After reaching a stage of processing the top-quality spiritual stones, Xu Fei stopped busy.

After all, purifying the best spiritual stones is not a one-time achievement. It has taken Xu Fei more than ten years now.

And it is foreseeable that the little bit of cunning energy left in the top-grade spiritual stone will take half a month or a month if it is fast, and half a year if it is slow.

Therefore, it was naturally impossible for Xu Fei to be in the dark and unaware of day and night training.

The refining room was simply tidied up to prevent the spread of ground fire and other fires.

Xu Fei returned home.

Over the years, several other Beilu disciples who aspired to become the leader would occasionally invite Xu Fei to talk about Taoism.

But in order to hone the best spiritual stones, Xu Fei has always avoided it whenever possible.

This approach also alienated the already unfamiliar relationship between Xu Fei and other Beilu disciples.

Everyone is a disciple of Beilu, and no one has any confidence.

After being refuted several times, he will naturally not continue to be hot on his face and cold on his butt.

Xu Fei could only express regret for this.

Arriving at the study, Xu Fei made certain adjustments to the subsequent methods of purifying the best spiritual stones.

After all, this top-quality spiritual stone is quite precious.

Xu Fei naturally had to be more careful.

Soon it was dinner time.

More than sixty wives and concubines of human race, demon race, and guile cultivators.

More than a hundred unmarried sons and daughters.

The dining hall was quite lively.

Xu Fei doesn't have so many rules here.

You should eat and drink as you should, as long as you follow basic dining etiquette, such as no smacking, no fighting, etc.

Therefore, the Xu family's dining hall is always busy.

After dinner, Xu Fei made himself a pot of tea, went to a courtyard, lay down on a lounge chair, and looked at the stars in the sky.

Practicing day after day, it is inevitable that some boredom and depression due to various reasons will accumulate in the heart, and every once in a while, Xu Fei will find something else for himself to do as a pastime.

Adjust your mood.

While looking at the stars, Xu Fei remembered a miscellaneous book he had seen by chance some time ago.

According to what it says, this world originally had only one day, one month, one star, and one continent.

It's just that in ancient times, monks fought fiercely with monsters, demon cultivators, etc.

It caused the land to shatter, the stars to fall, the sun and the moon to disintegrate, and then turned into billions of galaxies.

I don’t know whether what is contained in this book is true or false.

While thinking, Xu Fei poured himself a cup of tea and took a sip.

Continue to think wildly.

The next day, Xu Fei left the two concubines.

After spending more than an hour completing today's practice, he went to a refining room suitable for today's use.

Continue to hone the best spiritual stones.

If this top-quality spiritual stone is properly refined, it can increase one's own mana by 30%.

Even if it can't be regarded as cultivation, it can make Xu Fei's strength even higher.

As his cultivation improved bit by bit, especially Xu Fei's proficiency in various spells, formations, etc., the improvement in his strength was quite astonishing.

Previously, a fist blast was blasted from a cave more than a thousand feet deep underground, which not only broke through the ground, but also shattered the thousand-foot mountain peaks on the ground.

This was something Xu Fei couldn't do when he relied on the Five Colors and Five Spirits Formation to forcibly improve his cultivation.

After all, the difference between whether a monk can control his own magic power is not a matter of one or two points.

It's even enough to be called a world of difference.

Whether the magic power accumulated by this top-quality spiritual stone can be controlled depends partly on the monk himself and half on the nature of the top-quality spiritual stone.

Soon, Xu Fei finished his busy day.

When she returned home, Master Ao Qing of Zhenxiao Sect came with her disciple Feng Yelan.

Accompanying him was a young man whose features looked somewhat similar to Xu Fei's.

"Dad." The young man bowed and said.

Xu Fei chuckled and nodded.

Although this son did not take his last name, but took Ao Qing, Xu Fei would not treat him any differently.

Wait until night, after the happiness is over.

Master Ao Qing said: "My son has special talent in formations. I plan to let him practice formation pulses."

This time Master Ao Qing came here mainly to tell Xu Fei about the situation.

After all, his son is also Xu Fei's.

When making arrangements, Xu Fei, the father, also needs to be consulted for his opinion.

Feng Yelan on the side couldn't help but look envious.

Although she also had several children with Xu Fei, they had no Dao roots.

Xu Fei put his arms around the slender waists of the two women and hugged them.

"How about waiting for me to take the school test tomorrow?" Xu Fei said.

Can one not practice the formation or not?

Because if you want to be accomplished in formations, you not only need to learn about the right time, location, and people, but you also need to learn all kinds of imaginable and unexpected knowledge.

Very complicated.

So Xu Fei didn't want to cheat his son.

"Everything is fine." Master Ao Qing said.

Looking at Ao Qing, whom he had not seen for two years, Xu Fei stood up again.

The next day.

Xu Fei finished his homework first and then met his son in the study.

This son of him and Ao Qing is named Ao Luo, and he is three years old this year.

Good talent.

Xu Fei pretended to pick up a few books on the basic explanations of formations and browsed through them briefly.

Then Aoluo was given a test.

The overall result is pretty good.

It was not without reason that Ao Qing asked him to study the formation carefully.

Just wanting to study the formations at this level is still somewhat insufficient.

As Xu Fei pondered, he couldn't help but feel the feelings of parents who bothered to choose majors for their children in his previous life.

However, after thinking for a moment, Xu Fei decided to respect his son's own opinion.

"What do you think?" Xu Fei said.

Although Xu Fei may have spent less than ten days with his son over the years, they are still connected by blood.

Xu Fei will naturally not feel unfamiliar or embarrassed.

What's more, this is also the normal relationship between Xu Fei and his children.

Xu Fei said he was used to this.

"I will obey everything arranged by my father and mother." Aoluo said cautiously.

Xu Fei glanced at his son when he heard this.

Then he looked helplessly at Ao Qing.

Although Ao Qing was obedient and sensible in front of him, and even accepted the ridiculous thing of letting him enjoy himself with his disciple Feng Yelan, the Zhenxiao Sect valued the rules of respecting elders and younger ones the most.

Ao Qing's character is a bit cold.

Therefore, when Aoluo follows him, he will inevitably develop a timid character.

I don’t even dare to express what I like and what my hobbies are.

"Well, I know, but I also want to hear your own opinion." Xu Fei said.

Aoluo looked slightly excited when he saw that his father valued and respected him so much.

But he quickly clenched his fists and calmed down.

After thinking for a moment, Aoluo looked up at his father again.

"Father, my son wants to become a sword cultivator!" Aoluo said.

"Hahaha! Okay, my son is ambitious!" Xu Fei laughed happily.

Ao Qing immediately frowned when she heard that her son actually wanted to become a sword cultivator.

The formation is no small matter.

In particular, Xu Fei's cultivation in formations was extremely superb.

When Zhong Tiansheng attacked Zhenxiao Sect, it was Xu Fei who single-handedly mobilized the suppressed Zhenxiao Sect's mountain-protecting formation to reverse the situation.

She brought her son here this time not only to seek Xu Fei's advice, but also to consider giving her son to Xu Fei for instruction.

But this kid actually wants to become a sword cultivator?

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