"Brother Zhang, please don't be so extravagant in the future." The next day, when Xu Fei and Sun Er were working together, Sun Er still didn't forget to nag Xu Fei about his extravagant purchase of braised pork yesterday.

But this kind of ordinary human relationship also made Xu Fei feel two things.

Of course, this was because he was bored in his free time, and occasionally traveled out to relax and get interested.

If it were normal times, Xu Fei would not be so leisurely.

Came to Mihang again.

Under the arrangement of the shopkeeper, a group of workers went to the dock to carry food.

What arrived today was soybeans.

There are about 700 or 800 bags in a boat.

Xu Fei still carried six bags and left as he did yesterday.

A heavy weight is a light weight.

It makes many guys very envious.

After all, the dock was more than a hundred feet away from Mihang, so it was already a lot of effort for them to carry just one bag and deliver it there.

Those who are weaker may even have to carry it with two people.

And often you have to take a break after a few trips.

Otherwise, the consumption will be very large.

And this guy named Zhang Tie can carry six bags at a time without taking a break.

One person can defeat more than ten of them.

I made several trips back and forth to finish carrying the soybeans.

In the afternoon, two more shipments of grain were shipped.

Xu Fei earned a total of 528 copper coins in one day.

More than five cents of silver.

It makes all the Mi Xing guys even more envious.

Although these people were just Mi Xing's clerks and had a low status, Xu Fei felt a little proud in their adoring and envious eyes.

With great difficulty, he suppressed the smile on his lips.

Act like you are honest and honest.

Shopkeeper Mi Xing also looked a little surprised when he saw Xu Fei making so much money in one day.

After all, his monthly salary is only eight taels.

And if this guy works enough in a month, he can earn more than ten taels of silver a month.

It’s not that I don’t know, it’s just that I was shocked.

After thinking about it, the shopkeeper told Mihang's boss about the matter.

Mi Xing's boss is a woman in her thirties.

Wearing a light red shirt with narcissus embroidered with black and white embroidery thread, while listening to his shopkeeper report on his work, he especially did not forget to tease the birds hanging under the eaves.

Mi Xing was the dowry from her natal family.

When I heard that my rice shop had such a hard-working guy.

Mi Xing’s boss didn’t care.

After all, they are all making money for her.

"Let him do it." Mi Xingdong said calmly.

"Yes." With the boss's decision, the shopkeeper naturally would not comment.

And as Xu Fei's amazing money-making efficiency spread.

The next day someone came to ask for matchmaking.

And there is more than one matchmaker.

This left Xu Fei speechless.

However, when it comes to beauty, Xu Fei has always held the attitude that the more the better.

So when someone suggested matchmaking, Xu Fei naturally did not refuse.

But after several introductions, it was difficult for Xu Fei to be satisfied.

After all, it is true that Xu Fei is now experiencing the life of 'Zhang Tie', but his aesthetics have not changed accordingly.

"Brother Zhang, you are too picky." Sun Er couldn't help but persuade Xu Fei when he saw that he rejected another family.

It’s enough to marry a woman back home who can have children and take care of the house.

Why pick and choose?

Xu Fei chuckled when he heard this and scratched his head honestly.

No matter what others say, Xu Fei will not treat himself badly.

A few more days passed in the blink of an eye.

Xu Fei rented a courtyard in the same alley as Sun Er.

There are five rooms, front and back yards.

The rent was originally paid every six months, but because Sun Er guaranteed it, it was changed to monthly.

Two taels of silver per month.

If Xu Fei is willing to buy it, that's fine. The price is one hundred and thirty taels.

After all, this house is located in the prosperous and safe Tiangan City.

Even in foreign lands, the price is not cheap.

And go home from work in the evening.

Xu Fei drank the sorghum wine he brought and ate pig ears, hooves, peanuts and other appetizers.

Life is lived happily.

But there was a knock on the door.

Xu Fei put down his wine glass and went to open the door.

Outside the door, a matchmaker in her forties stood.

Seeing Xu Fei with a smile on his face.

"Brother Zhang, I'm here to be your matchmaker again." said the matchmaker.

Who would have thought that a labor clerk at Mihang could earn more than ten taels of silver a month? !

When Xu Fei saw this, he let the matchmaker into the yard first.

When the matchmaker saw the food and wine on the table, she immediately swallowed her saliva.

"Mom, haven't you eaten yet? Let's eat some together?" Xu Fei was not stingy and brought chopsticks and dishes over.

"Then, I'm not welcome." The matchmaker said and quickly sat down, took a piece of fragrant and fat meat and stuffed it into her mouth.

Xu Fei is picky in every possible way, but matchmakers still come to his door, which has a lot to do with his willingness to spend money.

As long as the introduced woman is passable, even if Xu Fei doesn't like her, she will still have dozens of pennies for tea.

Being so generous, at least before Xu Fei gets married, the matchmakers around him will be busy working with Xu Fei.

After eating and drinking for a while, the matchmaker remembered her purpose.

"There is a Zuozhuang Village in the west of the city. There is a girl named Xiaofang in the village. She is twenty-eight years old and has a good appearance. I wonder if Brother Zhang would like to meet her?" said the matchmaker.

When Xu Fei heard this, he thought of a lyric.

There is a girl named Xiaofang in the village, she is good-looking and kind...

After thinking about it, I decided to go see him.

"Okay." Xu Fei nodded in agreement.

The matchmaker beamed when she saw this.

Regardless of whether it succeeds or not this time, she will be able to earn dozens of big bucks.

The next day, Xu Fei told the guys that they were going to go on a blind date out of the city, and they had a hard time fucking in the morning.

In the afternoon, Xu Fei met the matchmaker.

The matchmaker got on her donkey, and the one holding the donkey was the matchmaker's husband.

Let’s go to Zuozhuang Village together.

Zuozhuang Village is not far from Tiangan City.

It arrived in more than an hour.

When the children in the village saw the matchmaker, they immediately cheered and hugged her and came to a house.

This family uses a bamboo fence as the courtyard wall.

Xu Fei saw a girl busy in the courtyard through the courtyard wall.

Not stunningly beautiful, but already quite beautiful.

That is a rating of 80+.

The girl noticed that there was an outsider and immediately hid back in the house shyly.

The matchmaker took Xu Fei to knock on the door and met the girl's parents.

Because the matchmaker had communicated in advance, the girl's parents knew about Xu Fei's situation.

If you put in the effort, you can make money.

Especially honest and honest.

So I am very satisfied with this son-in-law.

The marriage was decided immediately.

After asking about Xu Fei's identity, he learned that he had fled to Tiangan City and had no parents.

Xu Fei's opinion was consulted, as well as that of the matchmaker and his wife.

The wedding was scheduled for an auspicious day more than two months later.

In other words, Xu Fei will be able to marry a beautiful, young lady in more than two months.

Xu Fei expressed satisfaction with this.

He conveniently left a mark on his wife, whose name she still didn't even know, to avoid any trouble.

Xu Fei left with the matchmaker and his wife.

"Brother Zhang, this Xiaofang is a well-known handsome person from all over the country~" said the matchmaker.

Xu Fei heard the words but also understood what the other party meant.

He took out two taels of silver directly from his sleeve and handed it over.

"Thank you for your concern, ma'am," Xu Fei said.

Seeing the silver, the matchmaker was overjoyed.

She thought that the other party's thank you gift would only be three hundred or five hundred copper coins at most, but she never expected that the other party could give two taels of silver.

"Yes, these are what the aunt should do." The matchmaker said with a smile.

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