressed in the future.

Until people can no longer bear it, and then there is another wave of ups and downs sweeping the world.

History is today, and today is also history.

No one can resist it, and no one can change it.

You can only sink or take advantage of the situation.

After sighing, Xu Fei came to the medical center.

I saw a doctor sitting in the hall saying something to Master.

Xu Fei did not approach, and went to help organize the medicine cabinet first.

After a while, the doctor who was sitting in the hospital thanked the master repeatedly, and then hurriedly left the hospital.

"Hey." Doctor Zhao sighed helplessly when he came over to tidy up the medicine cabinet.

"Master, what's wrong?" Xu Fei asked concerned.

"Doctor He plans to move from Gaoxian." Dr. Zhao said.

Xu Fei was silent for a moment.

Although I don’t know the situation in other counties and cities, even a small place like Gao County has such good behavior, how can other places be as good?

Of course there might be a better place, but who’s to say it won’t get worse?

Once martial arts gangs gain power, the damage to the social environment will be devastating.

Because not only do they not know how to operate and govern, they also try their best to squeeze and exploit.

At least this is the case in Gao County, and in some of the information Xu Fei heard about other counties.

Sighing in his heart, Xu Fei stopped tidying up the medicine cabinet when he saw a patient coming over, and began to sit down to diagnose and treat patients.

In one morning, more than a dozen patients were diagnosed and treated, and three patients were exempted from medical fees.

When Xu Fei was about to leave at noon, the accountant of the medical clinic came over with a troubled expression.

"Doctor Zhang, our business is getting worse and worse. If we continue like this..." Although he didn't finish his words, his meaning was already revealed.

Obviously, even if the medical center has a miracle doctor like Xu Fei, life will be a little difficult.

Xu Fei was silent for a moment after hearing this.

"Okay, I understand." Xu Fei said, without any strong expression that he could just waive it off.

After all, everyone comes to work to make a living.

"How much have you sold for the Yiqi Pills and Five Flavor Soups this month?" Xu Fei asked.

These are related to his income. If these cannot be sold, then the life of the family will be difficult in the future.

"Oh, 70 bottles of Yiqi Pills have been sold this month, and 63 servings of Wuwei Tang have been sold." The accountant said after taking the account book for a while to check.

Xu Fei was silent again after hearing this.

This month is already halfway through. In the past, at this time every month, Yiqi Wan Wuwei Soup could basically sell more than 200 bottles and take them.

In other words, not only the medical clinic's income, but also his extra money has shrunk significantly.

I used to have more than ten taels of silver per month, but now I'm afraid I only have about three taels left.

Fortunately, Xu Fei's medical skills are good enough, and he also has some subsidies for visiting doctors.

However, the number of medical visits has been decreasing recently, and the fees paid by patients are not as high as before.

Do you want to figure out a recipe that can replenish the body and nourish the body of a warrior?

After all, now only various martial arts gangs have money.

If you want to make money, you basically have to do what they want.

But after thinking for a moment, Xu Fei shook his head and gave up.

Because the consequences of doing so are unpredictable.

It may even happen that the worst gang martial arts gym only takes medicine but does not give money.

When one party has absolutely strong strength, whether or not to act according to the rules depends entirely on the other party's mood.

Xu Fei doesn't want to conflict with other people or certain forces yet.

So I had to give up this idea.

However, Xu Fei also needs to think of some way to maintain his current income level.

After all, he now has five women, one son, and three unborn children. If there are twins, there will be more. In addition, plus the maids who serve the women, this family's monthly food and beverage expenses are the bottom line. Five taels of silver.

This does not include the cost of buying new clothes and other odds and ends for the family.

Xu Fei's monthly expenses are quite a lot.

Thinking of this, Xu Fei hated the martial arts gangs that made Gaoxian County such a bad state.

Halfway through, I turned to my father-in-law, Zhou Biaotou.

Because Zhou Biaotou used to be the bodyguard leader of the Dadao Association, he was not harassed after the martial arts gang started collecting monthly money.

Instead, because the Broadsword Society got a share of this gluttonous feast, he suddenly remembered the old brothers who had suffered in the past, and they would be given a consolation salary every month.

The life was even more pleasant.

"Son-in-law, do you need me to mention to the meeting that the monthly payment for your cloth shop will be waived?" Biaotou Zhou's life is getting better, and his overall momentum has also improved.

What's more, the son-in-law didn't say anything to him, so he naturally thought about repaying his son-in-law.

After hearing what his father-in-law said, Xu Fei thought for a while.

"Wait for me to discuss it with my father when I go back?" Xu Fei said.

Zhou Biaotou heard this and nodded.

"Okay, you guys can discuss it and see if it's suitable." Zhou Biaotou agreed.

After all, he can't say anything about these business matters. If something goes wrong because the monthly payment is waived, it's not impossible.

After having lunch with his father-in-law and chatting about martial arts, Xu Fei said goodbye and left.

After returning home and having another lunch, Xu Fei went to see his son.

The little guy has opened his eyes and is now nursing.

With that wholehearted, all-out, and concentrated look, it’s no wonder that when describing very hard work, there is a word like ‘use all your strength’.

That's really risking your life.

After walking around among the women, Xu Fei went to practice martial arts, and at dinner time in the evening, he came to his parents.

"What? What's the matter?" Zhang Lianda asked.

After the son got married, there were fewer people visiting them.

Lao Zhang somewhat regrets that his son got married so early.

He hasn't beaten this bastard a few times.

"There is one thing. My father-in-law said that I can say hello to the Da Dao Society and waive the monthly payment for the cloth shop." Xu Fei said.

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