"I wonder why senior came to see me?" Xu Fei said.

Even though the old demon Jinnan didn't have long to live, Xu Fei was still not rude to him.

After all, Xu Fei is not that shallow.

And this attitude also made an idea in the old demon Jinnan's heart more certain.

"If you don't mind, Mr. Li, how about I tell you everything that has happened in our Huogong Garden over the years?" Old Demon Jinnan said.

Xu Fei was a little surprised when he heard this.

However, he nodded his head calmly.

The old demon Jinnan recalled something.

"Almost ten years ago, I discovered Gu Shugui's plot to establish the Wei Kingdom in our Huogong Garden."

"It's just that its strength is very strong, and I don't dare to be careless."

"We have successively summoned some powerful monsters from our Fire Tribute Garden to prepare to send this message out."

"But none of these monsters... can escape." At this point, the old monster looked complicated and sad.

After all, it was just to spread the news. Their clan, as well as the stronger demon clan in the Fire Tribute Park, were almost wiped out, but in the end they still failed to complete the matter.

When Xu Fei heard this, he probably knew what happened to the disappearance of the parents of the little snow demon's daughter a few years ago.

This made Xu Fei sigh.

If his strength is not enough to kill the ancient tree, will he also become one of the missing?

Of course, if his own strength was insufficient, Xu Fei would not travel around so casually.

After listening to the old demon Jinnan's story, there was also a lengthy thank you.

Xu Fei was ready to leave.

Listening to the old demon Jinnan talk about these trivial matters, Xu Fei already respects the old and loves the young.

If you ask me for anything else, the other party will undoubtedly push the envelope a little further.

And the old demon Jinnan naturally saw Xu Fei's intention to leave.

He turned to look at the little bear demon beside him.

After a disaster, their clan was left with only one seedling.

But it is about to expire, so it must find a backer for its descendants.

After thinking for a while, the old demon Jinnan took out a piece of dead wood from the storage bag at his waist.

Xu Fei looked at this piece of dead wood in surprise. He didn't care at first, but then he couldn't help but look solemn.

Because although this piece of dead wood looks ordinary, the smell on it is actually very good.

The nature is extremely wonderful.

"This tree was accidentally obtained by the ancestors of our clan. I am willing to honor you, sir." Old Demon Jinnan said.

When Xu Fei heard this, he looked at the dead tree and then at the old demon Jinnan.

"Senior, is there anything else you want me to do?" Xu Fei said.

To receive benefits from others, you have to do things for them.

And it has to be done beautifully enough within the scope of ability.

Otherwise, I would be really sorry for this benefit.

"I'd like to request that the Huogong Garden be entrusted under your name. I wonder if it's okay?" said the old demon Jinnan.

Listening to the other party's "quasi-last words" full of love.

After Xu Fei considered it, he nodded slowly.

"Yes." Xu Fei agreed.

Although Xu Fei could grab the dead wood directly, doing so would undoubtedly be a bit unethical.

Hearing Xu Fei's agreement, the old demon Jinnan breathed a sigh of relief and respectfully handed the dead wood in his hand to Xu Fei.

Xu Fei took it with the same care and caution.

After holding it in his hand, Xu Fei couldn't quite feel the specialness of this piece of dead wood.

It seems like an ordinary piece of wood.

This made Xu Fei stunned.

Was he tricked by the old demon?

No, it must have been a long time since the bear demon clan got this piece of dead wood.

Although I haven't understood its effect, I have learned some tips on how to use it.

Just now, the old demon Jinnan came up with this trick.

It revealed an extremely superb aura that surpassed Xu Fei's current level.

Without waiting for Xu Fei to ask for it, the old demon Jinnan took out a book again and handed it to Xu Fei.

"Our clan's research on this dead tree over the years is all in this book." Old Demon Jinnan said.

Xu Fei took the book and briefly read it.

In the book, this piece of dead wood is called the ‘Withered Spirit Sacred Tree’ by the bear demon clan.

The quality is quite hard.

By inputting some wood element magic power, you can reveal amazing aura.

There are also some other records.

This made Xu Fei scratch his head a little.

Because even if he has seen almost all the collections of Yangwu Taoist Hall, which can be regarded as extensive knowledge, he can't tell the origin of this dead wood.

Everything else is easy to say, but how can I input some wood elemental magic power to stimulate an amazing aura?

After Xu Fei thought for a while, he activated a wisp of Mu Xing's magic power.

The amazing aura he felt just now was released again.

Xu Fei thought about it carefully.

It is speculated that this tree is the stump left behind by a powerful tree demon after its death?

Although he couldn't figure out the specific effect and origin of this 'withered spirit tree', Xu Fei did not regret it.

I left some methods of perception on the little bear demon, and briefly got to know some important civil servants and generals in Huogong Garden.

A few days later, the old demon Jinnan closed his eyes and bid farewell.

In fact, the old demon Jinnan had already found a tomb on his own and was waiting to die.

But the younger generations disappeared one after another, so the old demon had no choice but to walk out of the tomb again to help his descendants support the Huogong Garden.

Fortunately, it is a blessing from heaven.

Just when the old demon was desperate, the ancient tree suddenly died.

After some inquiring, the old demon Jinnan speculated that all this should be the work of the human monk ‘Li Feiyu’ who accidentally came to the demon country.

But its body has run out of oil and lamps, and it cannot travel far.

We can only invite the other party over.

Fortunately, ‘Li Feiyu’ is here.

And after a simple contact, I found that the other person was friendly and humble.

Therefore, the old demon Jinnan decisively took out the collection of the bear demon clan and entrusted him with it.

After all, with this help, Huogong Garden can still belong to their clan in the future.

It will not be usurped by other demon clans.

We stayed in Huogongyuan King City for some time.

Xu Fei took these newly acquired pure and lovely succubus concubines and went to their hometowns respectively.

It took a month before and after.

Then Xu Fei took his succubus concubines back to Linglong Immortal Sect.

Yingwei was used to her master bringing back concubines from time to time.

Calmly and calmly, he arranged for the banshees who were surprised and delighted after learning Xu Fei's identity and arriving at the Linglong Immortal Sect.

Yu Nu and other banshees were not old after all, and they were intimidated by Yingwei's demeanor as the mistress of the house, so they all accepted the arrangement honestly.

Xu Fei went to take a bath and then came to the dining hall.

Because it was almost meal time, there were quite a lot of people in the dining hall.

Xu Fei's wives, concubines and children gathered together.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Xu Fei couldn't help but smile on his face.

But when he saw the two concubines, Ye Yuanmei and Shu Lan, he couldn't help but frown.

Although Ye Yuanmei and Shu Lan were monks, they stopped at three thousand pots because of their cultivation.

The lifespan is almost over now.

There is no waste of mana to maintain one's appearance.

So it ages quickly.

A few years ago, the two girls were still in their thirties, but now they look like they are in their forties.

Their originally long black hair was already mixed with some white strands.

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