After all, they spent more than two thousand years together.

Even Xu Fei felt distressed and reluctant to give up when he saw this scene.

After dinner, Xu Fei found the two women.

Seeing Xu Fei's expression, the two women naturally understood what their master was thinking.

Over the years, Ye Yuanmei and Shu Lan have learned a lot about Xu Fei.

My master is both sentimental and unfeeling, kind and indifferent.

But overall, it can be said that I owe nothing to these concubines.

"Don't you dislike us two being old and lusty?" Ye Yuanmei chuckled.

Hearing Ye Yuanmei's sarcasm, Xu Fei was not angry and sighed with a complicated expression.

Gently hold it in your arms.

"Can you blame me?" Xu Fei said.

"Don't complain." Shu Lan said with a smile.

After following Xu Fei, although he failed to break through his own cultivation level, there are countless monks in the world who only have a few hundred pots of cultivation in their lifetime.

Moreover, these years he has been well-fed, well-fed and pampered.

That's enough.

Hearing Shu Lan say this, Xu Fei looked even more apologetic.

Xu Fei would never deny that he was lustful.

Beauty is his hobby.

So over the years, I had a concubine, an outhouse, and the occasional trip to the Flower House.


And this undoubtedly left these women of mine in the cold.

It takes more than a month for one round.

Shu Lan chuckled again.

"Since I don't mind it, how about Yuan Mei and I let our appearance age a few more years before we use magic to stabilize it?" Shu Lan said.

It is said that human monks have a pot of magic power that lasts for one year.

In addition, factors such as practicing Kung Fu and old injuries from the past also have an impact on lifespan.

When reaching the final stage of a monk's lifespan, the monk's physical body will age faster.

If the mana is stabilized, although the physical aging will be alleviated, the decline of the mana will be accelerated.

Loss of life span.

Therefore, choosing a suitable time point to stabilize the physical body can not only slow down the rate of aging, but also slightly slow down the rate of decline of mana.

This time is usually when the person looks fifty years old.

As for some monks who clearly have a lot of life left, but they look old, most of them have problems in their practice, or their practice methods are special.

Not the norm.

"Of course." Xu Fei said.

At the same time, he held Ye Yuanmei's hand.

A good night's sleep.

Xu Fei got up early the next day and went to visit Patriarch Youwei, Grandmaster Yan and Uncle Meiren.

After greeting the elders, Xu Fei came to the Jingwei Hall of Tianzhu Peak and met with the head of Juan Yi.

Briefly report what happened to him in Huogong Garden.

I heard that Xu Fei killed the ancient tree.

There was a hint of surprise in the eyes of the leader Juan Yi.

Although he knew that Xu Fei's cultivation was advanced and his spells were exquisite, such strength still exceeded his expectations.

As expected...

Thinking of this, head Juan Yi quickly stopped thinking.

"This is well done." Head Juan Yi praised him.

As a disciple of a famous righteous sect, it is natural to take care of things like building dens that harm living beings.

Even if the strength is temporarily insufficient, the sect needs to be notified as soon as possible and the sect will take action.

After reporting the matter to the leader, Xu Fei said goodbye and left, heading to Tianwu Pavilion.

In recent years, Xu Fei has come to Tianwu Pavilion much less frequently because of the resources of Xiiling.

That is to say, he only comes here occasionally when preparing magical instruments for the children who will become monks.

However, Tianwu Pavilion did not dare to show any slightness to Xu Fei, a disciple who was preparing for the imperial examination.

After all, this person may become the next leader~

Probably because of this, the maid responsible for receiving Xu Fei was a rare beauty.

She was wearing a black dress, tall and slender, with dark eyebrows and crimson lips. Her brows looked half shy, half timid, and half nervous.

"Xu, Elder Xu, I wonder what kind of spiritual materials you need?" the waitress said.

These ‘shopping guide attendants’ in Tianwu Pavilion are ordinary people.

But it was cultivated from an early age.

Basically, they are all very beautiful.

Even with Xu Fei's pickiness, he couldn't find anyone with a score below 80.

The appearance of the waitress in front of me is even more outstanding.

Xu Fei nodded, comforted the waitress a little, and then reported the names of some spiritual materials.

Tianwu Pavilion quickly sent over a batch of the best quality spiritual materials needed by Xu Fei for selection.

Xu Fei picked through it and kept the ones he liked.

Then continue to search for other various spiritual materials.

In the four days before and after, a total of more than 14 million spiritual stones were spent.

After all, in order to purify the top-quality spiritual stones obtained from the ancient tree, Xu Fei needed to use a wide variety of complex spiritual materials.

It's still very troublesome.

After choosing the spirit stone, when Xu Fei left the Tianwu Pavilion, the stunning maid who received him followed Xu Fei obediently.

Being able to become Xu Fei's concubine is tantamount to reaching the sky in one step for her.

However, Xu Fei was not in a hurry to do something happy with him.

First, we went to several refining rooms to determine the situation of the ground fire.

Because the nature of earthly fire varies from place to place, Xu Fei purchased a total of more than ten weapon refining rooms in the Immortal Sect.

It's just not as perfect as Patriarch Youwei.

In the final analysis, Xu Fei is still just a disciple of Beilu.

Although his status is roughly equal to that of the sect's peak master and domain master, it is still difficult to cross the line.

What's more, Xu Fei has only focused on practicing in recent years and has participated in very few sect affairs.

What can even be regarded as a credit is the fact that after Du Ziteng was robbed, he traced the murderer's intention to sacrifice to the devil.

But in the end, it was the head of Juan Yi who took action to deal with the matter.

Therefore, it is even more difficult for Xu Fei to overdo it.

After all, Linglong Immortal Sect has continued to recruit disciples and disciples over the years. Even though the sect's area is quite vast, it is gradually not being used enough.

At that time, Xu Fei wanted to find enough space to build a house, but it was quite difficult.

After a second thought, Xu Fei chuckled.

It seems that I have really lived for too long, and I can't help but think of the trivial past.

After suppressing his distracting thoughts, he began to practice the spiritual materials he purchased this time according to his plan.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed.

The top-quality spiritual stone, infiltrated by the strange aura of the ancient tree, gradually becomes purer.

And under Xu Fei's caution, the qualitative damage was minimal.

No matter how careful Xu Fei is, this approach, which is almost equivalent to changing his 'nature', is still very difficult.

Fortunately, Xu Fei has extraordinary skills and a little luck.

Only then can the treacherous energy contained in the top-quality spiritual stones be washed away.

And as long as the evil spirit is washed away and refined, it will be a 'Tianxin' magic weapon that can increase mana.

Of course, if you want to refine it into your body, you also need other precious spiritual materials to assist in the refining.

There are still many hands and tails.

However, top-quality spiritual materials are rare, and no matter how much trouble there is, Xu Fei is still happy with it.

You will only worry that you don’t have enough top-quality spiritual materials.

Otherwise, Xu Fei was fully prepared for the safekeeping of various offensive magic weapons, protective magic weapons, and holding magic weapons.

Arm yourself to the teeth.

And if you prepare in this way, you will still be unable to defeat any strong opponent you encounter.

Then Xu Fei accepted his fate.

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