And then Xu Fei killed the ancient tree.

Wisps of Japanese essence spilled out.

Integrate into his body.

Although it did not directly improve Xu Fei's cultivation, it also made him feel some changes.

As for what the changes are…

Xu Fei couldn't tell for a while.

In addition, Xu Fei's approach of directly killing the ancient trees was undoubtedly a bit reckless.

Because Xu Fei is not completely sure whether the thought that suddenly appeared in his mind after seeing the Ancient Tree Creepy, "If he kills the Ancient Tree Creepy, and his own cultivation level reaches 250,000 pots, there will be no more obstacles" is true. Sensation from heaven and man.

And even if it is a real telepathy, Xu Fei is not sure whether a person like him, who is not in the form of an immortal, will benefit from the telepathy.

Maybe there's some harm?

But in the end Xu Fei decided to punch out and it was all over.

After all, Xu Fei didn't intend to tell anyone about the fact that he had obtained the telepathy from heaven.

Because he has been looking at collections at Yangwu Taoist Hall and other places over the years, but has never seen similar records.

Therefore, Xu Fei decided to keep the matter of being induced by heaven and man as well as the matter of having a plug-in in his heart and would not tell anyone.

Fortunately, the final result was not bad.

After receiving the gift from heaven and earth, Xu Fei searched the cave here.

Of course, after Xu Fei punched the ground, this place could no longer be called a cave, it could only be called a pit.

After a while, Xu Fei found something.

Although most of them are used by Gui Mai, one of them, an egg-sized bead, is enough to be called precious to Xu Fei.

Because this bead is polished using top-quality spiritual stones.

Ordinary spiritual stones are made from ordinary materials such as jade and chalcedony.

When the spiritual energy poured into it is used up, these ordinary jade and chalcedony materials will disintegrate.

The material of jade used for medium-grade spiritual stones is much better and can withstand repeated use.

As for high-grade spiritual stones, in addition to being made of better materials, they also have the effect of independently condensing spiritual energy.

To use an easy-to-understand metaphor, that is disposable batteries, rechargeable batteries, and battery packs with built-in solar chargers.

The best spiritual stones are out of the ranks of batteries.

Depending on its properties, the effects will be different.

For example, the top-quality spiritual stone the size of an egg is in Xu Fei's hand.

He was probably taken seriously by Gu Shugui and trained a lot.

Weird and strange.

If the ancient tree trick can be refined properly and refined into the body, then the power of the trick can be increased by 30% out of thin air!

Although this 30% of the mana will not be counted in the cultivation level.

But in a battle of wits, you can directly increase your chances of winning.

After all, if Xu Fei had such a top-quality spiritual stone, the power of the fist he just blasted could be even greater.

Moreover, this top-quality spiritual stone can survive Xu Fei's fist wind.

Even if Xu Fei's fist wind was blasted and he accidentally discovered it and restrained his bombardment on this top-grade spiritual stone, the solid nature of it was evident.

Picking up this top-quality spiritual stone, Xu Fei flew to the ground.

The originally clear sky became dim because of the dust all over the sky.

When Xu Fei tried to punch a punch just now, all the soil and rocks from the cave to the ground were blown away, as well as a barren mountain above.

But in the end they were not completely eliminated.

Large pieces of gravel and soil were scattered in all directions.

And the finer dust is overwhelming and rising one after another.

Xu Fei was a little embarrassed when he saw this.

In the future, we should do less of such destructive things.

After all, no matter how vast the manifest area is, if the monks don't restrain themselves, the environment here will probably be bad after many years.

After looking around again, Xu Feifei fled away.

When Xu Fei blasted out his first punch, all the monks with a certain level of cultivation in the surrounding area could sense it.

But no one meddles in other people's business.

With such power, one can tell with just a quick glance that he is not an ordinary monk.

Those who feel they are strong will not ask too many questions.

How dare you join in the fun if you feel that your strength is far superior to your opponents.

Aren't you afraid that a random spell will come over and harm Chi Yu?

The distance of more than 700 miles was only a few breaths for Xu Fei.

In the blink of an eye, it returns to horizontal value.

And Xu Fei's eyes turned away from a house-sized stone that suddenly appeared in the open space dozens of feet away from the village where the Hengzhu demon tribe lived.

Obviously this flying stone was the one that shattered the barren mountains and flew over when he tried his boxing style.

This made Xu Fei even more embarrassed.

After all, there are many monster races reproducing within a thousand miles of the barren mountain.

The horizontal value kind is good luck and has not been affected.

Other places may not be so lucky.

All I can say is that we should pay more attention in the future.

Avoid irreparable consequences.

See Xu Fei coming back.

The old demon Hado is very enthusiastic.

Because Xu Fei gave them all the gold, silver, jewelry and other rewards he received from Linghua City.

"Mr. Li, has the matter in Linghua City been resolved?" Old Demon Hado asked.

There was a sudden shock just now.

Many monsters thought it was an earthquake or something.

Didn't think much about it.

Xu Fei nodded.

"Yes, the problem in Linghua City has been solved." Xu Fei said.

The old demon Hado couldn't help but smile when he heard this.

"Just solve it. Now two more ethnic groups have come to ask Mr. Qing for help in catching the ghosts." Old Demon Hado said.

"Let them wait for a moment." Xu Fei said.

Although with the demise of the ancient tree guile, the shackles in Huogong Garden will basically be leaderless, but Xu Fei cannot guarantee that apart from the ancient tree guile, there will not be another old guile causing trouble among them.

So it’s better to be cautious and wait for some time to see.

When the old demon Hado heard this, he nodded quickly.

But when I watched Xu Fei leave, I suddenly thought of the earthquake just now. Could it be...

This made the old demon Hado's expression brighten for a moment.

But soon, the old demon Hado quickly shook his head.

What it just thought was really outrageous, impossible~impossible.

Return to the residence in Hengzizhong.

Although there is nothing luxurious, the various layouts are leisurely and comfortable.

Snow Demon Yunu was talking to the Deer Demon, but when she noticed Xu Fei's return, she hurriedly came up to greet him.

Although they were only apart for a few days, the little snow demon still missed Xu Fei a lot.

Xu Fei took off his coat and handed it to Yu Nu, then turned to look at Deer Nu on the other side.

Most of the monster clan's names are simple and peculiar.

Such as the old demon Haduo, the snow demon Yunu, the deer demon and deer girl.

Xu Fei didn't say much, he just said that the matter in Linghua City had been resolved.

The deer girl couldn't help but feel a little scared when she heard this.

It was sent as a reward for Linghua City asking Xu Fei to help catch tricks.

Now the other party has completed the request.

So that means it is already the property of the other party.

The deer girl had heard too many stories about the ferocity and cruelty of the human race. Even though she had gotten along quite well with Yu Nu these days, she couldn't guarantee whether the other party would kill it and eat it.

"What's wrong?" Xu Fei asked with concern, sensing that Deer Girl's mood was not right.

Yu Nu on the side laughed softly when she heard the words, and said something in Xu Fei's ear.

This made Xu Fei laugh and cry.

"Don't worry, sir, I won't eat intelligent creatures." Xu Fei said.

Even if he is a demon clan, as long as he has wisdom, Xu Fei has never used it.

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