Compared to the clever little Han Tianzun, and the decisive killing Li Feiyu.

Zhang Tie, this old man, has a simple and honest character, but he has been unlucky and ill-fated.

In the end, he was miserably refined into a puppet.

It can only be said that the unlucky mother opened the door for the unlucky person, and the unlucky person came home.

Therefore, borrowing his identity feels somewhat unlucky.

But for Xu Fei, he didn't have so many worries.

With his current cultivation level, although it cannot be said that there are no taboos, there is no need to care about this situation.

He is nearly six feet tall, almost 1.9 meters tall.

He has a tall build and a square face.

Anyone who sees him will praise him for being an honest man.

After Xu Fei dispersed the water mirror that reflected him, he chose a direction and flew away.

Soon, more than 400,000 miles passed by in the blink of an eye.

Xu Fei occasionally looked down and found a city ahead.

Although the areas outside the territory are not as prosperous as those under the rule of the nine major sects, it does not mean that they are unpopulated.

This city has towering walls and is crowded with people.

Although I haven't heard of any specialties around, it is obviously a bit lively.

After thinking for a while, Xu Fei landed more than a hundred miles away from the city and walked slowly towards the city.

As long as there are no taboos within the nine major sects, it's basically okay.

But where there are cities in the outer realm, it's best not to fly past them in the air.

Unless it is above six thousand feet in the sky.

Otherwise, if you escape close to the city, you will most likely get into trouble.

Although Xu Fei is not afraid, there is no need to cause trouble everywhere.

Following several caravans entering and leaving the city, Xu Fei entered the city.

Occasionally listening to the chat among the caravans, Xu Fei learned that this city was called Tiangan.

It is established and managed by Tianqianmen.

Because the rules are strict and there is no bullying, many merchants are willing to trade here.

"Brother, let's say goodbye then." The shopkeeper of a small caravan who entered Tiangan City with Xu Fei said goodbye to Xu Fei with a bow.

Xu Fei chuckled and returned the favor.

"Thank you, Shopkeeper Zhou, for taking care of me." Xu Fei said.

While walking into the city, Shopkeeper Zhou saw that Xu Fei had no food, so he gave them some food.

Although it was just a drop of kindness, it was enough for Xu Fei to treat him with courtesy.

"Hehe, it's not worth it. If you can't find any work in Tiangan City for a while, little brother, remember to come to Zhouji Tea Shop to find me." Shopkeeper Zhou said with a smile.

He valued this young man with a simple appearance and a simple personality.

Xu Fei thanked him again and said goodbye to Shopkeeper Zhou.

Xu Fei was a little surprised that his honest and honest appearance attracted the attention of others.

Shaking his head and smiling, Xu Fei entered Tiangan City.

Most of the pedestrians in the city are clean and tidy, and there are also many people in rich clothes.

So from this point of view, the environment in Gancheng today is also good.

Xu Feixin is free to rein in his horse, and he will follow wherever he goes.

"Hey~ big man! I have a job, do you want to do it?" A young man wearing a yellow and white linen coat with a thick patch on his shoulder greeted him.

Xu Fei didn't pay attention at first, but later the other party simply caught up with Xu Fei and patted him on the shoulder.

Only then did Xu Fei confirm that the other party was actually greeting him.

Look back.

The other person looked about twenty-five or twenty-six years old, with his face, neck, etc. darkly tanned.

He is about 1.6 meters tall, but very strong.

"What's the matter?" Xu Fei said, patting his head honestly.

Since the pseudonym is Brother Zhang Tie, I still have to put on a show in all aspects.

"My name is Sun Er, and I am a clerk at Yuji Rice Shop. The store is currently short of manpower to carry food. Do you want to come?" the young man said.

He just saw that Xu Fei was big, strong and capable, so he offered to recruit him.

Xu Fei was even more helpless when he heard this.

He was traveling and relaxing.

Ended up working at Mihang?

This is a mess!

Just a moment later, Xu Fei still had no choice but to follow the young man to Yu Ji.

Mi Xing's shopkeeper looked Xu Fei up and down and couldn't help but nod.

The young man in front of me could tell just by his appearance that if he didn't carry four or five bags of rice at a time, he was being looked down upon.

"Our rice shop does a lot of business every year. A round trip from here to the dock costs two copper coins for a bag of rice. As long as you work hard, you can make a lot of money," the shopkeeper said.

Xu Fei was also speechless.

He is a dignified disciple of the Linglong Immortal Sect, with a master's level of 200,000 pots, carrying rice on his back? !

Don’t be afraid of being laughed at if you spread the word!

Just a moment later, Xu Fei followed the young man who recruited him to the dock and started carrying rice.

Six bags at a time, each bag is about 100 kilograms.

Carry it on your shoulders, stack it high.

The passers-by couldn't help but retreat.

I was afraid that the rice bag would be smashed down.

Sun Er, a young man on the side who only carried two bags, looked envious when he saw Xu Fei carrying six bags of rice easily.

With rice on his shoulders, Xu Fei was still speechless.

He is really not good at rejecting others.

And if you carry rice, just carry rice.

No one knows his identity anyway.

A few trips back and forth.

A boatload of rice was carried by the workers of Mihang.

Although Xu Fei was trying to grab business, the other workers had no objections.

Because Mihang’s business is good, rice boats will arrive from time to time.

If you delay your employer's business, you will feel ashamed if you are reprimanded.

Xu Fei looked at the forty-eight copper coins in his hand. It seemed that carrying rice was quite fun?

Today he made four round trips, with six bags of rice in each trip and two copper coins per bag of rice.

I thought the shopkeeper would be jealous and take advantage of me.

But I didn't expect that the other party would give out all the money.

Seeing that the other clerks were not surprised by this, it was obvious that Yu Ji Mi Xing had a good atmosphere.

This made Xu Fei couldn't help but smile.

Just now, he was thinking about whether he would choose to get angry or suffer in silence if he encountered injustice.

Now it seems that it is all nonsense.

"Brother Zhang, where do you live?" Young Sun Er asked.

He recruited Xu Fei and was responsible for getting him familiar with the errands.

Naturally, we should pay more attention to it.

"I just arrived in Tiangan City today and haven't found a place to stay yet," Xu Fei said.

"Haha, if you don't mind, how about staying at my house today?" Sun Er greeted warmly.

After Xu Fei thought for a while, he simply went to his home with Sun Er.

Temporarily forgetting his identity as a disciple of Bilu, possessing advanced cultivation and other things, the fun of interpreting another identity was somewhat beyond Xu Fei's expectations.

No wonder those games like script killing are loved by many people.

During the trip, Xu Fei spent thirty-one copper coins and bought two kilograms of braised pork.

It originally cost sixteen copper coins per pound, but when the stall owner saw that Xu Fei bought more, he got a big discount.

Very good at doing business.

But at dinner time, Xu Fei brought the pork to the table.

Sun Er gave in very much.

Even though his three-year-old son was drooling from the sidelines.

But he didn't want to take advantage of Xu Fei.

Xu Fei laughed, as if he really had become a simple and honest young man who came to Tiangan City by chance.

"Brother Sun, please don't give in anymore. Let's eat and drink enough to go to work tomorrow." Xu Fei said.

Hearing what Xu Fei said, Sun Er thought about it for a while before reluctantly agreeing.

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