"Sir, please stay!" But just when Xu Fei was about to leave, an elderly male demon came in a hurry.

Xu Fei had long discovered that he was hiding aside.

However, it was not revealed.

Looking at each other calmly, he was ready to see what these monsters wanted to do.

The old demon saw Xu Fei looking calm.

He vaguely guessed that the other party's strength was probably quite extraordinary.

And this also made the old demon feel happy.

After all, the things they encounter require powerful beings to help solve them.

"Hurry up and apologize to sir." The old demon said seriously to the male demons who scolded Xu Fei and asked him to leave.

The types of these humanoid monsters are very diverse.

Some are snake monsters, lizard monsters, fox monsters, fish monsters, etc., and some have no race at all.

Several male demons looked at each other in surprise, but in the end they reluctantly apologized to Xu Fei.

"Sir, I am Chang Haduo, the old cultivator of Huogong Garden." After the old demon and other tribesmen apologized to Xu Fei, they quickly introduced themselves.

"Horizontal species?" Xu Fei was a little confused when he heard this term and asked.

"Yes, 'species' is what your human race calls ethnic group and tribe, sir, and horizontal value is the name of our demon race." Old demon Hado explained.

Xu Fei nodded after hearing this.

He didn't ask any more questions.

After the old demon had a few polite words.

"I wonder if we are lucky enough to invite Mr. to our place as a guest?" Old Demon Hado said.

This demon is already very old, bald and chipped.

Carrying a stick with the bark off a tree.

But it may not be as old as Xu Fei.

However, after Xu Fei thought about it, he decided to go and have a look since he was already so old.

After all, the other party would invite him, a stranger, to the group.

There is a high probability that he encountered some kind of trouble.

As for the matter of the male monsters repelling him just now.

Xu Fei didn't care.

Because these little things don’t matter.

Following the old demon Hado, Xu Fei came to a community of contiguous thatched houses and mud houses.

It made Xu Fei feel like he had arrived in a primitive society.

Although the monsters living here are afraid of Xu Fei, a human race, they are also watching from a distance.

After a while, under the leadership of Hado.

Xu Fei came to the other party's home.

A relatively spacious house that is rare in this community.

Obviously, as the 'tribe leader' of this horizontal species, Hado's quality of life is higher than that of the average demon clan.

"Sir, please take a seat." Hado respectfully asked Xu Fei to take the main seat.

After Xu Fei said a few polite words, he simply sat down.

In fact, this so-called main seat is just a cushion made of hay.

"Okay, what do you want to do?" Xu Fei was not in the mood to talk around with this old monster.

Ask directly.

Old Demon Haduo couldn't help but be a little surprised when he heard Xu Fei's inquiry.

Organized the language.

"Sir, we, the Hengzhu species, have encountered the Wei tribe! And they are also Yin-line Wei tribe."

"It comes and goes without a trace, and has killed more than a hundred of our demons." Old demon Hado said.

Xu Fei looked around when he heard this. In fact, he had noticed that there was a lot of gloom and gloom in this place where the demon clan was.

It's just that Xu Fei thought it was these monsters practicing some messy spells.

But I didn't expect it to be a sinister one.

Compared with the Yang Vein Cultivator who wants to turn death into a living, Yingui is quite special.

If there is no suitable method, it will be unsolvable for ordinary monks and monsters.

Although Old Demon Hado's cultivation level is not high, he still has more than two thousand pots of cultivation level.

Enough to solve a lot of troubles.

But when I encountered something strange, I couldn't do anything about it.

"Then what can you pay me as a reward?" Xu Fei said.

Hearing that Xu Fei intended to help, the old demon Hado was happy at first, but then he heard the other party mentioning the reward, and he couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

It is very difficult for them to survive in the Huo Gong Garden, so what valuable things can be given to each other as a reward?

Xu Fei doesn’t necessarily need to be paid.

After all, the other party's troubles are just a casual matter to him.

It's just that the monsters in the opponent's ethnic group scolded him to leave.

Then he brought his own dry food and took the initiative to help. Isn't it too cheap?

"Sir! As long as you can solve the conspiracy, I can give myself to you as a reward!" Just when the old demon was in trouble.

A woman covered in white came in from outside.

His hair, eyebrows, skin, and even his eyes are white, except for the pupils, which are slightly gray, allowing people to see the difference between the pupils and the whites of the eyes.

The hands, feet, neck, etc. exposed in simple clothes seemed to be made of snow.

Especially when Xu Fei was a little surprised, a snowflake would occasionally fly around the other party.

Although she was spinning and dying, this woman was obviously not an ordinary monster.

"Yu Nu!" When the old demon Hado saw this, he turned pale and shouted.

But the white banshee still looked at Xu Fei stubbornly, waiting for the other party's answer.

Because the other party's body was unusually white.

Therefore, Xu Fei couldn't rate the appearance of this banshee for a while.

But it also made Xu Fei think a little.

"I'm really sorry, sir, please forgive us for being rude. It's my granddaughter Yu Nu, a humanoid snow monster." The old demon Hado was afraid of angering Xu Fei.

Causing the other party to feel bored and leave.

If that happens, their kind will probably collapse.

After all, the sinister and murderous side is getting more and more serious.

Originally, there would only be one murder every few months, but recently there has been one murder every few days.

This made them panic.

Because no one knows whether it will develop to one day together or even several days in the future.

Xu Fei looked up and down at the Snow Demon Yunu.

Then motion for the other person to come over.

When Yu Nu saw this, she couldn't help but hesitate and turned to look at her grandfather.

The old demon Hado was also surprised.

He looked at his granddaughter again, and almost understood in his heart that this monk might actually agree with his granddaughter's statement.

This made Hado very confused.

Doing so may solve their troubles.

But it doesn't want to lose its granddaughter.

"Sir, please let me think again, what can we do as a reward for you?" Old Demon Hado said.

"Okay." Xu Fei nodded confidently.

If the other party offers a good reward, then he doesn't have to accept Snow Demon Yu Nu.

After all, although Xu Fei is quite keen on women, he has always been casual about women.

It’s okay to get it, but it doesn’t matter if you don’t get it.

As one's cultivation improves, one's lifespan is extended.

What kind of woman can't he meet?

This one is good, but the next one will be even better.

Seeing Xu Fei's indifferent attitude, the old demon Hado quickly started thinking about what treasures they had that could be used as a reward for Xu Fei.

Just a moment later, the old demon Hado looked a little depressed.

It has to admit that they have nothing to gain.

If you want this gentleman to take action, you can only give away your granddaughter as a reward.

"Grandpa, don't worry, I will take care of myself in the future." Snow Demon Yunu said with great reluctance.

But he still came to Xu Fei obediently.

Xu Fei patted the place next to him.

Snow Demon Yu Nu was a little hesitant, but she still came to sit next to Xu Fei.

Xu Fei also saw an earring on Yu Nu's left ear at this time.

An ice crystal the size of a peanut froze on a thread and hung on the earlobe.

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