Although practicing diligently, studying spells, searching for spiritual materials and other activities are of great use in practice, it is necessary to take a break once in a while.

Conceal your identity and experience a different life.

But there is also another flavor in it.

Xu Fei is currently enjoying himself a little bit.

Carrying rice in Mihang earned him a little income, so he was regarded as a piece of cake by the matchmakers, who rushed to match him and met a very attractive girl.

Then just get married.

The next day, Xu Fei came to Mihang.

Knowing that Xu Fei had already arranged a marriage, the guys couldn't help but get excited.

They all said that they must be invited to attend the wedding.

Xu Fei graciously agreed.

Then he started carrying rice.

A bag of rice weighs a hundred kilograms and costs two copper coins to carry it over a hundred feet.

The average man can carry about thirty times a day.

Got sixty copper coins.

This guy Xu Fei packs six bags in one trip, which directly increases his efficiency six times.

Even if he made thirty trips a day like an ordinary clerk, he would still have three hundred and sixty copper coins.

Xu Fei basically didn't need to rest.

It can be carried almost fifty times a day.

This makes his daily income far higher than that of ordinary workers.

In addition, although Xu Fei has now assumed the identity of Zhang Tie, he is enjoying the fun of another kind of life.

But he did not relax his practice.

However, as Xu Fei's cultivation level gradually increased, there were currently no suitable elixirs or spiritual materials to refine elixirs, so the speed of his daily practice would inevitably slow down.

And Xu Fei still needs to be careful not to reveal his own aura while practicing.

There are still many monks here in Tiangan City.

If they find a monk carrying a big bag, they will inevitably not attract attention.

This is very disappointing for Xu Fei, who plays Zhang Tie and enjoys experiencing the lives of ordinary people.

After getting familiar with it, practicing while carrying rice, although the effect is far less efficient than when you concentrate on practicing, it is also unique.

In particular, Xu Fei also needs to calm down the fluctuations in spiritual energy caused by absorbing a large amount of spiritual energy for his own practice.

All in all, even though he was playing games, Xu Fei did not delay improving his cultivation.

A few more days passed.

When Xu Fei was busy, the shopkeeper came over.

"Zhang Tie, please stop for a moment and follow me." the shopkeeper said.

Xu Fei was a little surprised when he heard this, but he still followed the shopkeeper to a quiet courtyard.

The crisp chirping of birds kept coming from the small courtyard.

The shopkeeper came forward and knocked on the door, and soon a woman opened the door.

Welcome Xu Fei and the shopkeeper into the small courtyard.

Then he led the two of them to a courtyard.

The courtyard is quite elegant.

There are many birdcages hanging on the eaves in the middle circle.

Although some are vacant, most of them are home to various birds.

There are thrushes, canaries, parrots, starlings, etc., more than twenty kinds.

Apparently the person who lives here is a bird lover.

The mother-in-law came into the house to announce.

Soon a woman in her thirties came out.

There was indifference and resentment in the woman's eyes.

So even though his appearance is pretty good and allows Xu Fei to score 80+, it is still hard to avoid being disrespectful.

When the woman saw Xu Fei, she couldn't help but look stunned.

A burly physique, a strong figure, and a pair of eyes as calm as a deep pool.

The woman felt her heart strings move.

"I haven't met my boss yet." The shopkeeper reminded him.

Xu Fei then bowed his hands and said, "Young Zhang Tie, I have met my boss."

It's not good to experience the life of ordinary people. You have to be respectful and condescending to everyone you see.

"Well, I heard that you are getting married soon?" the woman adjusted her mood and said.

Xu Fei nodded, and then realized that this was not respectful enough.

"If you go back to your employer, yes." Xu Fei said.

"Mama Ding, bring me the gold bracelet on the table in my room." The woman ordered the old lady beside her.

The mother-in-law left in response and soon came back.

But there is an extra gold bracelet in my hand, which feels like about half a tael.

"As a reward, you will do well in the future." The woman said, then turned and returned to the room.

Xu Fei was a little surprised and turned to look at the shopkeeper.

"I'm still waiting for my boss's reward!" the shopkeeper said.

Xu Fei then took the gold bracelet and thanked the owner in the room.

When he returned to Mihang and carried rice again, Xu Fei couldn't help but still had some doubts.

Why did the owner of this rice shop reward him with such a gold bracelet?

After thinking for a moment, Xu Fei stopped thinking about it and left work for a while.

Wearing a gold bracelet, we also bought some melon and fruit snacks.

Go to Zuozhuang Village to see your little lady.

The girl, who was only known as Xiaofang, shyly hid back in the house when she saw Xu Fei coming.

Xu Fei took out a gold bracelet and snacks.

"I work in Mihang. My boss knew that I was getting married, so he rewarded me with this bracelet. Let's give it to Xiaofang." Xu Fei said.

Xu Fei's future father-in-law is a farmer in his forties, but some people believe him even if he says he is sixty.

I couldn't help but smile when I saw Xu Fei enthusiastically sending things over just after getting engaged.

If the other party values ​​his daughter so much, he will not have to endure hardships when he gets married in the future.

"Okay, okay, you will work hard at Mihang." My father-in-law told me.

At this time, Xiaofang came out with two porcelain bowls.

There is tea in the bowl.

After putting the tea on the table, Xiaofang trotted back to the room very shyly.

Xu Fei chuckled and didn't mind.

In other words, he likes shy girls like this.

After all, if she is the kind of woman who is stronger than a man, what fun would it be to marry her?

After chatting briefly with his father-in-law for a while, Xu Fei said goodbye and left.

After all, it was just an engagement, not a marriage yet. If he stayed overnight, there would inevitably be some rumors.

Since we understand the lives of ordinary people, we naturally have to abide by some customs.

This also made Xu Fei realize something.

Rules have always been for ordinary people.

He used to be a disciple of Bei Lu of the Immortal Sect. He was a proficient in cultivation. He fell in love with a certain woman and directly said that he wanted to take her into his concubine.

You can enter the bridal chamber at night.

Where is the need for so much trouble.

After it got dark, Xu Fei returned home.

He turned around and looked at the flower buildings with lights lit in the distance.

Xu Fei looked a little moved.

After a while, a dark shadow flashed out of Xu Fei's residence.

On the street not far away, a handsome young man holding a folding fan in his hand and wearing a white robe quietly appeared, walking slowly.

I haven't been able to gain proficiency points these days.

Although Xu Fei's accumulated unused proficiency points are as high as 11,275,379 points, he still needs to pay attention to supplement them.

Otherwise, one day in the future, all the proficiency points will be exhausted because he did not make persistent efforts to obtain them.

Isn't it too late to regret it?

When some ordinary people on the road saw Xu Fei dressed like this, most of them consciously hid aside and gave way to Xu Fei.

The line between those who are rich and famous and those who live in white houses and humble families is so clear.

And these are things that Xu Fei gradually ignored.

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