Xu Fei couldn't help but touch the earrings playfully.

But this action also caused the Snow Demon Goddess Yu's expression to change drastically. She ducked sideways and looked at Xu Fei very warily.

"Sir, I won't let you touch me until you solve our problem." Snow Demon Yu Nu said.

Xu Fei was embarrassed, especially in front of Yu Nu's grandfather, Old Yao Haduo, which made him somewhat embarrassed.

"Okay." Xu Fei replied simply.

Seeing his granddaughter's strong attitude, Old Demon Hado felt quite nervous.

Although it feels sorry for its granddaughter, it is also worried about the evil that plagues the clan.

If this powerful monk is angered and makes him leave in anger, then their species may cease to exist.

Fortunately, Xu Fei didn't care.

Soon, Xu Fei moved into a fairly decent house under the arrangement of the old demon Hado.

Be prepared to deal with it when night falls and the evil may strike again.

However, Xu Fei did not rest. Instead, he found Yu Nu, and under his leadership, he walked around the area where Hengzuzhong was.

But nothing was found.

After all, when the sun shines during the day, the yin energy will dissipate.

Hard to leave traces.

Snow Demon Yu Nu pursed her lips as she looked at Xu Fei, who was carefully searching for traces of evil.

"What's your name?" Yu Nu asked.

Xu Fei turned to look at the banshee.

The whole body is white, which makes this banshee quite special.

Otherwise, Xu Fei would not recognize it as a reward.

"Li Feiyu." Xu Fei said.

Now his appearance has changed to something ordinary.

He is not as handsome as he used to be under the pseudonym Han Li.

After Yu Nu asked, she just lowered her gaze.

Nothing more was said.

Nothing useful was found, so in the afternoon, Xu Fei went to rest.

And by the time the sun sets.

Xu Fei woke up and ate something briefly.

He restrained his momentum and came to a position where he could almost observe the entire Hengzhi species.

But I kept watch for several nights.

But nothing happened.

This surprised Xu Fei.

At the same time, the old demon Hado was also anxious.

I am afraid that this powerful monk will lose his temper and leave.

Another day passed.

The old demon Hado's premonition came true.

Xu Fei argued with him for a few words and then fled away.

The old demon Hado looked full of despair.

And this situation has also made many demon clans in the Hengzhi species think about leaving.

After all, you can't just stay here stupidly and let the murderous people kill you, right?

Just that night.

A group of black shadows came to Hengzizhong.

It was huddled against the window of a house.

After observing for a while, I didn't see anything strange.

When he was about to enter this house, he suddenly noticed something and immediately put himself on guard.

"Oh~ It turns out to be a shadow." Xu Fei slowly fell in the air and looked at the black shadow in front of him with interest.

Shadow trick is a type of Yin vein trick cultivation.

Absorbing Yin Qi, he cultivated his strange body like a shadow.

The reality is uncertain.

Very weird and difficult to deal with.

"Mind your own business!" Yinggui's body of a shadow swayed strangely and actually made a sound.

Xu Fei chuckled lightly when he heard this.

Directly arouse the earth's energy, trap Yinggui, and gradually squeeze it.

Earth Qi is actually Yin Qi.

It's just that the Yin Qi that has been infiltrated by the breath of the sun is generally called earth Qi.

And this shadow ghost only has a cultivation level of about 10,000 pots.

Although it is trapped by Yin Qi, it should be like a mouse falling into a rice vat, but it also depends on who activates the Yin Qi.

At least the Yin Qi activated by Xu Fei could not be broken through by this shadow trick.

And Yinggui swerved left and right inside a layer of Yin Qi.

There was no looseness at all.

Only at this moment did the shadow monster realize that he was afraid.

Before, it was just an ordinary demon clan.

After suffering a violent death, he accidentally became a ghost.

I disliked the treacherous cultivation of the Yang vein and found it difficult to survive, so I chose the Yin pulse.

Over the years, he has devoured the flesh and blood of many demon clans and used the Yin Qi to improve his cultivation.

It can be considered a big trick in the surrounding area.

But unexpectedly, I met Xu Fei today.

"Sir, have mercy! Sir, have mercy! I am useful! I am useful!" Yinggui begged for mercy again and again.

"Oh? What are you good for?" Xu Fei said.

Yinggui couldn't help but be startled when he heard this. The person in front of him had extremely high cultivation, so what use could it have to him?

"Sir! Please spare my life! There is a demon in this species who is colluding with me!" Yinggui said quickly.

Xu Fei was not surprised when he heard this.

He stayed at Hengzhuizhong for several nights, but the shadow ghost never appeared once.

But when he stepped away, this thing appeared, wanting to devour the demon clan's flesh and blood.

If there is no accomplice of this shadow trick in the horizontal value species.

Then Xu Fei didn't believe it.

Soon, the movement here attracted the attention of some demon clans.

After a while, the old demon Hado came over with his granddaughter Snow Demon Yunu.

I couldn't help but be surprised when I saw Xu Fei.

After all, Xu Fei saw that there was an accomplice in this Heng value species and Shadow Gui, and did not tell the old demon Hado.

He simply said he wanted to leave and then left.

Therefore, Xu Fei even had a quarrel with the old demon who had always been quite respectful to him.

"Sir..." Old Demon Hado said in surprise.

On the side, Snow Demon Yunu, who was very resentful towards Xu Fei, looked at Xu Fei and then at Yinggui who was trapped by Xu Fei.

His expression changed for a moment and was difficult to understand.

After Xu Fei left, Yu Nu really cursed this guy.

But he didn't expect that the other party would come back again, and only then could he catch this evil spirit.

"According to what Zugui said, it has accomplices among you." Xu Fei looked at Hado and said.

Old Demon Hado was even more shocked when he heard this.

"This, this..." I didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Sir, this must be this monster biting indiscriminately in order to survive! Please kill it as soon as possible, sir!" A banshee suddenly came out and said to Xu Fei eagerly.

Yingui, who was caught by Xu Fei, saw the banshee, and his entire shadow-like body suddenly trembled.

He looked very excited.

"That's it! It's my accomplice! It was it that told me that the old demon asked Mr. to catch me and let me hide for a while!" Yinggui saw that the banshee spoke just to kill it.

He didn't care about keeping secrets for his accomplices.

Seeing this, Xu Fei glanced at the banshee with interest.

This banshee is probably a fox demon.

It exudes a nasty smell.

If the situation were different, Xu Fei wouldn't mind communicating with him.

But forget it now.

The demon clan who noticed the movement here and gradually gathered around couldn't help but feel confused after seeing such a situation.

After all, who is telling the truth?

The banshee kept defending herself, as if she had been greatly wronged.

But Xu Fei only has Yinggui's testimony here.

It is not easy to make an arbitrary decision for a while.

What's more, regardless of whether this fox female demon is a sinister accomplice or not, what does it have to do with him?

He has caught Yingui and fulfilled Old Demon Hado's request.

Then there is no problem in leaving directly with the Snow Demon Yunu.

After thinking about it, Xu Fei handed the trapped Yingui to the old demon Haduo.

Even without his maintenance, this layer of earth energy that trapped this treacherous head could be preserved for more than ten years.

As for what will happen during or after this period.

Then Xu Fei doesn't care.

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