Chapter 46, accident

Hearing his son's words, Zhang Lian originally looked happy, but then he smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Forget it, our cloth shop is no longer under the control of the Broadsword Association, so we'd better not cause more trouble." Zhang Lian said helplessly.

He used to collect rent, manage the shop, occasionally beat his son, and pamper his wife, and his life was endless.

But now it's a mess, and it's more than just a problem.

It's so frustrating.

"Yes." Xu Fei heard that his father chose to reject his father-in-law's proposal after careful consideration, and understood that his father probably had other concerns.

"Do you still have enough expenses there?" Zhang Lian asked.

The son now has a wife, concubines, maids, and servants, making him a family of more than ten people.

A month of chewing is not a small amount of money.

"It's enough. I thought about two prescriptions a while ago and sold them in Master's hospital. Plus the salary Master gave me and the medical fees, these incomes are enough for me." Xu Fei explained.

If I don’t explain in detail, I’m afraid my mother will worry.

Sure enough, after hearing her son's point-by-point speech, Mrs. Liu felt a lot more relieved, and her expression was quite proud.

"My son has grown up. Unlike some people, when he was seventeen, he still dug out bird's nests like a child." Ms. Liu said.

Hearing Liu's words, Zhang Lian's face became a little embarrassed. Because some of the people who dug out bird's nests were him.

But if he hadn't stumbled and fell from the tree while digging out a bird's nest, he wouldn't have known his wife.

Xu Fei returned to his small courtyard without disturbing his father and mother's flirting.

I went to see my son first.

Ling Niang just finished dinner, and the maid gathered up the leftovers and went out.

"Just ask the kitchen to cook whatever you want to eat." Xu Fei said softly.

Ling Niang nodded obediently after hearing this.

Xu Fei would not be used to a woman who was overbearing and domineering, but Ling Niang had always been obedient and pleasing to her since she followed him.

This made Xu Fei very satisfied, and naturally he would not be treated badly in any way.

I glanced at my son. He had already drank milk and was sleeping.

The little face gradually became less ugly, which made Xu Fei more pleasing to the eye and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

"Take good care of yourself." Xu Fei said to Ling Niang after seeing his son.

After giving birth to her son, Ling Niang, who had a plump figure, blushed again when she heard this.

He nodded shyly.

Xu Fei was happy and left Ling Niang's place.

After walking around among the women, Xu Fei read a book.

I also looked at the three martial arts: Sitting Tiger Internal Kung Fu, Fierce Tiger Fist, and Fierce Tiger Sword Technique.

Although there was no new understanding, it also gave Xu Fei a deeper impression of the three martial arts.

And these impressions can become the nourishment for Xu Fei to gain another understanding at certain critical moments.

After reading the book, Xu Fei came to Yun Niang.

It's not that Xu Fei is the only one who dotes on Yun Niang, but that Ling Niang has just given birth and is still in confinement. Other women are pregnant, and only Yun Niang is free.

So Xu Fei could only come to Yun Niang.

Xu Fei walked into the room and happened to see Yun Niang entertaining herself there with chess pieces in one hand and chess records in the other.

This woman really enjoys life.

Planting flowers and grass in the courtyard, occasionally practicing calligraphy and painting, eating melon seeds and watching the stars. If she could have a mobile phone to browse various TV drama videos, her life would be so beautiful.

After looking at the chess record held by Yun Niang, Xu Fei stepped forward to hold the white chess piece.

Let Yun Niang play chess with him with the chess record.

After a while, Yun Niang looked at the chess record, and then at the situation on the chessboard where she was helpless. She sighed in disappointment and threw the chess record aside.

The man in front of her was one year younger than her, but he had superb medical skills, acceptable martial arts, good calligraphy, and good chess skills.

Being so versatile made her feel less repelled and more curious.

"What's wrong?" Xu Fei packed up the chess pieces and chuckled.

"No, it's nothing." Yun Niang shook her head.

After packing up the chess pieces, Xu Fei put the Go chess away and then came to Yun Niang's side.

But now Xu Fei just blew into Yun Niang's ear, and Yun Niang's cheeks turned rosy.

The next day, Xu Fei went to the hospital for a consultation feeling refreshed.

The number of patients today is still low.

However, with one less doctor on staff, it is a little busier than before.

But while Xu Fei was helping people treat illnesses, Yun Niang suddenly broke into the hospital with her maid.

"Please, please save me, brother!" Yun Niang looked anxious.

Xu Fei was stunned: "What's going on?"

"Someone came over just now and said that Wu Niang's brother was kidnapped by people from the Tiger Boxing Gym." Yun Niang was out of breath as she rushed all the way, and the maid beside her quickly added.

Xu Fei was stunned when he heard this, but at this moment he didn't bother to ask Yun Niang why he didn't bring his brother to live at home and caused such a big trouble.

After thinking for a moment, he told his master, then turned to his father-in-law, and then rushed to the Tiger Boxing Gym.

Outside the Tiger Boxing Gym, several disciples were guarding the door.

After hearing Xu Fei's intention, he did not stop him and let him enter the boxing gym. There was even a disciple who took the initiative to lead the way.

This made Xu Fei relax a little. This performance...should we still talk about it?

Soon Xu Fei saw a boy of twelve or thirteen years old in a side room.

The young man's lips were red and his teeth were white, but he looked a little miserable at the moment.

Not only was there some blood on the body, but an old man was also tied up to look at melons.

That is to say, the head, hands and feet are tied together, and they fall to the ground like fried shrimps.

But seeing that the person was still alive, Xu Fei felt relieved.

Without making Xu Fei wait any longer, a coach from the Tiger Boxing Gym came over soon.

After he looked Xu Fei up and down, a smile appeared on his face.

"It seems that this young man is not lying. He is indeed your brother-in-law, Doctor Zhang."

"I haven't introduced myself yet. My surname is Qin, and I am the boxing instructor of Tiger Boxing Gym."

"I've met Coach Qin." Xu Fei greeted quickly.

Jianghu people value face and cannot be rude.

If etiquette is violated, it is not uncommon for things that could have been solved with a nice talk to end up being bloody.

Seeing Xu Fei observing the etiquette of a junior, Coach Qin nodded with satisfaction.

"The brother-in-law of Divine Doctor Zhang injured a disciple of our boxing gym when our people were collecting monthly fees. Does Divine Doctor Zhang know about this?" Coach Qin said directly without mincing words.

Xu Fei was stunned when he heard this and looked shocked.

"How dare this bastard do this!"

But before Xu Fei could finish his words, Yun Niang's brother, who was tied up in a very embarrassed state on the ground, refused to make a noise.

"They are so bullying! The life of the orphans and widowed mothers next door to me is already so difficult. I just want to ask them to relax for a few days, but they don't agree. They also want to take people away. , take our son away and sell him!"

Because he was tied up in a really embarrassing situation, Yun Niang's brother couldn't speak smoothly or coherently.

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