Xu Fei was thinking in his mind while dealing with the tree stump in front of him.

The other party's cultivation level is quite good.

At least about 250,000 pots.

Plus such a special appearance.

Xu Fei quickly determined the identity of the other party.

The once famous Yin Vein Cultivator.

The ancient tree is strange!

However, as Xu Fei is a junior, naturally he cannot be called by his full name out of respect.

In the past thousand years, it has been rumored to have died out.

But he didn't expect that this old trickster was huddled in Huogong Garden, intending to build a trickery nest.

Every great master does not appear suddenly.

Of course, there may also be some people with advanced cultivation who have practiced hard for thousands of years in some nook and cranny, and then acquired extremely high magic power.

But such people are very few, and the ancient tree in front of them is not one of them.

Gu Shugui was not surprised that his identity was revealed at a glance.

If it hadn't been so famous, it would have attracted the attention of many monks once it appeared in front of people, and it wouldn't have had to instigate a lot of spooks to deal with various affairs.

But eventually something went wrong.

Xu Fei took two steps forward and looked around the cave.

The underground cave where the ancient tree is hiding is not small, bigger than a town.

However, except for the Golden Palace and Jade Palace in the deepest part, there is no decoration in other places.

Moss grows in some places.

Mushrooms grow in some places.

In other places, there are trees growing with fluorescent lights.

Quite peculiar.

After this moment of observation, Xu Fei also saw the reason why the ancient tree trick chose to hide here, or in other words, the reason why the demon kingdom of Zhiyi Huogong Garden built a trick nest.

The earth energy here is more active than elsewhere.

It counts as a ley line.

It's much easier to build a den than anywhere else.

But even so, based on Xu Fei's observation, he speculated that the arrangement of the ancient trees here must be at least five hundred years old.

Another thought flashed through Xu Fei's mind.

Is it because his cultivation has improved so quickly that although he is not in the form of an immortal, he has been regarded as an immortal by heaven and earth?

If this were not the case, how could one encounter such a mysterious thing as 'sensation between heaven and man'.

Gushu looked quietly at Xu Fei looking around.

Its cultivation level is higher than that of Xu Fei, so it can be seen that the human monk in front of it is not simple.

However, as a person with higher cultivation level, Gu Shugui still has some confidence.

Especially here is its nest that has been laid out for thousands of years.

Xu Fei speculated that the ancient tree had been entrenched here for hundreds of years. This was a conjecture he made based on his own construction ability.

In fact, before Xu Fei was born, Gu Shugui accidentally discovered that this place was very suitable for founding the Kingdom of Wei.

After Xu Fei thought about it, he turned to look at Gu Shugui.

Once a den is established, it is difficult to clear.

This is probably the reason why heaven and earth have revealed something to him?

However, these situations were postponed for the time being, and he still had to deal with the ancient tree ghost first.

Although Gu Shugui's cultivation level was higher than that of Xu Fei, he did not think that the other party could escape from his hands.

next moment.

Black smoke spreads around the ancient tree.

He rushed straight towards Xu Fei.

The moss, mushrooms, and strange fluorescent trees that were touched by the black smoke were instantly eroded and turned into wisps of black smoke in the blink of an eye, blending into the mysterious black smoke caused by the ancient trees.

Enhance the power of his tricks.

What's especially surprising is that the large amounts of moss, mushrooms, strange trees, etc. that were swallowed up unexpectedly grew back quickly and staggeringly.

In the blink of an eye, they were distributed throughout the cave.

Then it was swallowed up by black smoke again, increasing its power.

grow again...

It has entered a cycle of getting stronger, stronger and stronger.

Xu Fei has just seen that these things are closely connected with the earth's energy.

Earth Qi is also Yin Qi.

However, only the Yin Qi that has been exposed and contaminated by sunlight is called Earth Qi.

There is still a difference between the two.

However, none of the yin energy in the cave where the ancient tree is entrenched has ever received sunlight.

They are all excellent supplements and inspirations for the evil spirits.

From an environmental perspective alone, Xu Fei was directly at a disadvantage.

Especially the opponent is an old trick like Gu Shugui.

It's just that Xu Fei's daring to enter the barren mountain cave was not reckless.

After two thousand four hundred and seventy-three years of practice, there are thousands of panel skills, and the same type of skills are integrated with each other.

Jean Xu Fei's strength is by no means ordinary.

When I was cultivating 80,000 pots before, I had a battle with a war demon.

When he reaches the level of 100,000 Pots, he dares to fight against a strong man like Zhong Tiansheng who is at the same level as the head of Juan Yi.

Although the person who actually fought against Xu Fei was just the avatar transformed by Zhong Tiansheng's mist.

But these are feats that are beyond the reach of ordinary monks.

At this moment, Xu Fei's cultivation level is nearly 200,000 pots.

After all, he felt that he was already very strong.

The next moment, Xu Fei activated the Heavenly Star Battle Technique.

Although this battle method is still called Tianxing, after integrating thousands of battle methods, it has long been changed beyond recognition.

Xu Fei also tried to teach some monks' children, but they found it difficult to understand.

Extremely difficult.

And what the extremely high difficulty brings is extremely powerful power.

He just uses his fighting skills to activate his own magic power to flow between the acupoints.

The strange black smoke that was originally powerful and powerful, triggered by the ancient tree, suddenly faded a bit.

Let alone getting close to Xu Fei.

Gu Shugui looked at the bizarre scene in front of him with an expression of surprise.

what's the situation? !

For the first time, all the mana is used to activate the tactics.

It made Xu Fei feel a little strange.

I couldn't help but clench my fists several times to feel my actual situation.

Then a golden light flashed and a dragon-shaped fist wind of more than ten feet flew out as Xu Fei swung his fist.

"Boom!!!" There was a loud noise.

Suddenly it was bright.

There is a cave more than a thousand feet underground, with soil and rocks above it, plus the barren mountain that was thousands of feet above.

Disappeared together.

Gushu looked at Xu Fei blankly, then turned to look at the sky, and then knelt down in silence.

Xu Fei couldn't help but be startled when he saw the ancient tree kneeling down.

What's going on here?

As his cultivation level improved, the power of various skills that Xu Fei had carefully studied and integrated before were finally revealed a little.

No more pearls covered in dust.

"You look like this..." Xu Fei couldn't help scratching his head.

Although he has been practicing for more than two thousand years, Xu Fei has never experienced a situation where he just warmed up and his opponent immediately gave up.

Especially one who is old and cunning.

His cultivation level is obviously much higher than his.

Why is this!

"Small ancient tree, let the immortal do whatever it takes." The tree stump-like body of the ancient tree trembled slightly.

A fist wind broke through the air and flew away.

It directly destroyed all its self-confidence, leaving only the desire to continue to survive.

If it was a normal situation, it would not be impossible for Xu Fei to bypass the opponent's life or take him back to the immortal gate to be punished.

But the other party was the target that the "celestial induction" he felt just now demanded to eliminate.

So Xu Fei couldn't hold back.

"Sorry." Xu Fei said softly.

Then he punched out.

The golden light fist wind that had just bombarded hundreds of millions of kilograms of rocks and soil reappeared.

"Roar~~~" followed by a dragon roar.

The sky is pure and the earth is pure.

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